require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe MiteCmd::Application, 'new' do it "should load the configuration for MiteCmd" do MiteCmd.should_receive(:load_configuration) [] end it "should not load the configuration if the first argument is 'configure'" do MiteCmd.should_not_receive(:load_configuration) ['configure'] end it "should set arguments" do MiteCmd.stub!(:load_configuration)['1', '2', '3']).instance_variable_get('@arguments').should == ['1', '2', '3'] end end describe MiteCmd::Application, 'run' do before(:each) do MiteCmd.stub!(:load_configuration) end describe 'no argument' do before(:each) do @application = [] @application.stub!(:say) @application.stub!(:flirt).and_return 'Your beautiful eyes touch my heart.' end it "should tell the inspection of the current tracker if there is one" do tracker = stub('tracker', :inspect => 'I am the inspection of this tracker') Mite::Tracker.stub!(:current).and_return tracker @application.should_receive(:tell).with 'I am the inspection of this tracker' end it "should tell something romantic if there is no current tracker" do Mite::Tracker.stub!(:current).and_return nil @application.should_receive(:tell).with 'Your beautiful eyes touch my heart.' end end describe 'the open argument' do it "should try to open the account url or at least echo it" do Mite.stub!(:account_url).and_return '' application = ['open'] application.should_receive(:exec).with "open '' || echo ''" end end describe 'the help argument' do it "should try to open the github repository of mighty mite or at least echo it" do application = ['help'] application.should_receive(:exec).with "open '' || echo ''" end end describe 'the configure argument' do before(:each) do @application = ['configure', 'demo', '123'] @application.stub!(:tell) File.stub!(:chmod) end it "should generate a yaml formatted file in ~/.mite.yml with the account and the apikey" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.mite.yml' File.should_receive(:open).with('/tmp/.mite.yml', 'w').and_yield :file_handle YAML.should_receive(:dump).with({:account => 'demo', :apikey => '123'}, :file_handle) end it "should tell something nice if the bash completion setup fails" do @application.stub!(:try_to_setup_bash_completion).and_return false @application.should_receive(:tell).with "Couldn't set up bash completion. I'm terribly frustrated. Maybe 'mite help' helps out." File.stub!(:open) # prevents the yml file to be written end it "should not tell something nice if bash completion is already set up or was ok" do @application.stub!(:try_to_setup_bash_completion).and_return true @application.should_not_receive(:tell) File.stub!(:open) # prevents the yml file to be written end it "should chmod the configuration file to 0600" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.mite.yml' File.stub!(:file?).and_return true File.should_receive(:chmod).with(0600, '/tmp/.mite.yml') end describe 'and setup bash completion' do it "should append the bash completion call for mite to ~/.bash_completion if it is a regular file and exists and return true" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.bash_completion' File.should_receive(:file?).with('/tmp/.bash_completion').and_return true file_handle = stub('file_handle') File.should_receive(:open).with('/tmp/.bash_completion', 'a').and_yield file_handle file_handle.should_receive(:puts).with("\n\ncomplete -C \"mite auto-complete\" mite") File.stub!(:read).and_return '' @application.send(:try_to_setup_bash_completion).should == true end it "should try '~/.bash_completion', '~/.bash_profile', '~/.bash_login', '~/.bashrc'" do files = ['~/.bash_completion', '~/.bash_profile', '~/.bash_login', '~/.bashrc'] files_regexp = {|f| Regexp.escape(f)}.join('|') File.should_receive(:expand_path).with( ).exactly(files.size).times File.stub!(:file?).and_return false @application.send :try_to_setup_bash_completion end it "should not open a file handle if the file does not exist" do File.stub!(:file?).and_return false File.should_not_receive(:open) @application.send :try_to_setup_bash_completion end it "should not append the bash completion call twice" do File.stub!(:read).and_return "\n\ncomplete -C \"mite auto-complete\" mite" File.should_not_receive(:open) @application.send :try_to_setup_bash_completion end it "should return false if the bash completion could not be set up" do File.stub!