require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe ValidatesTimeliness::Formats do attr_reader :formats before do @formats = ValidatesTimeliness::Formats end describe "expression generator" do it "should generate regexp for time" do generate_regexp_str('hh:nn:ss').should == '/(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/' end it "should generate regexp for time with meridian" do generate_regexp_str('hh:nn:ss ampm').should == '/(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ((?:[aApP])\.?[mM]\.?)/' end it "should generate regexp for time with meridian and optional space between" do generate_regexp_str('hh:nn:ss_ampm').should == '/(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s?((?:[aApP])\.?[mM]\.?)/' end it "should generate regexp for time with single or double digits" do generate_regexp_str('h:n:s').should == '/(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/' end it "should generate regexp for date" do generate_regexp_str('yyyy-mm-dd').should == '/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/' end it "should generate regexp for date with slashes" do generate_regexp_str('dd/mm/yyyy').should == '/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{4})/' end it "should generate regexp for date with dots" do generate_regexp_str('').should == '/(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})/' end it "should generate regexp for Ruby time string" do expected = '/(\w{3,9}) (\w{3,9}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) (?:[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2}) (\d{4})/' generate_regexp_str('ddd mmm hh:nn:ss zo yyyy').should == expected end it "should generate regexp for iso8601 datetime" do expected = '/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:Z|(?:[+-]\d{2}:?\d{2}))/' generate_regexp_str('yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss(?:Z|zo)').should == expected end end describe "format proc generator" do it "should generate proc which outputs date array with values in correct order" do generate_proc('yyyy-mm-dd').call('2000', '1', '2').should == [2000,1,2,0,0,0,0] end it "should generate proc which outputs date array from format with different order" do generate_proc('dd/mm/yyyy').call('2', '1', '2000').should == [2000,1,2,0,0,0,0] end it "should generate proc which outputs time array" do generate_proc('hh:nn:ss').call('01', '02', '03').should == [0,0,0,1,2,3,0] end it "should generate proc which outputs time array with meridian 'pm' adjusted hour" do generate_proc('hh:nn:ss ampm').call('01', '02', '03', 'pm').should == [0,0,0,13,2,3,0] end it "should generate proc which outputs time array with meridian 'am' unadjusted hour" do generate_proc('hh:nn:ss ampm').call('01', '02', '03', 'am').should == [0,0,0,1,2,3,0] end it "should generate proc which outputs time array with microseconds" do generate_proc('hh:nn:ss.u').call('01', '02', '03', '99').should == [0,0,0,1,2,3,990000] end end describe "validation regexps" do describe "for time formats" do format_tests = { 'hh:nn:ss' => {:pass => ['12:12:12', '01:01:01'], :fail => ['1:12:12', '12:1:12', '12:12:1', '12-12-12']}, 'hh-nn-ss' => {:pass => ['12-12-12', '01-01-01'], :fail => ['1-12-12', '12-1-12', '12-12-1', '12:12:12']}, 'h:nn' => {:pass => ['12:12', '1:01'], :fail => ['12:2', '12-12']}, 'h.nn' => {:pass => ['2.12', '12.12'], :fail => ['2.1', '12:12']}, 'h nn' => {:pass => ['2 12', '12 12'], :fail => ['2 1', '2.12', '12:12']}, 'h-nn' => {:pass => ['2-12', '12-12'], :fail => ['2-1', '2.12', '12:12']}, 'h:nn_ampm' => {:pass => ['2:12am', '2:12 pm', '2:12 AM', '2:12PM'], :fail => ['1:2am', '1:12 pm', '2.12am']}, 'h.nn_ampm' => {:pass => ['2.12am', '2.12 pm'], :fail => ['1:2am', '1:12 pm', '2:12am']}, 'h nn_ampm' => {:pass => ['2 12am', '2 12 pm'], :fail => ['1 2am', '1 12 pm', '2:12am']}, 'h-nn_ampm' => {:pass => ['2-12am', '2-12 pm'], :fail => ['1-2am', '1-12 pm', '2:12am']}, 'h_ampm' => {:pass => ['2am', '2 am', '12 pm'], :fail => ['', '12 pm', '2:12am']}, } format_tests.each do |format, values| it "should correctly validate times in format '#{format}'" do regexp = generate_regexp(format) values[:pass].each {|value| value.should match(regexp)} values[:fail].each {|value| value.should_not match(regexp)} end end end describe "for date formats" do format_tests = { 'yyyy/mm/dd' => {:pass => ['2000/02/01'], :fail => ['2000\02\01', '2000/2/1', '00/02/01']}, 'yyyy-mm-dd' => {:pass => ['2000-02-01'], :fail => ['2000\02\01', '2000-2-1', '00-02-01']}, '' => {:pass => ['2000.02.01'], :fail => ['2000\02\01', '2000.2.1', '00.02.01']}, 'm/d/yy' => {:pass => ['2/1/01', '02/01/00', '02/01/2000'], :fail => ['2/1/0', '2.1.01']}, 'd/m/yy' => {:pass => ['1/2/01', '01/02/00', '01/02/2000'], :fail => ['1/2/0', '1.2.01']}, 'm\d\yy' => {:pass => ['2\1\01', '2\01\00', '02\01\2000'], :fail => ['2\1\0', '2/1/01']}, 'd\m\yy' => {:pass => ['1\2\01', '1\02\00', '01\02\2000'], :fail => ['1\2\0', '1/2/01']}, 'd-m-yy' => {:pass => ['1-2-01', '1-02-00', '01-02-2000'], :fail => ['1-2-0', '1/2/01']}, 'd.m.yy' => {:pass => ['1.2.01', '1.02.00', '01.02.2000'], :fail => ['1.2.0', '1/2/01']}, 'd mmm yy' => {:pass => ['1 Feb 00', '1 Feb 2000', '1 February 00', '01 February 2000'], :fail => ['1 Fe 00', 'Feb 1 2000', '1 Feb 0']} } format_tests.each do |format, values| it "should correctly validate dates in format '#{format}'" do regexp = generate_regexp(format) values[:pass].each {|value| value.should match(regexp)} values[:fail].each {|value| value.should_not match(regexp)} end end end describe "for datetime formats" do format_tests = { 'ddd mmm d hh:nn:ss zo yyyy' => {:pass => ['Sat Jul 19 12:00:00 +1000 2008'], :fail => []}, 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss(?:Z|zo)' => {:pass => ['2008-07-19T12:00:00+10:00', '2008-07-19T12:00:00Z'], :fail => ['2008-07-19T12:00:00Z+10:00']}, } format_tests.each do |format, values| it "should correctly validate datetimes in format '#{format}'" do regexp = generate_regexp(format) values[:pass].each {|value| value.should match(regexp)} values[:fail].each {|value| value.should_not match(regexp)} end end end end describe "extracting values" do it "should return time array from date string" do time_array = formats.parse('12:13:14', :time, true) time_array.should == [0,0,0,12,13,14,0] end it "should return date array from time string" do time_array = formats.parse('2000-02-01', :date, true) time_array.should == [2000,2,1,0,0,0,0] end it "should return datetime array from string value" do time_array = formats.parse('2000-02-01 12:13:14', :datetime, true) time_array.should == [2000,2,1,12,13,14,0] end it "should parse date string when type is datetime" do time_array = formats.parse('2000-02-01', :datetime, false) time_array.should == [2000,2,1,0,0,0,0] end it "should ignore time when extracting date and strict is false" do time_array = formats.parse('2000-02-01 12:12', :date, false) time_array.should == [2000,2,1,0,0,0,0] end it "should ignore date when extracting time and strict is false" do time_array = formats.parse('2000-02-01 12:12', :time, false) time_array.should == [0,0,0,12,12,0,0] end end describe "removing formats" do before do formats.compile_format_expressions end it "should remove format from format array" do formats.remove_formats(:time, 'h.nn_ampm') formats.time_formats.should_not include("h o'clock") end it "should not match time after its format is removed" do validate('2.12am', :time).should be_true formats.remove_formats(:time, 'h.nn_ampm') validate('2.12am', :time).should be_false end it "should raise error if format does not exist" do lambda { formats.remove_formats(:time, "ss:hh:nn") }.should raise_error() end after do formats.time_formats << 'h.nn_ampm' # reload class instead end end describe "adding formats" do before do formats.compile_format_expressions end it "should add format to format array" do formats.add_formats(:time, "h o'clock") formats.time_formats.should include("h o'clock") end it "should match new format after its added" do validate("12 o'clock", :time).should be_false formats.add_formats(:time, "h o'clock") validate("12 o'clock", :time).should be_true end it "should add format before specified format and be higher precedence" do formats.add_formats(:time, "ss:hh:nn", :before => 'hh:nn:ss') validate("59:23:58", :time).should be_true time_array = formats.parse('59:23:58', :time) time_array.should == [0,0,0,23,58,59,0] end it "should raise error if format exists" do lambda { formats.add_formats(:time, "hh:nn:ss") }.should raise_error() end it "should raise error if format exists" do lambda { formats.add_formats(:time, "ss:hh:nn", :before => 'nn:hh:ss') }.should raise_error() end after do formats.time_formats.delete("h o'clock") formats.time_formats.delete("ss:hh:nn") # reload class instead end end describe "removing US formats" do it "should validate a date as European format when US formats removed" do time_array = formats.parse('01/02/2000', :date) time_array.should == [2000, 1, 2,0,0,0,0] formats.remove_us_formats time_array = formats.parse('01/02/2000', :date) time_array.should == [2000, 2, 1,0,0,0,0] end after do # reload class end end def validate(time_string, type) valid = false formats.send("#{type}_expressions").each do |(regexp, processor)| valid = true and break if /\A#{regexp}\Z/ =~ time_string end valid end def generate_regexp(format) # wrap in line start and end anchors to emulate extract values method /\A#{formats.send(:format_expression_generator, format)[0]}\Z/ end def generate_regexp_str(format) formats.send(:format_expression_generator, format)[0].inspect end def generate_proc(format) formats.send(:format_expression_generator, format)[1] end def delete_format(type, format) formats.send("#{type}_formats").delete(format) end end