module GitTopic class << self; attr_accessor :global_opts end self.global_opts = {} end module GitTopic::Git module ClassMethods protected def git_dir @@git_dir ||= ( git_dir = capture_git( "rev-parse --git-dir" ).chomp; raise "Unexpected gitdir: [#{git_dir}]" unless git_dir.index '.git' git_dir ) end def git_editor @@git_editor ||= capture_git( "var GIT_EDITOR" ).chomp end def git_author_name_short @@git_author_name_short ||= ( full_name = capture_git( "config" ) raise " whatever " unless $?.success? parts = full_name.split( " " ) fname = parts.shift fname = "#{fname[0..0].upcase}#{fname[1..-1]}" suffix ={ |p| p[0..0].upcase }.join( "" ) "#{fname} #{suffix}".strip ) end def working_tree_clean? git [ "diff --quiet", "diff --quiet --cached" ] $?.success? end def working_tree_dirty? not working_tree_clean? end def existing_comments?( branch=current_branch ) ref = notes_ref( branch ) not capture_git( "notes --ref #{ref} list" ).chomp.empty? end def existing_comments( spec=nil ) ref = notes_ref( *[ spec ].compact ) capture_git( "notes --ref #{ref} show" ).chomp end def display_git_output? @@display_git_output ||= false end def display_git_output! @@display_git_output = true end def switch_to_branch( branch, tracking=nil ) if branches.include?( branch ) "checkout #{branch}" else "checkout -b #{branch} #{tracking}" end end def invoke_git_editor( file ) system "#{git_editor} #{file}" end def cmd_redirect_suffix( opts ) if !opts[:show] && !display_git_output? "> /dev/null 2> /dev/null" end end def git( cmds=[], opts={} ) opts.assert_valid_keys :must_succeed, :show cmds = [cmds] if cmds.is_a? String redir = cmd_redirect_suffix( opts ) cmd ={|c| "git #{c} #{redir}"}.join( " && " ) puts cmd if GitTopic::global_opts[:verbose] result = system( cmd ) if opts[:must_succeed] && !$?.success? raise " Required git command failed:\n #{cmd}.\n re-run with --verbose to see git output. ".cleanup end result end def capture_git( cmds=[], opts={} ) opts.assert_valid_keys :must_succeed cmds = [cmds] if cmds.is_a? String redir = "2> /dev/null" unless display_git_output? cmd = "#{{|c| "git #{c} #{redir}"}.join( " && " )}" puts cmd if GitTopic::global_opts[:verbose] result = `#{cmd}` if opts[:must_succeed] && !$?.success? raise " Required git command failed:\n #{cmd}.\n re-run with --verbose to see git output. ".cleanup end result end end def self.included( base ) base.extend ClassMethods end end