require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','content_types_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','root_rels_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','app_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','core_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','theme_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','workbook_rels_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','workbook_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','styles_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','shared_strings_writer')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'writer','worksheet_writer')) require 'zip' module RubyXL class Workbook attr_accessor :worksheets, :filepath, :creator, :modifier, :created_at, :modified_at, :company, :application, :appversion, :num_fmts, :fonts, :fills, :borders, :cell_xfs, :cell_style_xfs, :cell_styles, :shared_strings, :calc_chain, :num_strings, :size, :date1904, :external_links, :style_corrector, :drawings, :worksheet_rels, :printer_settings, :macros, :colors, :shared_strings_XML APPLICATION = 'Microsoft Macintosh Excel' APPVERSION = '12.0000' SHEET_NAME = 'Sheet1' def initialize(worksheets=[], filepath=nil, creator=nil, modifier=nil, created_at=nil, company='', application=APPLICATION, appversion=APPVERSION, date_1904=0) if worksheets.nil? || worksheets.empty? @worksheets = [,SHEET_NAME)] else @worksheets = worksheets end @filepath = filepath @creator = creator @modifier = modifier @company = company @application = application @appversion = appversion @num_fmts = nil @fonts = nil @fills = nil @borders = nil @cell_xfs = nil @cell_style_xfs = nil @cell_styles = nil @shared_strings = nil @calc_chain = nil #unnecessary? @num_strings = 0 #num strings total @size = 0 #num strings in shared_strings array @date_1904 = date_1904 @external_links = nil @style_corrector = nil @drawings = nil @worksheet_rels = nil @printer_settings = nil @macros = nil @colors = nil @shared_strings_XML = nil begin @created_at = DateTime.parse(created_at).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') rescue t = @created_at = t.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') end @modified_at = @created_at fill_styles() fill_shared_strings() end # allows easier access to worksheets def [](worksheet) return worksheets[worksheet] end #filepath of xlsx file (including file itself) def write(filepath=@filepath) validate_before_write dirpath = '' extension = 'xls' if(filepath =~ /((.|\s)*)\.xls(x|m)$/) dirpath = $1.to_s() extension += $3.to_s end filename = '' if(filepath =~ /\/((.|\s)*)\/((.|\s)*)\.xls(x|m)$/) filename = $3.to_s() end #creates zip file, writes each type of file to zip folder #zips package and renames it to xlsx. zippath = File.join(dirpath, filename + '.zip') File.unlink(zippath) if File.exists?(zippath) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(dirpath,zippath)), Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |zipfile| writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream('[Content_Types].xml') {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('_rels','.rels')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('docProps','app.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('docProps','core.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','theme','theme1.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','_rels','workbook.xml.rels')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','workbook.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','styles.