page-type template-namesoftware template-parameters titleInfo store-version1.0 store-client-applicationSoftware pings item-metadata typesoftware titleKeynote Remote item-id300719251 url release-date2009-03-26T07:00:00Z user-rating-count717 average-user-rating0.76 title2717 Ratings user-rating-count-string717 Ratings rating systemitunes-games rank100 label4+ description advisory-array store-offers STDQ action-paramsproductType=C&salableAdamId=300719251&pricingParameters=STDQ&price=990&ct-id=14 action-display-nameBUY NOW price0.99000 price-display$0.99 size475438 supported-devices 1 supported-device-types device-type-id1 minimum-product-version2.0 minimum-product-version-titleApplication Not Compatible minimum-product-version-descriptionThis application requires the iPhone 2.0 Software Update url-page-typesoftware artwork-urls box-height57 needs-shine url box-width57 box-height460 url box-width320 image-typesoftware-icon default box-height57 needs-shine url box-width57 url company titleApple Inc. url domains descriptionWith Keynote Remote, you can control your Keynote slide presentation on your computer from your iPod touch or iPhone. Swipe to advance or return to the previous slide. In portrait mode, see your presenter notes on your iPod touch or iPhone. In landscape mode, preview your next slide. Keynote Remote works with your Wi-Fi network, so you can control slide playback from anywhere in the room. Features – Control your Keynote presentation – Swipe to advance or return to the previous slide – See presenter notes on your iPhone or iPod touch – Preview your next slide in landscape mode – Pair your iPhone or iPod touch to any Mac with Keynote ’09 NOTE: Keynote Remote requires Keynote ’09, part of the iWork ’09 suite. You will need a working Wi-Fi connection between your iPhone/iPod touch and your Mac. developers-eula typelink titleKeynote Remote - License Agreement url url-page-typeeula view-user-reviews-url version1.1 version-external-identifier1562781 version-external-identifiers 1418382 1562781