[]: {{{1 File : README.md Maintainer : Felix C. Stegerman Date : 2014-10-30 Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014 Felix C. Stegerman Version : v0.3.3 []: }}}1 [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/localconfig.png)](https://rubygems.org/gems/localconfig) ## Description []: {{{1 [rb-]localconfig - local configuration for ruby (web) apps localconfig makes it easy to load (additional) configuration files from `~/.apps/`, where name is determined by the current directory. You can easily require ruby files and load json and yaml files from this directory. Additionally, it allows rails applications to easily define `admin:exists` and `admin:create` rake tasks to make it easier to automate application setup. Just about everything is configurable: see the docs. For an example w/ rails, see https://github.com/obfusk/localconfig-rails-example. []: }}}1 ## Examples []: {{{1 ### Rails ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'localconfig', require: 'localconfig/rails' ``` ```ruby # config/localconfig.rb LocalConfig['rails'].configure do |c| puts "env: #{c.env}, #{Rails.env}" c.require 'init.rb' c.load_json 'pg.json' puts c.pg.username c.load_yaml 'foo/bar/baz.json' puts c.foo.bar.baz.some_value c.load_yaml 'git.yml' # repo:, branch: c.git_repo 'more', c.git.repo, branch: c.git.branch c.load_dir 'more' # more/foo.yml, more/bar.json puts "more: #{c.more.foo.key1} #{c.more.bar.key2}" c.on_admin_exists do |username| # ... end c.on_admin_create do |username, password, email| # ... end end ``` ### Standalone ```ruby require 'localconfig' # loads config/localconfig.rb ``` or: ```ruby require 'localconfig/config' LocalConfig['foo'].configure do |c| # ... end ``` ### Rake ```ruby require 'localconfig' ManifestDL::Rake.define_tasks ``` []: }}}1 ## Specs & Docs ```bash rake spec rake coverage rake docs ``` ## TODO * more specs/docs? * ... ## License LGPLv3+ [1]. ## References [1] GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 --- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html []: ! ( vim: set tw=70 sw=2 sts=2 et fdm=marker : )