# encoding: utf-8 module Bunny # The Client class provides the major Bunny API methods. class Client09 < Qrack::Client # Sets up a Bunny::Client object ready for connection to a broker. # {Client.status} is set to @:not_connected@. # # @option opts [String] :host ("localhost") # @option opts [Integer] :port (5672 or 5671 if :ssl set to true) # @option opts [String] :vhost ("/") # @option opts [String] :user ("guest") # @option opts [String] :pass ("guest") # @option opts [Boolean] :ssl (false) # If set to @true@, ssl encryption will be used and port will default to 5671. # @option opts [Boolean] :verify_ssl (true) # If ssl is enabled, this will cause OpenSSL to validate # the server certificate unless this parameter is set to @false@. # @option opts [String] :logfile (nil) # @option opts [Boolean] :logging (false) # If set to @true@, session information is sent to STDOUT if @:logfile@ # has not been specified. Otherwise, session information is written to @:logfile@. # @option opts [Integer] :frame_max (131072) # Maximum frame size in bytes. # @option opts [Integer] :channel_max (0) # Maximum number of channels. Defaults to 0 which means no maximum. # @option opts [Integer] :heartbeat (0) # Number of seconds. Defaults to 0 which means no heartbeat. # @option opts [Integer] :connect_timeout (5) # Number of seconds before {Qrack::ConnectionTimeout} is raised.@ def initialize(connection_string_or_opts = Hash.new, opts = Hash.new) super @spec = '0-9-1' @port = opts[:port] || (opts[:ssl] ? Qrack::Protocol09::SSL_PORT : Qrack::Protocol09::PORT) end # Checks response from AMQP methods and takes appropriate action def check_response(received_method, expected_method, err_msg, err_class = Bunny::ProtocolError) case when received_method.is_a?(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::Close) # Clean up the socket close_socket raise Bunny::ForcedConnectionCloseError, "Error Reply Code: #{received_method.reply_code}\nError Reply Text: #{received_method.reply_text}" when received_method.is_a?(Qrack::Protocol09::Channel::Close) # Clean up the channel channel.active = false raise Bunny::ForcedChannelCloseError, "Error Reply Code: #{received_method.reply_code}\nError Reply Text: #{received_method.reply_text}" when !received_method.is_a?(expected_method) raise err_class, err_msg else :response_ok end end def close_connection # Set client channel to zero switch_channel(0) send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::Close.new(:reply_code => 200, :reply_text => 'Goodbye', :class_id => 0, :method_id => 0)) method = next_method check_response(method, Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::CloseOk, "Error closing connection") end def create_channel channels.each do |c| return c if (!c.open? and c.number != 0) end # If no channel to re-use instantiate new one Bunny::Channel09.new(self) end # Declares an exchange to the broker/server. If the exchange does not exist, a new one is created # using the arguments passed in. If the exchange already exists, a reference to it is created, provided # that the arguments passed in do not conflict with the existing attributes of the exchange. If an error # occurs a _Bunny_::_ProtocolError_ is raised. # # @option opts [Symbol] :type (:direct) # One of :direct@, @:fanout@, @:topic@, or @:headers@. # # @option opts [Boolean] :passive # If set to @true@, the server will not create the exchange. # The client can use this to check whether an exchange exists without modifying the server state. # # @option opts [Boolean] :durable (false) # If set to @true@ when creating a new exchange, the exchange # will be marked as durable. Durable exchanges remain active # when a server restarts. Non-durable exchanges (transient exchanges) # are purged if/when a server restarts. # # @option opts [Boolean] :auto_delete (false) # If set to @true@, the exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it. # # @option opts [Boolean] :nowait (false) # Ignored by Bunny, always @false@. # # @return [Bunny::Exchange09] def exchange(name, opts = {}) exchanges[name] || Bunny::Exchange09.new(self, name, opts) end def init_connection write(Qrack::Protocol09::HEADER) write([0, Qrack::Protocol09::VERSION_MAJOR, Qrack::Protocol09::VERSION_MINOR, Qrack::Protocol09::REVISION].pack('C4')) frame = next_frame if frame.nil? or !frame.payload.is_a?(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::Start) raise Bunny::ProtocolError, 'Connection initiation failed' end end def next_frame(opts = {}) frame = nil case when channel.frame_buffer.size > 0 frame = channel.frame_buffer.shift when (timeout = opts[:timeout]) && timeout > 0 Bunny::Timer::timeout(timeout, Qrack::ClientTimeout) do frame = Qrack::Transport09::Frame.parse(buffer) end else frame = Qrack::Transport09::Frame.parse(buffer) end @logger.info("received") { frame } if @logging raise Bunny::ConnectionError, 'No connection to server' if (frame.nil? and !connecting?) # Monitor server activity and discard heartbeats @message_in = true case when frame.is_a?(Qrack::Transport09::Heartbeat) next_frame(opts) when frame.nil? frame when ((frame.channel != channel.number) and (frame.channel != 0)) channel.frame_buffer << frame next_frame(opts) else frame end end def open_connection client_props = { :platform => 'Ruby', :product => 'Bunny', :information => 'http://github.com/ruby-amqp/bunny', :version => VERSION } start_opts = { :client_properties => client_props, :mechanism => 'PLAIN', :response => "\0" + @user + "\0" + @pass, :locale => 'en_US' } send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::StartOk.new(start_opts)) frame = next_frame raise Bunny::ProtocolError, "Connection failed - user: #{@user}" if frame.nil? method = frame.payload if method.is_a?(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::Tune) send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::TuneOk.new(:channel_max => @channel_max, :frame_max => @frame_max, :heartbeat => @heartbeat)) end send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::Open.new(:virtual_host => @vhost, :reserved_1 => 0, :reserved_2 => false)) raise Bunny::ProtocolError, 'Cannot open connection' unless next_method.is_a?