module Bitbot::UpdateAddresses def cache_file_path File.join(config['data']['path'], "cached_addresses.yml") end def on_update_addresses(event = nil) if cached_addresses.nil? # Load from the cache, if available, on first load self.cached_addresses = YAML.load( rescue nil end # Updates the cached map of depositing addresses. new_addresses = {} all_addresses = [] addresses = blockchain.get_addresses_in_wallet() addresses.each do |address| all_addresses << address["address"] next unless address["label"] =~ /^\d+$/ user_id = address["label"].to_i new_addresses[user_id] = address # We set a flag on the address saying we need to get the # confirmed balance IF the previous entry has the flag, OR # the address is new OR if the balance does not equal the # previous balance. We only clear the field when the balance # equals the confirmed balance. address["need_confirmed_balance"] = @cached_addresses[user_id]["need_confirmed_balance"] rescue true if address["balance"] != (@cached_addresses[user_id]["balance"] rescue nil) address["need_confirmed_balance"] = true end end # Now go through new addresses, performing any confirmation checks # for flagged ones. new_addresses.each do |user_id, address| if address["need_confirmed_balance"] balance = blockchain.get_balance_for_address(address["address"]) address["confirmed_balance"] = balance if address["confirmed_balance"] == address["balance"] address["need_confirmed_balance"] = false end # Process any transactions for this address process_new_transactions_for_address(address, user_id, all_addresses) end end # Thread-safe? Sure, why not. self.cached_addresses = new_addresses # Cache them on disk for faster startups File.write(cache_file_path, YAML.dump(new_addresses)) end def process_new_transactions_for_address(address, user_id, all_addresses) existing_transactions = {} db.get_incoming_transaction_ids.each do |txid| existing_transactions[txid] = true end response = blockchain.get_details_for_address(address["address"]) username = db.get_username_for_user_id(user_id) response["txs"].each do |tx| # Skip ones we already have in the database next if existing_transactions[tx["hash"]] # Skip any transactions that have an existing bitbot address # as an input if tx["inputs"].any? {|input| all_addresses.include? input["prev_out"]["addr"] } debug "Skipping tx with bitbot input address: #{tx["hash"]}" next end # find the total amount for this address amount = 0 tx["out"].each do |out| if out["addr"] == address["address"] amount += out["value"] end end # Skip unless it's in a block (>=1 confirmation) if !tx["block_height"] || tx["block_height"] == 0 # TODO: only tell them this one time. if ircuser = user_with_username(username) ircuser.msg "Waiting for confirmation of transaction of " + satoshi_with_usd(amount) + " in transaction #{tx["hash"].irc(:grey)}" end next end # There is a unique constraint on incoming_transaction, so this # will fail if for some reason we try to add it again. if db.create_transaction_from_deposit(user_id, amount, tx["hash"]) # Notify the depositor, if they're around if ircuser = user_with_username(username) ircuser.msg "Received deposit of " + satoshi_with_usd(amount) + ". Current balance is " + satoshi_with_usd(db.get_balance_for_user_id(user_id)) + "." end end end end end