(:file?).and_return false @application.send(:try_to_setup_bash_completion).should == false end end it "should raise an error if one of the last two arguments is missing" do application = ['configure', 'faildemo'] lambda { }.should raise_error(MiteCmd::Exception) end end describe 'the auto-complete argument' do before(:each) do @application = ['auto-complete'] @application.stub!(:tell) @autocomplete = stub('autocomplete', :completion_table => {}, :completion_table= => nil, :suggestions => []) MiteCmd::Autocomplete.stub!(:new).and_return @autocomplete end it "should create a new instance of MiteCmd::Autocomplete setting the calling_script" do MiteCmd.stub!(:calling_script).and_return '/usr/local/bin/mite' MiteCmd::Autocomplete.should_receive(:new).with '/usr/local/bin/mite' end it "should unmarshal the cached completion table from ~/.mite.cache if it exists" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return true File.should_receive(:read).and_return :marshal_data Marshal.should_receive(:load).and_return :cached_completion_table @autocomplete.should_receive(:completion_table=).with :cached_completion_table @autocomplete.stub!(:suggestions).and_return [] end it "should tell each suggestion from MiteCmd::Autocomplete" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return true File.stub!(:read) Marshal.stub!(:load) @autocomplete.stub!(:suggestions).and_return ['Heinz', 'Peter'] @application.should_receive(:tell).with(/Heinz|Peter/).exactly(2).times end it "should wrap suggestions inside quotes if they are spaced" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return true File.stub!(:read) Marshal.stub!(:load) @autocomplete.stub!(:suggestions).and_return ['I need quotes', 'MeNot'] @application.should_receive(:tell).with(/"I need quotes"|MeNot/).exactly(2).times end shared_examples_for 'an uncached completion table' do before(:each) do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return false Mite::Project.stub!(:all).and_return [stub('project', :name => 'Demo Project')] Mite::Service.stub!(:all).and_return [stub('service', :name => 'late night programming')] Mite::TimeEntry.stub!(:all).and_return [stub('time entry', :note => 'shit 02:13 is really late')] File.stub!(:open) File.stub!(:chmod) Marshal.stub!(:dump) @completion_table = { 0 => ['Demo Project'], 1 => ['late night programming'], 2 => ['"0:05"', '"0:05+"', '"0:15"', '"0:15+"', '"0:30"', '"0:30+"', '"1:00"', '"1:00+"'], 3 => ['shit 02:13 is really late'] } end it "should create a new completion table" do @application.send(:rebuild_completion_table).should == @completion_table end it "should save the new completion table to ~/.mite.cache" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.mite.cache' File.should_receive(:open).with('/tmp/.mite.cache', 'w').and_yield :file_handle Marshal.should_receive(:dump).with(@completion_table, :file_handle) end end describe 'and the completion table is not cached' do it_should_behave_like 'an uncached completion table' end end describe 'the rebuild-cache argument' do before(:each) do @application = ['rebuild-cache'] @application.stub!(:tell) File.stub!(:delete) File.stub!(:chmod) end it "should delete the file at ~/.mite.cache if it exists" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return true File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.mite.cache' File.should_receive(:delete).with '/tmp/.mite.cache' end it "should not call delete on File if ~/.mite.cache does not exist" do File.stub!(:exist?).and_return false File.should_not_receive(:delete) end it "should tell something nice if the cache has been rebuild" do @application.should_receive(:tell).with 'The rebuilding of the cache has been done, Master. Your wish is my command.' end it "should chmod the cache file to 0600" do File.stub!(:expand_path).and_return '/tmp/.mite.cache' File.stub!(:exist?).and_return true File.should_receive(:chmod).with(0600, '/tmp/.mite.cache') end it_should_behave_like 'an uncached completion table' end describe 'the simple report argument' do shared_examples_for 'a simple report' do before(:each) do @application = [@argument] @application.stub!(:tell) @time_entry = stub('time_entry', :inspect => 'I am a time entry.', :revenue => 1200, :minutes => 120) @time_entry_with_nil_revenue = stub('time_entry_without_revenue', :inspect => 'I am a time entry.', :revenue => nil, :minutes => 18) @time_entry_with_nil_revenue.stub!