= Documentation for Lockout Feature

The lockout feature implements bruteforce protection for accounts.
It depends on the login feature.  If a user fails to login due to
a password error more than a given number of times, their account
gets locked out, and they are given an option to request an account
unlock via an email sent to them.

== Auth Value Methods

account_lockouts_id_column :: The id column in the account lockouts table,
                              should be a foreign key referencing the accounts
account_lockouts_deadline_column :: The deadline column in the account lockouts
                                    table, containing how long the account is
                                    locked out until.
account_lockouts_deadline_interval :: The amount of time for which to lock out accounts,
                                      1 day by default.
account_lockouts_key_column :: The unlock key column in the account lockouts table.
account_lockouts_table :: The table containing account lockout information.
account_login_failures_id_column :: The id column in the account login failures table,
                                    should be a foreign key referencing the accounts
account_login_failures_number_column :: The column in the account login failures table
                                        containing the number of login failures for the
account_login_failures_table :: The table containing number of login failures
                                per account.
login_lockout_error_flash :: The flash error to show if there if the account is or becomes
                             locked out after a login attempt.
max_invalid_logins :: The maximum number of failed logins before account lockout. As this
                      feature is just designed for bruteforce protection, this is set to
unlock_account_additional_form_tags :: HTML fragment with additional form tags to use
                                       on the unlock account form.
unlock_account_autologin? :: Whether to autologin users after successful account unlock.
unlock_account_button :: The text to use on the unlock account button.
unlock_account_email_subject :: The subject to use for the unlock account email.
unlock_account_error_flash :: The flash error to display upon unsuccessful account unlock.
unlock_account_key_param :: The parameter name to use for the unlock account key.
unlock_account_notice_flash :: The flash notice to display upon successful account unlock.
unlock_account_redirect :: Where to redirect after successful account unlock.
unlock_account_request_additional_form_tags :: HTML fragment with additional form tags to use
                                               on the form to request an account unlock.
unlock_account_request_button :: The text to use on the unlock account request button.
unlock_account_request_notice_flash :: The flash notice to display upon successful sending of
                                       the unlock account email.
unlock_account_request_redirect :: Where to redirect after account unlock email is sent.
unlock_account_request_route :: The route to the unlock account request action.
                                Defaults to +unlock-account-request+.
unlock_account_requires_password? :: Whether a password is required when unlocking accounts,
                                     false by default.  May want to set to true if not
                                     allowing password resets.
unlock_account_route :: Alias for lockout_route.
unlock_account_session_key :: The key in the session to hold the unlock account key temporarily.

== Auth Methods

account_from_unlock_key(key) :: Retrieve the account using the given verify
                                account key, or return nil if no account
after_unlock_account :: Run arbitrary code after a successful account unlock.
after_unlock_account_request :: Run arbitrary code after a successful account
                                unlock request.
before_unlock_account :: Run arbitrary code before unlocking an account.
before_unlock_account_request :: Run arbitrary code before sending an account
                                 unlock email.
before_lockout_route :: Run arbitrary code before handling an unlock account route. 
clear_invalid_login_attempts :: Clear any stored login failures or lockouts for
                                the current account.
create_unlock_account_email :: A Mail::Message for the account unlock email to send.
generate_unlock_account_key :: A random string to use for a new unlock account key.
get_unlock_account_key :: Retrieve the unlock account key for the current account.
invalid_login_attempt :: Record an invalid login attempt, incrementing the
                         number of login failures, and possibly locking out
                         the account.
locked_out? :: Whether the current account is locked out.
send_unlock_account_email :: Send the account unlock email.
unlock_account_email_body :: The body to use for the unlock account email.
unlock_account_email_link :: The link to the unlock account form to include in the
                             unlock account email.
unlock_account :: Unlock the account.
unlock_account_key :: The unlock account key for the current account.
unlock_account_request_view :: The HTML to use for the unlock account request form.
unlock_account_view :: The HTML to use for the unlock account form.