require_relative './test_helper' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'logger' LOG = LOG.level = Logger::INFO describe Zenoss do # Simulate some "before all" type of setup # def self.zen VCR.use_cassette "#{ZENOSS_VERSION}_initial connection", :match_requests_on => [:method, :path, :query] do @zen ||= begin connection = Zenoss.connect ZENOSS_URL, ZENOSS_USER, ZENOSS_PASSWORD # We Need to Create A Device for testing # We do this here, so we can re-use the same device over and over # Without needing to create a new one per test'Creating a Fresh Device For Testing') new_device_rsp = connection.json_request( 'DeviceRouter', 'addDevice', [{:deviceName => TEST_DEVICE_NAME, :deviceClass => '/Devices/Server'}] ) # Now we need to wait until the device is present before we proceed. # Once we issue the create command, it takes if new_device_rsp.key?('success') && new_device_rsp['success'] == true # Our job was accepted retries = 20 retry_delay = 15 # seconds found_device = false'Waiting for the newly created device to be available. ' \ 'This might take a minute or two') while found_device == false if retries > 0 # This will return an Array, so we wait until the array has # something, or we give up after a while devs = connection.find_devices_by_name(TEST_DEVICE_NAME) if devs.empty? retries -= 1"#{TEST_DEVICE_NAME} not available yet") sleep(retry_delay) if VCR.current_cassette.recording? else found_device = true"#{TEST_DEVICE_NAME} is available. Proceeding with " \ 'testing') end else fail ZenossError, 'Unable to Create A New Device For Unit Tests' end end else # We failed to create a new device.... end # Return the connection object connection end end end def gen_cassette_name n = "#{ZENOSS_VERSION}_#{name}" # name method is not available on ruby 1.9 rescue NoMethodError, NameError fallback_method = [:__name__, :__NAME__].find { |m| self.respond_to? m } n = "#{ZENOSS_VERSION}_#{send(fallback_method)}" n.gsub!('.', '_') n end before do VCR.insert_cassette gen_cassette_name, :match_requests_on => [:method, :path, :query] @zen = self.class.zen @dev = @zen.find_devices_by_name(TEST_DEVICE_NAME).first end after do VCR.eject_cassette gen_cassette_name end it 'returns an Array of devices when searched by name' do x = @zen.find_devices_by_name(TEST_DEVICE_NAME) x.must_be_kind_of Array x.first.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Model::Device end it 'returns device uptime when asked' do @dev.sys_uptime.wont_be_nil @dev.sys_uptime.wont_be_empty end it 'returns an Array of events for a device' do # There could be 0 or more, events so an empty Array is OK @dev.get_events.must_be_kind_of Array end it 'returns an Array of historical events for a device' do # There could be 0 or more, events so an empty Array is OK @dev.get_event_history.must_be_kind_of Array end it 'returns info for a device in the form of a Hash' do @dev.get_info.wont_be_nil @dev.get_info.wont_be_empty @dev.get_info.must_be_kind_of Hash end it 'returns an Array of events for all devices' do events = @zen.query_events events.must_be_kind_of Array events.first.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Events::ZEvent end it 'fetches the report tree' do report_tree = @zen.get_report_tree report_tree.must_be_kind_of Array report_tree.first.must_be_kind_of Hash report_tree.wont_be_empty end it 'fetches available report types and returns a Hash' do report_types = @zen.get_report_types report_types.must_be_kind_of Hash report_types.wont_be_empty report_types.key?('reportTypes').must_equal true end it 'renames the device' do TEMPORARY_DEVICE_NAME = 'unit_test_temporary_device_name' begin @dev.rename_device(TEMPORARY_DEVICE_NAME) renamed_devices = @zen.find_devices_by_name(TEMPORARY_DEVICE_NAME) renamed_devices.wont_be_empty renamed_device = renamed_devices.first TEMPORARY_DEVICE_NAME ensure renamed_device.rename_device(TEST_DEVICE_NAME) end end end describe Zenoss::Events::Event do it 'initializes an object with times as strings' do @zenoss = Zenoss firstTime =, 10, 3, 1, 0, 0) lastTime =, 10, 3, 3, 0, 0) zhash = { firstTime: firstTime.to_s, lastTime: lastTime.to_s } event =, zhash) event.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Events::Event event.firstTime.must_be_kind_of Time event.lastTime.must_be_kind_of Time end it 'intializes an object with times as unix time' do @zenoss = Zenoss firstTime =, 10, 3, 2, 0, 0) lastTime =, 10, 3, 5, 0, 0) zhash = { firstTime: firstTime.to_f, lastTime: lastTime.to_f } event =, zhash) event.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Events::Event event.firstTime.class.must_equal Time event.firstTime.must_be_kind_of Time event.lastTime.must_be_kind_of Time end it 'intializes an object with times set to nil' do @zenoss = Zenoss zhash = { firstTime: nil, lastTime: nil } event =, zhash) event.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Events::Event assert_nil event.firstTime assert_nil event.lastTime end it 'intializes an object with times set to false' do @zenoss = Zenoss zhash = { firstTime: false, lastTime: false } event =, zhash) event.must_be_kind_of Zenoss::Events::Event event.firstTime.must_equal false event.lastTime.must_equal false end end