require 'retrospec/plugins' require 'retrospec/exceptions' require 'retrospec/config' module Retrospec class Module include Retrospec::Plugins # module path is the relative or absolute path to the module that we should retrofit # opts hash contains additional flags and options that can be user to control the creation of the tests # opts[:config_map] def initialize(supplied_module_path, opts={}) # locates the plugin class that can be used with this module directory begin opts[:name] ||= File.basename(supplied_module_path) # use the name or derive it from the dir name plugin_class = find_plugin_type(supplied_module_path, opts[:name]) # load any save data in the config file config_data = Retrospec::Config.config_data(opts[:config_map]) plugin_data = Retrospec::Config.plugin_context(config_data, plugin_class.send(:plugin_name)) # merge the passed in options plugin_data.merge!(opts) # create the instance of the plugin plugin = plugin_class.send(:new, supplied_module_path, plugin_data) rescue NoSuitablePluginFoundException puts "No gem was found to support this code type, please install a gem that supports this module.".fatal end end # finds a suitable plugin given the name of the plugin or via a supported discovery method def find_plugin_type(module_path, name=nil) if name # when the user wants to create a module give the module type discover_plugin_by_name(name) else discover_plugin(module_path) end end end end class String def red; "\033[31m#{self}\033[0m" end def green; "\033[32m#{self}\033[0m" end def cyan; "\033[36m#{self}\033[0m" end def yellow; "\033[33m#{self}\033[0m" end def warning; yellow end def fatal; red end def info; green end end