(:revenue).and_return nil Mite::TimeEntry.stub!(:all).and_return [@time_entry, @time_entry, @time_entry_with_nil_revenue] end it "should tell an inspection of each time entry" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:all).with(:params => hash_including(:at => @argument)) @time_entry.should_receive(:inspect).exactly(2).times @time_entry_with_nil_revenue.should_receive(:inspect).at_least(:once) @application.should_receive(:tell).with('I am a time entry.').exactly(3).times end it "should only output the time entries of the current user" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:all).with(:params => hash_including(:user_id => 'current')) end it "should tell #{@argument}'s revenue, nicely formatted and colorized in lightgreen" do @application.should_receive(:tell).with(/#{Regexp.escape "\e[1;32;49m24.00 $\e[0m"}/).at_least(:once) end it "should tell #{@argument}'s total time, nicely formatted and colorized in red" do @application.should_receive(:tell).with(/#{Regexp.escape "\e[1;31;49m4:18\e[0m"}/).at_least(:once) end end ['today', 'yesterday', 'this_week', 'last_week', 'this_month', 'last_month'].each do |argument| describe argument do before(:each) { @argument = argument } it_should_behave_like 'a simple report' end end end describe 'the stop argument' do before(:each) do @application = ['stop'] @application.stub!(:tell) time_entry = stub('time_entry', :inspect => 'hey there.') @current_tracker = stub('tracker', :time_entry => time_entry) @current_tracker.stub!(:stop).and_return @current_tracker Mite::Tracker.stub!(:current).and_return @current_tracker end it "should call stop on the current tracker" do @current_tracker.should_receive :stop end it "should do nothing if there is no current tracker" do Mite::Tracker.stub!(:current).and_return nil end it "should tell the inspection of the tracker's time entry if it has been stopped" do @application.should_receive(:tell).with 'hey there.' end end describe 'the start argument' do before(:each) do @application = ['start'] @application.stub!(:tell) @time_entry = stub('time_entry', :start_tracker => nil, :inspect => 'I was started.') Mite::TimeEntry.stub!(:first).and_return @time_entry end it "should call start_tracker on the last time entry of today" do # last time entry by time = first by list order Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:first).with(:params => {:at => 'today'}) @time_entry.should_receive(:start_tracker) end it "should tell an inspection of the last time entry if it has been started" do @application.should_receive(:tell).with 'I was started.' end it "should tell something nice if there is no time entry to start" do Mite::TimeEntry.stub!(:first).and_return nil @application.should_receive(:tell).with "Oh my dear! I tried hard, but I could'nt find any time entry for today." end end end describe MiteCmd::Application, 'dynamic time entry creation' do before(:each) do MiteCmd.stub!(:load_configuration) @time_entry = stub('time_entry', :start_tracker => nil, :inspect => '') Mite::TimeEntry.stub!(:create).and_return @time_entry Mite::Project.stub! :first Mite::Project.stub! :create Mite::Service.stub! :first Mite::Service.stub! :create end def new_application(args=[]) application = args application.stub!(:tell) application end it "should tell an inspection of the time entry" do @time_entry.stub!(:inspect).and_return 'My name is entry, time entry.' application = new_application(['Project', 'Service', 'Note']) application.should_receive(:tell).with 'My name is entry, time entry.' end describe 'the + argument' do it "should create and start a new time entry" do time_entry = stub('time_entry') Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with(:minutes => 0).and_return time_entry time_entry.should_receive :start_tracker new_application(['+']).run end end describe 'with a time given' do it "should parse minutes as integer out of h:mm(+)?" do new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '1:18').should == 78 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '72:00').should == 4320 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '0:01+').should == 1 end it "should parse minutes as integer out of h(:)?