module Twitter module CLI module Helpers def output_tweets(collection, options={}) options.reverse_merge!({ :cache => false, :since_prefix => '', :empty_msg => 'Nothing new since your last check.' }) if collection.size > 0 justify = collection.collect { |s| s.user.screen_name }.max { |a,b| a.length <=> b.length }.length rescue 0 indention = ' ' * (justify + 3) say("\n#{indention}#{collection.size} new tweet(s) found.\n\n") collection.each do |s| Tweet.create_from_tweet(current_account, s) if options[:cache] occurred_at = Time.parse(s.created_at).strftime('On %b %d at %l:%M%P') formatted_time = '-' * occurred_at.length + "\n#{indention}#{occurred_at}" formatted_name = s.user.screen_name.rjust(justify + 1) formatted_msg = '' s.text.split(' ').in_groups_of(6, false) { |row| formatted_msg += row.join(' ') + "\n#{indention}" } say "#{CGI::unescapeHTML(formatted_name)}: #{CGI::unescapeHTML(formatted_msg)}#{formatted_time}\n\n" end Configuration["#{options[:since_prefix]}_since_id"] = else say(options[:empty_msg]) end end def base(username=current_account.username, password=current_account.password) @base ||=, password) end def current_account @current_account ||= exit('No current account.') if @current_account.blank? @current_account end def do_work(&block) connect begin rescue Twitter::RateExceeded say("Twitter says you've been making too many requests. Wait for a bit and try again.") rescue Twitter::Unavailable say("Twitter is unavailable right now. Try again later.") rescue Twitter::CantConnect => msg say("Can't connect to twitter because: #{msg}") end end def connect ActiveRecord::Base.logger ='/tmp/twitter_ar_logger.log') ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(Twitter::CLI::Config) ActiveRecord::Base.connection end def migrate connect ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate("#{CLI_ROOT}/migrations/") end def connect_and_migrate say('Attempting to establish connection...') connect say('Connection established...migrating database...') migrate end end end end