require "open3" require_dependency "git_wit/application_controller" module GitWit class GitController < ApplicationController ENV_KEEPERS = %w(REQUEST_METHOD QUERY_STRING REMOTE_ADDR SERVER_ADDR SERVER_NAME SERVER_PORT CONTENT_TYPE) before_filter :authenticate, :authorize, :find_repository def service # Shell out to git-http-backend. self.status, self.headers, self.response_body = run_shell end private def run_shell out, err, status = Open3.capture3 shell_env, shell_command, shell_opts raise GitError, err unless status.success? parse_cgi_response out end def parse_cgi_response(cgi_response) cgi_headers, body = cgi_response.split("\r\n\r\n", 2) headers = parse_cgi_headers(cgi_headers) [parse_cgi_status(headers), headers, body] end def parse_cgi_headers(cgi_headers) Hash[cgi_headers.split("\r\n").map { |l| l.split(/\s*\:\s*/, 2) }] end def parse_cgi_status(cgi_headers) cgi_headers.key?("Status") ? cgi_headers.delete("Status").to_i : 200 end def shell_env request.headers.dup.extract!(*ENV_KEEPERS).merge(http_env).merge(git_env) end def shell_command [GitWit.git_path, "http-backend"].join " " end def shell_opts {stdin_data: request.raw_post, binmode: true} end def git_env { GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL: "uknoit", GIT_PROJECT_ROOT: GitWit.repositories_path, PATH_INFO: "/#{params[:repository]}/#{params[:refs] || params[:service]}", REMOTE_USER: (user_attr(:username) || @username), GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: user_attr(:name), GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: user_attr(:email) }.reject { |_, v| v.nil? }.stringify_keys end def http_env { |k, _| k.start_with? "HTTP_" } end def authenticate # Disallow authentication over insecure protocol per configuration. raise ForbiddenError if !GitWit.insecure_auth \ && request.authorization.present? && !request.ssl? # Authenticate user *ONLY IF CREDENTIALS ARE PROVIDED* @user = authenticate_with_http_basic do |username, password| @username = username user = GitWit.user_for_authentication username user if GitWit.authenticate user, password end # Request credentials again if provided and no user was authenticated. if !@user.present? && request.authorization.present? request_http_basic_authentication_if_allowed end end def request_http_basic_authentication_if_allowed raise ForbiddenError if !GitWit.insecure_auth && !request.ssl? request_http_basic_authentication GitWit.realm end def authorize write_op? ? authorize_write : authorize_read end def authorize_write # Never allow anonymous write operations. return request_http_basic_authentication_if_allowed unless @user.present? # Disallow write operations over insecure protocol per configuration. raise ForbiddenError if !GitWit.insecure_write && !request.ssl? # Authorize for write operations. raise UnauthorizedError unless GitWit.authorize_write @user, params[:repository] end def authorize_read return true if GitWit.authorize_read(@user, params[:repository]) raise UnauthorizedError if @user.present? request_http_basic_authentication_if_allowed end # TODO: Sure about this? def write_op? params[:service] == "git-receive-pack" end def find_repository repo_path = File.join GitWit.repositories_path, params[:repository] raise NotFoundError unless File.exist? repo_path end def user_attr(sym) try_user GitWit.send("#{sym}_attribute") end def try_user(sym_or_proc) return if sym_or_proc.respond_to? :call if sym_or_proc.is_a?(Symbol) && @user.respond_to?(sym_or_proc) @user.try(sym_or_proc) end end end end