# Unreleased # 1.10.1 * Fix `Kernel#autoload`'s fallback path always bing executed. * Consider `unlink` failing with `ENOENT` as a success. # 1.10.0 * Delay requiring `FileUtils`. (#285) `FileUtils` can be installed as a gem, so it's best to wait for bundler to have setup the load path before requiring it. * Improve support of Psych 4. (#392) Since `1.8.0`, `YAML.load_file` was no longer cached when Psych 4 was used. This is because `load_file` loads in safe mode by default, so the Bootsnap cache could defeat that safety. Now when precompiling YAML files, Bootsnap first try to parse them in safe mode, and if it can't fallback to unsafe mode, and the cache contains a flag that records wether it was generated in safe mode or not. `YAML.unsafe_load_file` will use safe caches just fine, but `YAML.load_file` will fallback to uncached YAML parsing if the cache was generated using unsafe parsing. * Minimize the Kernel.require extra stack frames. (#393) This should reduce the noise generated by bootsnap on `LoadError`. # 1.9.4 * Ignore absolute paths in the loaded feature index. (#385) This fixes a compatibility issue with Zeitwerk when Zeitwerk is loaded before bootsnap. It also should reduce the memory usage and improve load performance of Zeitwerk managed files. * Automatically invalidate the load path cache whenever the Ruby version change. (#387) This is to avoid issues in case the same installation path is re-used for subsequent ruby patch releases. # 1.9.3 * Only disable the compile cache for source files impacted by [Ruby 3.0.3 [Bug 18250]](https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18250). This should keep the performance loss to a minimum. # 1.9.2 * Disable compile cache if [Ruby 3.0.3's ISeq cache bug](https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/18250) is detected. AKA `iseq.rb:13 to_binary: wrong argument type false (expected Symbol)` * Fix `Kernel.load` behavior: before `load 'a'` would load `a.rb` (and other tried extensions) and wouldn't load `a` unless `development_mode: true`, now only `a` would be loaded and files with extensions wouldn't be. # 1.9.1 * Removed a forgotten debug statement in JSON precompilation. # 1.9.0 * Added a compilation cache for `JSON.load_file`. (#370) # 1.8.1 * Fixed support for older Psych. (#369) # 1.8.0 * Improve support for Pysch 4. (#368) # 1.7.7 * Fix `require_relative` in evaled code on latest ruby 3.1.0-dev. (#366) # 1.7.6 * Fix reliance on `set` to be required. * Fix `Encoding::UndefinedConversionError` error for Rails applications when precompiling cache. (#364) # 1.7.5 * Handle a regression of Ruby 2.7.3 causing Bootsnap to call the deprecated `untaint` method. (#360) * Gracefully handle read-only file system as well as other errors preventing to persist the load path cache. (#358) # 1.7.4 * Stop raising errors when encoutering various file system errors. The cache is now best effort, if somehow it can't be saved, bootsnapp will gracefully fallback to the original operation (e.g. `Kernel.require`). (#353, #177, #262) # 1.7.3 * Disable YAML precompilation when encountering YAML tags. (#351) # 1.7.2 * Fix compatibility with msgpack < 1. (#349) # 1.7.1 * Warn Ruby 2.5 users if they turn ISeq caching on. (#327, #244) * Disable ISeq caching for the whole 2.5.x series again. * Better handle hashing of Ruby strings. (#318) # 1.7.0 * Fix detection of YAML files in gems. * Adds an instrumentation API to monitor cache misses. * Allow to control the behavior of `require 'bootsnap/setup'` using environment variables. * Deprecate the `disable_trace` option. * Deprecate the `ActiveSupport::Dependencies` (AKA Classic autoloader) integration. (#344) # 1.6.0 * Fix a Ruby 2.7/3.0 issue with `YAML.load_file` keyword arguments. (#342) * `bootsnap precompile` CLI use multiple processes to complete faster. (#341) * `bootsnap precompile` CLI also precompile YAML files. (#340) * Changed the load path cache directory from `$BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR/bootsnap-load-path-cache` to `$BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR/bootsnap/load-path-cache` for ease of use. (#334) * Changed the compile cache directory