(Qrack::Protocol09::Connection::OpenOk) end # Requests a specific quality of service. The QoS can be specified for the current channel # or for all channels on the connection. The particular properties and semantics of a QoS # method always depend on the content class semantics. Though the QoS method could in principle # apply to both peers, it is currently meaningful only for the server. # # @option opts [Integer] :prefetch_size (0) # Size in number of octets. The client can request that messages be sent in advance # so that when the client finishes processing a message, the following message is # already held locally, rather than needing to be sent down the channel. refetching # gives a performance improvement. This field specifies the prefetch window size # in octets. The server will send a message in advance if it is equal to or smaller # in size than the available prefetch size (and also falls into other prefetch limits). # May be set to zero, meaning "no specific limit", although other prefetch limits may # still apply. The prefetch-size is ignored if the no-ack option is set. # # @option opts [Integer] :prefetch_count (1) # Number of messages to prefetch. Specifies a prefetch window in terms of whole messages. # This field may be used in combination with the prefetch-size field; a message will only # be sent in advance if both prefetch windows (and those at the channel and connection level) # allow it. The prefetch-count is ignored if the no-ack option is set. # # @option opts [Boolean] :global (false) # By default the QoS settings apply to the current channel only. If set to true, # they are applied to the entire connection. # # @return [Symbol] @:qos_ok@ if successful. def qos(opts = {}) send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Basic::Qos.new({ :prefetch_size => 0, :prefetch_count => 1, :global => false }.merge(opts))) method = next_method check_response(method, Qrack::Protocol09::Basic::QosOk, "Error specifying Quality of Service") # return confirmation :qos_ok end # Declares a queue to the broker/server. If the queue does not exist, a new one is created # using the arguments passed in. If the queue already exists, a reference to it is created, provided # that the arguments passed in do not conflict with the existing attributes of the queue. If an error # occurs a {Bunny::ProtocolError} is raised. # # @option opts [Boolean] :passive (false) # If set to @true@, the server will not create the queue. The client can use this to check # whether a queue exists without modifying the server state. # # @option opts [Boolean] :durable (false) # If set to @true@ when creating a new queue, the queue will be marked as durable. # Durable queues remain active when a server restarts. Non-durable queues (transient ones) # are purged if/when a server restarts. Note that durable queues do not necessarily hold # persistent messages, although it does not make sense to send persistent messages # to a transient queue. # # @option opts [Boolean] :exclusive (false) # If set to @true@, requests an exclusive queue. Exclusive queues may only be consumed # from by the current connection. Setting the 'exclusive' flag always implies 'auto-delete'. # # @option opts [Boolean] :auto_delete (false) # If set to @true@, the queue is deleted when all consumers have finished using it. # Last consumer can be cancelled either explicitly or because its channel is closed. # If there has never been a consumer on the queue, it is not deleted. # # @option opts [Boolean] :nowait (false) # Ignored by Bunny, always @false@. # # @return [Bunny::Queue09] def queue(name = nil, opts = {}) if name.is_a?(Hash) opts = name name = nil end # Queue is responsible for placing itself in the list of queues queues[name] || Bunny::Queue09.new(self, name, opts) end # Asks the broker to redeliver all unacknowledged messages on a specified channel. Zero or # more messages may be redelivered. # # @option opts [Boolean] :requeue (false) # If set to @false@, the message will be redelivered to the original recipient. # If set to @true@, the server will attempt to requeue the message, potentially # then delivering it to an alternative subscriber. def recover(opts = {}) send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Basic::Recover.new({ :requeue => false }.merge(opts))) end def send_frame(*args) args.each do |data| data = data.to_frame(channel.number) unless data.is_a?(Qrack::Transport09::Frame) data.channel = channel.number @logger.info("send") { data } if @logging write(data.to_s) # Monitor client activity for heartbeat purposes @message_out = true end nil end def send_heartbeat # Create a new heartbeat frame hb = Qrack::Transport09::Heartbeat.new('') # Channel 0 must be used switch_channel(0) if @channel.number > 0 # Send the heartbeat to server send_frame(hb) end # Opens a communication channel and starts a connection. If an error occurs, a # {Bunny::ProtocolError} is raised. If successful, {Client.status} is set to @:connected@. # # @return [Symbol] @:connected@ if successful. def start_session @connecting = true # Create/get socket socket # Initiate connection init_connection # Open connection open_connection # Open another channel because channel zero is used for specific purposes c = create_channel() c.open @connecting = false # return status @status = :connected end alias start start_session # This method commits all messages published and acknowledged in # the current transaction. A new transaction starts immediately # after a commit. # # @return [Symbol] @:commit_ok@ if successful. def tx_commit send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Tx::Commit.new()) method = next_method check_response(method, Qrack::Protocol09::Tx::CommitOk, "Error commiting transaction") # return confirmation :commit_ok end # This method abandons all messages published and acknowledged in # the current transaction. A new transaction starts immediately # after a rollback. # # @return [Symbol] @:rollback_ok@ if successful. def tx_rollback send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Tx::Rollback.new()) method = next_method check_response(method, Qrack::Protocol09::Tx::RollbackOk, "Error rolling back transaction") # return confirmation :rollback_ok end # This method sets the channel to use standard transactions. The # client must use this method at least once on a channel before # using the Commit or Rollback methods. # # @return [Symbol] @:select_ok@ if successful. def tx_select send_frame(Qrack::Protocol09::Tx::Select.new()) method = next_method check_response(method, Qrack::Protocol::Tx::SelectOk, "Error initiating transactions for current channel") # return confirmation :select_ok end private def buffer @buffer ||= Qrack::Transport09::Buffer.new(self) end end end