module Mastermind class Message # attribute readers def initialize @red = "(r)ed".colorize(:color =>:red) @green = "(g)reen".colorize(:color =>:green) @blue = "(b)lue".colorize(:color =>:blue) @yellow = "(y)ellow".colorize(:color =>:yellow) @cyan = "(c)yan".colorize(:color =>:cyan) @magenta ="(m)agenta".colorize(:color => :magenta) end def too_long "Your input is too long" end def too_short "Your input is too short" end def difficulty_select "Select difficulty level, (b)eginner, (m)medium or (a)dvance" end def welcome_msg "Welcome to Mastermind" end def play_msg "Would you like to(p)lay, read the (i)nstructions or (q)uit?" end def beginer_msg "I have generated a beginner sequence with four elements made up of: #{@red}, #{@green}, #{@blue} and #{@yellow} Use (h) to get hints, you have 1 hint. Use (q)uit at any time to end the game." end def intermidiate_msg "I have generated an intermidiate sequence with six elements made up of: #{@red}, #{@green}, #{@blue}, #{@yellow}, #{@cyan}and #{@magenta}. Use (h) to get hints, you have 3 hint. Use (q)uit at any time to end the game." end def advance_msg "I have generated an advance sequence with eight elements made up of: #{@red}, #{@green}, #{@blue}, #{@yellow}, #{@cyan}, and #{@magenta}. Use (h) to get hints, you have 5 hint. Use (q)uit at any time to end the game." end def continue_msg "Press 'p' to play or 'q' to quit." end def win_msg "********** You Win!!! **********" end def bye "Thanks for playing! :)" end def loose_msg ":( You Loose ):" end def hint_exceeded_msg "You have exceeded your hint limit" end def play_again "Would you like to (p)lay again? or (q)uit" end def name_msg "Enter your Name!" end def quit_msg "You have quit the game" end def namer_msg "Enter your name" end def invalid_entry_msg "Invalid entry, try again" end def game_over_msg "Game Over!" end def instruction_msg <<-eos This is Mastermind ** The Computer has chosen a set of colors, and the aim of the game is for you to find out those colors. ** You can press (h) to get a clue to the get the Computer's choice at the cost of a turn. ** You win when you guess all the Computer's choice correctly. ** You loose if you dont get the correct computer's choice after 12 rounds. ** Exact matches mean you guesed the right color at the right spot. ** Partial matches mean you guesed the write color but not on the right spot. *** Happy playing *** eos end def logo " _____ _ _____ _ _ | |___ ___| |_ ___ ___| |_|___ _| | | | | | .'|_ -| _| -_| _| | | | | | . | |_|_|_|__,|___|_| |___|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|___|" end end end