from `$BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR/bootsnap-compile-cache` to `$BOOTSNAP_CACHE_DIR/bootsnap/compile-cache` for ease of use. (#334) # 1.5.1 * Workaround a Ruby bug in InstructionSequence.compile_file. (#332) # 1.5.0 * Add a command line to statically precompile the ISeq cache. (#326) # 1.4.9 * [Windows support](https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/319) * [Fix potential crash](https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/322) # 1.4.8 * [Prevent FallbackScan from polluting exception cause](https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/314) # 1.4.7 * Various performance enhancements * Fix race condition in heavy concurrent load scenarios that would cause bootsnap to raise # 1.4.6 * Fix bug that was erroneously considering that files containing `.` in the names were being required if a different file with the same name was already being required Example: require 'foo' require 'foo.en' Before bootsnap was considering `foo.en` to be the same file as `foo` * Use glibc as part of the ruby_platform cache key # 1.4.5 * MRI 2.7 support * Fixed concurrency bugs # 1.4.4 * Disable ISeq cache in `bootsnap/setup` by default in Ruby 2.5 # 1.4.3 * Fix some cache permissions and umask issues after switch to mkstemp # 1.4.2 * Fix bug when removing features loaded by relative path from `$LOADED_FEATURES` * Fix bug with propagation of `NameError` up from nested calls to `require` # 1.4.1 * Don't register change observers to frozen objects. # 1.4.0 * When running in development mode, always fall back to a full path scan on LoadError, making bootsnap more able to detect newly-created files. (#230) * Respect `$LOADED_FEATURES.delete` in order to support code reloading, for integration with Zeitwerk. (#230) * Minor performance improvement: flow-control exceptions no longer generate backtraces. * Better support for requiring from environments where some features are not supported (especially JRuby). (#226)k * More robust handling of OS errors when creating files. (#225) # 1.3.2 * Fix Spring + Bootsnap incompatibility when there are files with similar names. * Fix `YAML.load_file` monkey patch to keep accepting File objects as arguments. * Fix the API for `ActiveSupport::Dependencies#autoloadable_module?`. * Some performance improvements. # 1.3.1 * Change load path scanning to more correctly follow symlinks. # 1.3.0 * Handle cases where load path entries are symlinked (https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/136) # 1.2.1 * Fix method visibility of `Kernel#require`. # 1.2.0 * Add `LoadedFeaturesIndex` to preserve fix a common bug related to `LOAD_PATH` modifications after loading bootsnap. # 1.1.8 * Don't cache YAML documents with `!ruby/object` * Fix cache write mode on Windows # 1.1.7 * Create cache entries as 0775/0664 instead of 0755/0644 * Better handling around cache updates in highly-parallel workloads # 1.1.6 * Assortment of minor bugfixes # 1.1.5 * bugfix re-release of 1.1.4 # 1.1.4 (yanked) * Avoid loading a constant twice by checking if it is already defined # 1.1.3 * Properly resolve symlinked path entries # 1.1.2 * Minor fix: deprecation warning # 1.1.1 * Fix crash in `Native.compile_option_crc32=` on 32-bit platforms. # 1.1.0 * Add `bootsnap/setup` * Support jruby (without compile caching features) * Better deoptimization when Coverage is enabled * Consider `Bundler.bundle_path` to be stable # 1.0.0 * (none) # 0.3.2 * Minor performance savings around checking validity of cache in the presence of relative paths. * When coverage is enabled, skips optimization instead of exploding. # 0.3.1 * Don't whitelist paths under `RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix']` as stable; instead use `['libdir']` (#41). * Catch `EOFError` when reading load-path-cache and regenerate cache. * Support relative paths in load-path-cache. # 0.3.0 * Migrate CompileCache from xattr as a cache backend to a cache directory * Adds support for Linux and FreeBSD # 0.2.15 * Support more versions of ActiveSupport (`depend_on`'s signature varies; don't reiterate it) * Fix bug in handling autoloaded modules that raise NoMethodError