# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test_helper' require 'fileutils' require 'generators/devise_jwt_auth/install_generator' if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :active_record require 'generators/devise_jwt_auth/install_mongoid_generator' if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :mongoid module DeviseJwtAuth class InstallGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase tests InstallGenerator if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :active_record tests InstallMongoidGenerator if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :mongoid destination Rails.root.join('tmp/generators') # The namespaced user model for testing let(:user_class) { 'Azpire::V1::HumanResource::User' } let(:namespace_path) { user_class.underscore } let(:table_name) { user_class.pluralize.underscore.gsub('/', '_') } describe 'user model with namespace, clean install' do setup :prepare_destination before do run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] end test 'user model (with namespace) is created, concern is included' do assert_file "app/models/#{namespace_path}.rb" do |model| assert_match(/include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::User/, model) end end test 'initializer is created' do assert_file 'config/initializers/devise_jwt_auth.rb' end test 'subsequent runs raise no errors' do run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] end if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :active_record test 'migration is created for user model with namespace' do assert_migration "db/migrate/devise_jwt_auth_create_#{table_name}.rb" end test 'migration file for user model with namespace contains rails version' do if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 assert_migration "db/migrate/devise_jwt_auth_create_#{table_name}.rb", /#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}.#{Rails::VERSION::MINOR}/ else assert_migration "db/migrate/devise_jwt_auth_create_#{table_name}.rb" end end end end describe 'existing user model' do setup :prepare_destination before do @dir = File.join(destination_root, 'app', 'models') @fname = File.join(@dir, 'user.rb') # make dir if not exists FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) case DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM when :active_record # account for rails version 5 active_record_needle = Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 5 ? 'ApplicationRecord' : 'ActiveRecord::Base' @f = File.open(@fname, 'w') do |f| f.write <<-RUBY class User < #{active_record_needle} def whatever; puts 'whatever'; end end RUBY end when :mongoid @f = File.open(@fname, 'w') do |f| f.write <<-'RUBY' class User def whatever; puts 'whatever'; end end RUBY end end run_generator end test 'user concern is injected into existing model' do assert_file 'app/models/user.rb' do |model| assert_match(/include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::User/, model) end end test 'subsequent runs do not modify file' do run_generator assert_file 'app/models/user.rb' do |model| matches = model.scan(/include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::User/m).size assert_equal 1, matches end end end describe 'routes' do setup :prepare_destination before do @dir = File.join(destination_root, 'config') @fname = File.join(@dir, 'routes.rb') # make dir if not exists FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) @f = File.open(@fname, 'w') do |f| f.write <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do patch '/chong', to: 'bong#index' end RUBY end run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] end test 'route method for user model with namespace is appended to routes file' do assert_file 'config/routes.rb' do |routes| assert_match(/mount_devise_jwt_auth_for '#{user_class}', at: 'auth'/, routes) end end test 'subsequent runs do not modify file' do run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] assert_file 'config/routes.rb' do |routes| matches = routes.scan(/mount_devise_jwt_auth_for '#{user_class}', at: 'auth'/m).size assert_equal 1, matches end end describe 'subsequent models' do before do run_generator %w[Mang mangs] end test 'route method is appended to routes file' do assert_file 'config/routes.rb' do |routes| assert_match(/mount_devise_jwt_auth_for 'Mang', at: 'mangs'/, routes) end end test 'devise_for block is appended to routes file' do assert_file 'config/routes.rb' do |routes| assert_match(/as :mang do/, routes) assert_match(/# Define routes for Mang within this block./, routes) end end if DEVISE_JWT_AUTH_ORM == :active_record test 'migration is created' do assert_migration 'db/migrate/devise_jwt_auth_create_mangs.rb' end end end end describe 'application controller' do setup :prepare_destination before do @dir = File.join(destination_root, 'app', 'controllers') @fname = File.join(@dir, 'application_controller.rb') # make dir if not exists FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) @f = File.open(@fname, 'w') do |f| f.write <<-RUBY class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def whatever 'whatever' end end RUBY end run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] end test 'controller concern is appended to application controller' do assert_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' do |controller| assert_match(/include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken/, controller) end end test 'subsequent runs do not modify file' do run_generator %W[#{user_class} auth] assert_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb' do |controller| matches = controller.scan(/include DeviseJwtAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken/m).size assert_equal 1, matches end end end end end