module Calabash module Cucumber # @!visibility private class UsageTracker require "calabash-cucumber/store/preferences" require "calabash-cucumber/logging" require "httpclient" require "run_loop" # @!visibility private @@track_usage = true # @!visibility private def self.enable_usage_tracking @@track_usage = true end # @!visibility private def self.disable_usage_tracking @@track_usage = false end # @!visibility private def post_usage if Calabash::Cucumber::UsageTracker.track_usage? && info_we_are_allowed_to_track != "none" begin, info) rescue => e message = %Q{ERROR: Could not post usage tracking information:#{$-0}#{e}} Calabash::Cucumber::log_to_file(message) end end end # @!visibility private def post_usage_async t = do post_usage end m = Thread.current do loop do unless t.alive? break end unless m.alive? t.kill break end end end nil end private # @!visibility private def preferences end # @!visibility private def user_id preferences.user_id end # @!visibility private def info_we_are_allowed_to_track preferences.usage_tracking end # @!visibility private def self.track_usage? @@track_usage && !self.xtc? end # @!visibility private def self.xtc? ENV["XAMARIN_TEST_CLOUD"] == "1" end # @!visibility private DATA_VERSION = "1.1" # @!visibility private WINDOWS = "Windows" # @!visibility private OSX = "Darwin" # @!visibility private CALABASH_IOS = "iOS" # @!visibility private CALABASH_ANDROID = "Android" # @!visibility private ROUTE = "" # @!visibility private def host_os @host_os ||= lambda do if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ WINDOWS else `uname -s`.chomp end end # @!visibility private def host_os_version @host_os_version ||= lambda do if host_os == WINDOWS `ver`.chomp elsif host_os == OSX `sw_vers -productVersion`.chomp else `uname -r`.chomp end end # @!visibility private def irb? $0 == "irb" end # @!visibility private def ruby_version @ruby_version ||= `#{RbConfig.ruby} -v`.chomp end # @!visibility private def used_bundle_exec? Object.const_defined?(:Bundler) end # @!visibility private def used_cucumber? Object.const_defined?(:Cucumber) end # @!visibility private # # Collect a hash of usage info. def info allowed = info_we_are_allowed_to_track if allowed == "none" raise RuntimeError, "This method should not be called if the user does not want to be tracked." end # Events only hash = { :event_name => "session", :data_version => DATA_VERSION, :distinct_id => user_id } if allowed == "system_info" hash.merge!( { :platform => CALABASH_IOS, :host_os => host_os, :host_os_version => host_os_version, :irb => irb?, :ruby_version => ruby_version, :used_bundle_exec => used_bundle_exec?, :used_cucumber => used_cucumber?, :version => Calabash::Cucumber::VERSION, :run_loop_version => RunLoop::VERSION, :xcode_version =>, :ci =>, :jenkins => RunLoop::Environment.jenkins?, :travis => RunLoop::Environment.travis?, :circle_ci => RunLoop::Environment.circle_ci?, :teamcity => RunLoop::Environment.teamcity?, :gitlab => RunLoop::Environment.gitlab? } ) end hash end end end end