# = {Ruby/GSL}[link:doc/rdoc/index_rdoc.html"target="_parent]
# Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Description
# {Ruby/GSL}[http://rubyforge.org/projects/rb-gsl/"target="_top] is a ruby interface to the {GNU Scientific Library}[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/"target="_top] (GSL), for numerical computing with {Ruby}[http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/"target="_top].
# == {}[link:index.html"name="3] Installation
# === {}[link:index.html"name="3.1] Using the gem command
# Ruby/GSL may now be installed as a Ruby Gem by simply running
# gem install rb-gsl
# Note that the GSL libraries must already be installed before Ruby/GSL
# can be installed.
# * It is recommended to install the
# {GNU plotutils}[http://www.gnu.org/software/plotutils/plotutils.html"target="_top]
# package. Some of the example scripts in the 'examples/' directory use the
# graph utility included in the package to plot the results.
# Windows-cygwin binaries of GNU plotutils and related packages are
# available from {here}[http://rustam.uwp.edu/support"target="_top].
# == {}[link:index.html"name="4] Screenshot
# Ruby/GSL can be seen in action in these {screenshots}[link:doc/rdoc/screenshot_rdoc.html].
# == {}[link:index.html"name="5] Reference
# The {Ruby/GSL reference manual}[link:doc/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] follows and borrows
# large parts of the GSL reference manual.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="6] Examples
# See scripts in examples/ and tests/ directories.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="7] Related Projects
# * {ruby-gsl:}[http://ruby-gsl.sourceforge.net/"target="_top]
# Another Ruby biding, developed by Arno Erpenbeck.
# == {}[link:index.html"name="8] Licence
# Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# == {}[link:index.html"name="9] Bug Report
# If you encounter bugs in Ruby/GSL, please e-mail to me, or
# submit reports from {RubyForge page}[http://rubyforge.org/projects/rb-gsl/"target="_top].
# == {}[link:index.html"name="10] Author
# Yoshiki Tsunesada:: July, 2004
# David MacMahon:: November, 2010