#-- # Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Nick Sieger # See the file LICENSE.txt included with the distribution for # software license details. #++ require 'bundler/setup' begin require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :git require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/ci/reporter/version' hoe = Hoe.spec("ci_reporter") do |p| p.version = CI::Reporter::VERSION p.group_name = "caldersphere" p.readme_file = "README.rdoc" p.urls = ["https://github.com/nicksieger/ci_reporter"] p.author = "Nick Sieger" p.email = "nick@nicksieger.com" p.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' p.summary = "CI::Reporter allows you to generate reams of XML for use with continuous integration systems." p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n") p.description = p.paragraphs_of('README.rdoc', 0...1).join("\n\n") p.extra_rdoc_files += ["README.rdoc"] p.test_globs = ["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] p.extra_deps << [ 'builder', '>= 2.1.2' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'hoe-git', '~> 1.5.0' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'cucumber', '>= 1.3.3' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'rspec', '> 2.0.0' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'test-unit', '> 2.4.9' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'minitest', '~> 2.2.0' ] p.extra_dev_deps << [ 'spinach', '>= 0.8.7' ] p.clean_globs += ["spec/reports", "acceptance/reports"] p.license 'MIT' end hoe.spec.rdoc_options += ["-SHN", "-f", "darkfish"] task :gemspec do File.open("#{hoe.name}.gemspec", "w") {|f| f << hoe.spec.to_ruby } end rescue LoadError puts "You really need Hoe installed to be able to package this gem" end def run_ruby_acceptance(cmd) ENV['CI_REPORTS'] ||= "acceptance/reports" if ENV['RUBYOPT'] opts = ENV['RUBYOPT'] ENV['RUBYOPT'] = nil else opts = "-rubygems" end begin result_proc = proc {|ok,*| puts "Failures above are expected." unless ok } ruby "-Ilib #{opts} #{cmd}", &result_proc ensure ENV['RUBYOPT'] = opts if opts != "-rubygems" ENV.delete 'CI_REPORTS' end end namespace :generate do task :test_unit do run_ruby_acceptance "-rci/reporter/rake/test_unit_loader acceptance/test_unit_example_test.rb" end task :minitest do run_ruby_acceptance "-rci/reporter/rake/minitest_loader acceptance/minitest_example_test.rb" end task :rspec do rspec = "#{Gem.loaded_specs['rspec-core'].gem_dir}/exe/rspec" run_ruby_acceptance "-S #{rspec} --require ci/reporter/rake/rspec_loader --format CI::Reporter::RSpec acceptance/rspec_example_spec.rb" end task :cucumber do cucumber = "#{Gem.loaded_specs['cucumber'].gem_dir}/bin/cucumber" run_ruby_acceptance "-rci/reporter/rake/cucumber_loader -S #{cucumber} --format CI::Reporter::Cucumber acceptance/cucumber" end task :spinach do spinach = "#{Gem.loaded_specs['spinach'].gem_dir}/bin/spinach" run_ruby_acceptance "-I../../lib -rci/reporter/rake/spinach_loader -S #{spinach} -r ci_reporter -f acceptance/spinach/features" end task :clean do rm_rf "acceptance/reports" end task :all => [:clean, :test_unit, :minitest, :rspec, :cucumber, :spinach] end task :acceptance => "generate:all" require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:acceptance_spec) do |t| t.pattern = FileList['acceptance/verification_spec.rb'] t.rspec_opts = "--color" end task :acceptance => :acceptance_spec task :default => :acceptance