require_relative 'utils.rb' # frozen_string_literal: true module Shodanz module API # The REST API provides methods to search Shodan, look up # hosts, get summary information on queries and a variety # of other utilities. This requires you to have an API key # which you can get from Shodan. # # @author Kent 'picat' Gruber class REST include Shodanz::API::Utils # @return [String] attr_accessor :key # The path to the REST API endpoint. URL = '' # @param key [String] SHODAN API key, defaulted to the *SHODAN_API_KEY* enviroment variable. def initialize(key: ENV['SHODAN_API_KEY']) @url = URL @internet = self.key = key warn 'No key has been found or provided!' unless key? end # Check if there's an API key. def key? return true if @key false end # Returns all services that have been found on the given host IP. # @param ip [String] # @option params [Hash] # @return [Hash] # == Examples # # Typical usage. #"") # # # All historical banners should be returned. #"", history: true) # # # Only return the list of ports and the general host information, no banners. #"", minify: true) def host(ip, **params) get("shodan/host/#{ip}", **params) end # This method behaves identical to "/shodan/host/search" with the only # difference that this method does not return any host results, it only # returns the total number of results that matched the query and any # facet information that was requested. As a result this method does # not consume query credits. # == Examples # rest_api.host_count("apache") # rest_api.host_count("apache", country: "US") # rest_api.host_count("apache", country: "US", state: "MI") # rest_api.host_count("apache", country: "US", state: "MI", city: "Detroit") def host_count(query = '', facets: {}, **params) params[:query] = query params = turn_into_query(**params) facets = turn_into_facets(**facets) get('shodan/host/count', **params.merge(**facets)) end # Search Shodan using the same query syntax as the website and use facets # to get summary information for different properties. # == Example # rest_api.host_search("apache", country: "US", facets: { city: "Detroit" }, page: 1, minify: false) def host_search(query = '', facets: {}, page: 1, minify: true, **params) params[:query] = query params = turn_into_query(**params) facets = turn_into_facets(**facets) params[:page] = page params[:minify] = minify get('shodan/host/search', **params.merge(**facets)) end # This method lets you determine which filters are being used by # the query string and what parameters were provided to the filters. def host_search_tokens(query = '', **params) params[:query] = query params = turn_into_query(**params) get('shodan/host/search/tokens', **params) end # This method returns a list of port numbers that the crawlers are looking for. def ports get('shodan/ports') end # List all protocols that can be used when performing on-demand Internet scans via Shodan. def protocols get('shodan/protocols') end # Use this method to request Shodan to crawl a network. # # This method uses API scan credits: 1 IP consumes 1 scan credit. You # must have a paid API plan (either one-time payment or subscription) # in order to use this method. # # IP, IPs or netblocks (in CIDR notation) that should get crawled. def scan(*ips) post('shodan/scan', ips: ips.join(',')) end # Use this method to request Shodan to crawl the Internet for a specific port. # # This method is restricted to security researchers and companies with # a Shodan Data license. To apply for access to this method as a researcher, # please email with information about your project. # Access is restricted to prevent abuse. # # == Example # rest_api.crawl_for(port: 80, protocol: "http") def crawl_for(**params) params[:query] = '' params = turn_into_query(**params) post('shodan/scan/internet', **params) end # Check the progress of a previously submitted scan request. def scan_status(id) get("shodan/scan/#{id}") end # Use this method to obtain a list of search queries that users have saved in Shodan. def community_queries(**params) get('shodan/query', **params) end # Use this method to search the directory of search queries that users have saved in Shodan. def search_for_community_query(query, **params) params[:query] = query params = turn_into_query(**params) get('shodan/query/search', **params) end # Use this method to obtain a list of popular tags for the saved search queries in Shodan. def popular_query_tags(size = 10) params = {} params[:size] = size get('shodan/query/tags', **params) end # Returns information about the Shodan account linked to this API key. def profile get('account/profile') end # Look up the IP address for the provided list of hostnames. def resolve(*hostnames) get('dns/resolve', hostnames: hostnames.join(',')) end # Look up the hostnames that have been defined for the # given list of IP addresses. def reverse_lookup(*ips) get('dns/reverse', ips: ips.join(',')) end # Shows the HTTP headers that your client sends when # connecting to a webserver. def http_headers get('tools/httpheaders') end # Get your current IP address as seen from the Internet. def my_ip get('tools/myip') end # Calculates a honeypot probability score ranging # from 0 (not a honeypot) to 1.0 (is a honeypot). def honeypot_score(ip) get("labs/honeyscore/#{ip}") end # Returns information about the API plan belonging to the given API key. def info get('api-info') end end end end