require 'spec_helper' describe Grape::Validations::CoerceValidator do subject { } def app; subject end describe 'coerce' do it 'error on malformed input' do subject.params { requires :int, :type => Integer } subject.get '/single' do 'int works'; end get '/single', :int => '43a' last_response.status.should == 400 last_response.body.should == 'invalid parameter: int' get '/single', :int => '43' last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'int works' end it 'error on malformed input (Array)' do subject.params { requires :ids, :type => Array[Integer] } subject.get '/array' do 'array int works'; end get 'array', { :ids => ['1', '2', 'az'] } last_response.status.should == 400 last_response.body.should == 'invalid parameter: ids' get 'array', { :ids => ['1', '2', '890'] } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'array int works' end context 'complex objects' do module CoerceValidatorSpec class User include Virtus attribute :id, Integer attribute :name, String end end it 'error on malformed input for complex objects' do subject.params { requires :user, :type => CoerceValidatorSpec::User } subject.get '/user' do 'complex works'; end get '/user', :user => "32" last_response.status.should == 400 last_response.body.should == 'invalid parameter: user' get '/user', :user => { :id => 32, :name => 'Bob' } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'complex works' end end context 'coerces' do it 'Integer' do subject.params { requires :int, :coerce => Integer } subject.get '/int' do params[:int].class; end get '/int', { :int => "45" } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'Fixnum' end it 'Array of Integers' do subject.params { requires :arry, :coerce => Array[Integer] } subject.get '/array' do params[:arry][0].class; end get '/array', { :arry => [ '1', '2', '3' ] } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'Fixnum' end it 'Array of Bools' do subject.params { requires :arry, :coerce => Array[Virtus::Attribute::Boolean] } subject.get '/array' do params[:arry][0].class; end get 'array', { :arry => [1, 0] } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'TrueClass' end it 'Bool' do subject.params { requires :bool, :coerce => Virtus::Attribute::Boolean } subject.get '/bool' do params[:bool].class; end get '/bool', { :bool => 1 } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'TrueClass' get '/bool', { :bool => 0 } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'FalseClass' get '/bool', { :bool => 'false' } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'FalseClass' get '/bool', { :bool => 'true' } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'TrueClass' end it 'file' do subject.params { requires :file, :coerce => Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile } '/upload' do params[:file].filename; end post '/upload', { :file => } last_response.status.should == 201 last_response.body.should == File.basename(__FILE__).to_s end it 'Nests integers' do subject.params do group :integers do requires :int, :coerce => Integer end end subject.get '/int' do params[:integers][:int].class; end get '/int', { :integers => { :int => "45" } } last_response.status.should == 200 last_response.body.should == 'Fixnum' end end end end