(+)?" do new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '3').should == 180 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '2:').should == 120 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '1.5').should == 90 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '2.5+').should == 150 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '5:').should == 300 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '1:+').should == 60 new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '0.5:').should == 30 end it "should parse minutes as 0 out of +" do new_application.send(:parse_minutes, '+').should == 0 end it "should add the parsed minutes to the attributes" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:minutes => 78) new_application(['ARG1', 'ARG2', '1:18', 'ARG4']).run end it "should start the tracker for the time entry if the attributes is suffixed with '+'" do @time_entry.should_receive(:start_tracker) new_application(['ARG1', 'ARG2', '1:18+', 'ARG4']).run end end describe 'with a project name given' do before(:each) do @project = stub('project', :id => 1) Mite::Project.stub!(:first).and_return @project end it "should try if the first argument is an existing project" do Mite::Project.should_receive(:first).with(:params => {:name => 'Project No1'}) new_application(['Project No1']).run end it "should add the project id to the attributes if a project was found" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:project_id => 1) new_application(['Project No1']).run end it "should create a new project unless a project was found" do Mite::Project.stub!(:first).and_return nil @project.stub!(:id).and_return 1234 Mite::Project.should_receive(:create).with(:name => 'I do not exist').and_return @project new_application(['I do not exist']).run end it "should not create a new project if the first argument is a time argument" do Mite::Project.stub!(:first).and_return nil Mite::Project.should_not_receive(:create) new_application(['1:11+']).run end end describe "with a service name given" do before(:each) do @service = stub('service', :id => 2) Mite::Service.stub!(:first).and_return @service end it "should try if the second argument is an existing service" do Mite::Service.should_receive(:first).with(:params => {:name => 'Carwashing'}) new_application(['1', 'Carwashing']).run end it "should add the service id to the attributes if a service was found" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:service_id => 2) new_application(['1', 'Read a book']).run end it "should create a new service unless a service was found" do Mite::Service.stub!(:first).and_return nil @service.stub!(:id).and_return 15 Mite::Service.should_receive(:create).with(:name => 'I do not exist yet').and_return @service new_application(['1', 'I do not exist yet']).run end it "should not create a new service if the second argument is a time argument" do Mite::Service.stub!(:first).and_return nil Mite::Service.should_not_receive(:create) new_application(['1', '0:18']).run end it "should do nothing on services if there is no second argument" do application = new_application(['1']) application.should_not_receive :find_or_create_service end end describe "with a note given" do it "should parse the note out of the arguments" do new_application.send(:parse_note, ['0:12', 'gnarr gnarr'], '0:12').should == 'gnarr gnarr' new_application.send(:parse_note, ['1', '1:30+', 'bla bla'], '1:30+').should == 'bla bla' new_application.send(:parse_note, ['Project', 'Service', 'NOTE!'], nil).should == 'NOTE!' end it "should add the note to the attributes if the fourth argument is given" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:note => 'Reminder') new_application(['ARG1', 'ARG2', '3+', 'Reminder']).run end it "should add the note to the attributes if it is third argument and no time is given" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:note => 'bla bla') new_application(['ARG1', 'ARG2', 'bla bla']).run end it "should add the note to the attributes if a time argument is followed by a note" do Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:note => 'gnarr gnarr') new_application(['1:02', 'gnarr gnarr']).run Mite::TimeEntry.should_receive(:create).with hash_including(:note => 'glubb glubb') new_application(['ARG1', '3:04', 'glubb glubb']).run end end end describe MiteCmd::Application, 'flirt' do before(:each) do MiteCmd.stub!(:load_configuration) end it "should return a random flirt as string" do be_kind_of(String) end end