Changelog ========= 0.3.2 ----- - Added CDH4.3 dependency profile 0.3.1 ----- - Fixed a bug in `'cf:cq' => :type` shortcut schema definition - Added schema data type validation - Fixed reference to ambiguous column names 0.3.0 ----- - Easier data access with table schema - `HBase::Table#schema=` method to provide the schema of the table - You can omit column family names on predefined columns - Automatic type conversion for known columns - *0.3.0 brings many backward-incompatible changes* - *`Row#to_hash` and `Row#to_hash_with_versions` are now deprecated*. Use `to_h` and `to_H` instead without arguments. - Default parameters for `HBase::Row#rowkey` and `HBase::Cell#rowkey` are now `:raw` instead of `:string`. - `HBase::ColumnKey` is removed. Use plain 2-element Arrays instead. - Enumerable classes (Table, Scoped, Row, ByteArray) now return Enumerator on each method when block not given - `Cell#value` can now return the correct data type if defined in the schema. For Java byte array, use `Cell#raw`. - `Row#[type|types]` methods no more take Array of columns as arguments - Added `HBase::Table#scoped` method to return `HBase::Scoped` object for the table - Added `HBase::Cell#{eql?,hash}` method for equaility check 0.2.6 ----- - Fixed `HBase::Scoped#filter` method to take short integer (byte, short, int) values - Fixed `HBase::Scoped#range` method to take short integer (byte, short, int) values 0.2.5 ----- - Added `HBase::Table#snapshots` method - Added `HBase::Table#snapshot!` method - Added `HBase#snapshots` method - Added `HBase::Cell#{raw,int,short,byte}` methods - Updated dependency profiles: cdh4.2.1, cdh4.1.4 0.2.4 ----- - Fixed NameError when HBase::ByteArray is used without first creating an HBase instance - Updated dependency profiles: 0.95.0,, 0.92.2, cdh3u6 0.2.3 ----- - Fix: [Thread.current[:htable] must be local to each connection]( - Fix: [`HBase.log4j=` to support XML based configuration]( - Automatically set versions to 1 when counting records - New dependency profile: `cdh4.2` 0.2.2 ----- - Added `HBase::Table#delete_row` method - Dependency profiles as prefixes - Supported prefixes: `cdh4.1`, `cdh3`, `0.94`, `0.92` - e.g. `HBase.resolve_dependency! 'cdh4.1.3'` - Advanced data access with `Scoped#with_java_scan` and `Scoped#with_java_get` 0.2.1 ----- - Fix: NameError even when appropriate CLASSPATH is set 0.2.0 ----- - Deprecated `HBase::Table#close`. You don't need to close Table instances. - Added `HBase::Table#split` and `HBase::Table#split!` method - Added `:splits` option to `HTable#create!` method to pre-split the table - Added table inspection methods: `properties`, `families`, and `regions` - Added raw inspection methods: `raw_properties` and `raw_families` - Added `HBase.log4j=` method - Added `HBase::Scoped#at`, `HBase::Scoped#time_range` method - Changed parameters to `HBase.resolve_dependency!` method - Ruby Time object can be used as timestamp in put and delete methods - Using closed HBase connection is disallowed - Ruby 1.8 compatibility mode (Oops!) 0.1.6 ----- - Maven dependencies for 0.94 and 0.92 - Progress reporting for synchronous table administration - Added asynchronous versions of table administration methods 0.1.5 ----- - Added support for shorter integers - Extended `HBase::ByteArray` for easy manipulation of Java byte arrays 0.1.4 ----- - Fix: Start/stop row not correctly set when byte array rowkey range specified - More efficient count with FirstKeyOnlyFilter - Added `HBase::ByteArray` method as a shorthand notation for `` - Added `HBase::ByteArray#+` method for concatenating two byte arrays - Added `HBase::Util::java_bytes?` method - Documentation 0.1.3 ----- - Supports Ruby 1.8 compatibility mode - Fix: Correct return value from `HBase::resolve_dependency!` - Fix: Appropriately close result scanners 0.1.2 ----- - Dropped Bignum support. Automatic conversion from Fixnum to Bignum (or vice versa) will produce columns whose values are of heterogeneous types, that are impossible to be read in a consistent way. You can use BigDecimal type instead for large numbers. - Added `HBase::Scoped#while` which allows early termination of scan with [WhileMatchFilter]( - Filtering with regular expressions - Implemented comparator for `HBase::Result` - Added coprocessor administration methods - Basic aggregation with Coprocessor - `HBase::Scoped#count` with block - Allows PUT operation with timestamps