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**Configuration-based, no-maintenance, extendable Ruby on Rails admin**
Avo is a beautiful next-generation framework that empowers you, the developer, to create fantastic admin panels for your Ruby on Rails apps with the flexibility to fit your needs as you grow.
## Get started
✨ **Website**: [avohq.io](https://avohq.io)\
📚 **Documentation**: [docs.avohq.io](https://docs.avohq.io)\
🗺 **Roadmap**: [GitHub Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/avo-hq/projects/3)\
🎸 **Demo app**: [Avodemo](https://avodemo.herokuapp.com/)\
🐤 **Twitter**: [avo_hq](https://twitter.com/avo_hq)\
💬 **Community chat**: [discord](https://discord.gg/pkTF6y8)\
🔧 **Issue tracker**: [GitHub issues](http://github.com/avo-hq/avo/issues)\
🎙 **Discussions and feature requests**: [GitHub issues](http://github.com/avo-hq/avo/discussions)
## Features
- **Powered by Hotwire** - Rails ❤️ Hotwire
- **Code driven configuration** - Configure your Rails dashboard entirely by writing Ruby code. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/resources.html#defining-resources)
- **Resource Management** - Create a CRUD interface for Active Record from one command. No more copy-pasting view and controller files around.
- **Dashboard widgets and metrics** - Create metrics, charts, and custom cards amazingly fast. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/dashboards.html)
- **Resource Search** - Quickly run a search through one or more resources at once. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/resources.html#filters)
- **Associations enabled** - Link your models together with all types of associations (belongs_to, has_many, polymorphic, etc.). [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/associations.html)
- **Fuzzy-searchable associations** - Do you have a ton of records and don't want to scroll through a big dropdown? Avo's got you covered. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/associations.html#searchable-belongs-to)
- **Active Storage support** - Amazingly easy, **one-line**, single or multi-file integration with **ActiveStorage**. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/fields.html#file)
- **Records Ordering** - Sorting records is a breeze. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/resources.html#records-ordering)
- **Grid view** - Beautiful card layout to showcase your content. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/grid-view.html)
- **Actions** - Run custom actions to one or more of your resources with as little as pressing a button 💪 [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/actions.html)
- **Filters** - Write your own custom filters to quickly segment your data. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/filters.html)
- **Keeps your app clean** - You don't need to change your app to use Avo. Drop it in your existing app or add it to a new one and you're done 🙌 [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/installation.html)
- **Custom fields**- No worries if we missed a field you need. Generate a custom field in a jiffy. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/custom-fields.html)
- **Custom tools** - Break out of the CRUD. Do you need to add a page with something completely new? You've got it! [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/custom-tools.html)
- **Authorization** - Leverage Pundit policies to build a robust and scalable authorization system. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/authorization.html)
- **Localization** - Have it available in any language you need. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/localization.html)
- **No asset pipeline pollution** - Bring your own asset pipeline. [docs](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/custom-asset-pipeline.html)
- **Mobile interface** - Check your data on the go from any mobile device.
## Some of the things we're going focusing on next
Theming ⭐️ notifications ⭐️ Resource segmentation ⭐️ filterable fields ⭐️ inline editing ⭐️ multilingual records ⭐️ associations in tabs ⭐️ keyboard shortcuts ⭐️ track resource changes ⭐️ smart resource generation ⭐️ sidebar editor ⭐️ live resources ⭐️ tags field ⭐️ columns view ⭐️ list view ⭐️ custom action items ⭐️ command bar
For more up-to-date info check out our 🗺 [Roadmap](https://github.com/orgs/avo-hq/projects/3).
# Installation
Add this line to your application's `Gemfile`:
gem 'avo'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
# Contributing
# Upgrade Guide
Please read the [UPGRADE_GUIDE.MD](https://docs.avohq.io/2.0/upgrade.html)
# Release schedule
Please read the [RELEASE.MD](./RELEASE.MD)
# ✨ [Contributors](https://avohq.io/contributors)
# 🥇 Business & Agency Sponsors
[Become a sponsor ](https://github.com/sponsors/adrianthedev)
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# Shoutouts
[Get a box of waffles and some of the best app monitoring from Appsignal](https://appsignal.com/r/93dbe69bfb) 🧇
[Get $100 in credits from Digital Ocean](https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=efc1fe881d74&utm_campaign=Referral_Invite&utm_medium=Referral_Program&utm_source=badge) 💸