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} unless @shared_strings.nil? writer =,self) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','sharedStrings.xml')) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} end #preserves external links (exactly, no modification allowed) unless @external_links.nil? #-1 because of rels 1.upto(@external_links.size-1) do |i| zipfile.get_output_stream( File.join('xl','externalLinks',"externalLink#{i}.xml")) {|f| f.puts(@external_links[i]) } end @external_links['rels'].each_index do |i| unless @external_links['rels'][i].nil? zipfile.get_output_stream( File.join('xl','externalLinks','_rels',"externalLink#{i}.xml.rels")) {|f| f.puts(@external_links['rels'][i]) } end end end #preserves drawings (exactly, no modification allowed) unless @drawings.nil? 1.upto(@drawings.size) do |i| zipfile.get_output_stream( File.join('xl','drawings',"vmlDrawing#{i}.vml")) {|f| f.puts(@drawings[i]) } end end unless @printer_settings.nil? 1.upto(@printer_settings.size) do |i| zipfile.get_output_stream( File.join('xl','printerSettings',"printerSettings#{i}.bin")) {|f| f.puts(@printer_settings[i]) } end end unless @worksheet_rels.nil? 1.upto(@worksheet_rels.size) do |i| zipfile.get_output_stream( File.join('xl','worksheets','_rels',"sheet#{i}.xml.rels")) {|f| f.puts(@worksheet_rels[i]) } end end unless @macros.nil? zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','vbaProject.bin')) {|f| f.puts(@macros)} end @worksheets.each_with_index do |sheet,i| writer =,self,i) zipfile.get_output_stream(File.join('xl','worksheets',"sheet#{i+1}.xml")) {|f| f.puts(writer.write())} end end FileUtils.cp(zippath,File.join(dirpath,filename+".#{extension}")) FileUtils.cp(File.join(dirpath,filename+".#{extension}"),filepath) if File.exist?(filepath) FileUtils.rm_rf(dirpath) end end #gets style object from style array given index def get_style(style_index) if !@cell_xfs[:xf].is_a?Array @cell_xfs[:xf] = [@cell_xfs[:xf]] end xf_obj = @cell_xfs[:xf] if xf_obj.is_a?Array xf_obj = xf_obj[Integer(style_index)] end xf_obj end #gets attributes of above style object #necessary because can take the form of hash or array, #based on odd behavior of Nokogiri def get_style_attributes(xf_obj) if xf_obj.is_a?Array xf = xf_obj[1] else xf = xf_obj[:attributes] end end def get_fill_color(xf_attributes) if @fills[xf_attributes[:fillId]].nil? || @fills[xf_attributes[:fillId]][:fill].nil? || @fills[xf_attributes[:fillId]][:fill][:patternFill].nil? || @fills[xf_attributes[:fillId]][:fill][:patternFill][:fgColor].nil? 'ffffff' #white else @fills[xf_attributes[:fillId]][:fill][:patternFill][:fgColor][:attributes][:rgb] end end private # Do not change. Excel requires that some of these styles be default, # and will simply assume that the 0 and 1 indexed fonts are the default values. def fill_styles() @fonts = { '0' => { :font => { :sz => { :attributes => { :val => 10 } }, :name => { :attributes => { :val => "Verdana" } } }, :count=>1 }, '1' => { :font => { :sz => { :attributes => { :val => 8 } }, :name => { :attributes => { :val => "Verdana" } } }, :count=>0 } } @fills = { '0' => { :fill => { :patternFill => { :attributes => { :patternType => "none" } } }, :count=>1} , '1' => { :fill => { :patternFill => { :attributes => { :patternType => "gray125" } } }, :count=>0 } } @borders = { '0' => { :border => { :left => { }, :right => { }, :top => { }, :bottom => { }, :diagonal => { } }, :count => 1 #count = how many styles reference it } } @cell_style_xfs = { :attributes => { :count => 1 }, :xf => { :attributes => { :numFmtId => 0, :fontId => 0, :fillId => 0, :borderId => 0 } } } @cell_xfs = { :attributes => { :count => 1 }, :xf => { :attributes => { :numFmtId => 0, :fontId => 0, :fillId => 0, :borderId => 0, :xfId => 0 } } } @cell_styles = { :cellStyle => { :attributes => { :builtinId=>0, :name=>"Normal", :xfId=>0 } }, :attributes => { :count => 1 } } end #fills shared strings hash, contains each unique string def fill_shared_strings() if @shared_strings.nil? string_hash = {} string_index = 0 @num_strings = 0 #fill hash for shared strings @worksheets.each do |sheet| unless sheet.nil? sheet.sheet_data.each do |row| row.each do |cell| unless cell.nil? || cell.value.nil? #if string not already seen, add it to hash if cell.datatype == 's' if string_hash[cell.value.to_s].nil? string_hash[string_index]=cell.value.to_s string_hash[cell.value.to_s]=string_index string_index += 1 end @num_strings += 1 end end end end end end if string_hash[0].nil? @shared_strings = nil else @shared_strings = string_hash @size = string_index end end end def validate_before_write ## TODO CHECK IF STYLE IS OK if not raise end end end