require 'pathname' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + '../spec_helper' require 'resourceful/cache_manager' describe Resourceful::AbstractCacheManager do before do @cm = #cheat, because I cant new a real one. end it 'should not be initializable' do lambda { }.should raise_error end it 'should have a lookup method' do @cm.should respond_to(:lookup) end it 'should have a store method' do @cm.should respond_to(:store) end it 'should have a invalidate method' do @cm.should respond_to(:invalidate) end end describe Resourceful::NullCacheManager do before do @ncm = end it 'should not find anything' do @ncm.lookup(:stuff).should be_nil end it 'should not store anything' do @ncm.should respond_to(:store) lambda {, :bar) }.should_not raise_error end end describe Resourceful::InMemoryCacheManager do before do @request = mock('request', :resource => mock('resource'), :request_time => Time.utc(2008,5,22,15,00), :uri => 'uri') @response = mock('response', :header => {}, :cachable? => true) @entry = mock('cache entry', :response => @response, :valid_for? => true) Resourceful::CacheEntry.stub!(:new).and_return(@entry) @imcm = end describe 'finding' do before do @response.stub!(:authoritative=) @imcm.instance_variable_set("@collection", {'uri' => {@request => @response}}) end it 'should lookup the response by request' do @imcm.lookup(@request).should == @response end it 'should set the response to non-authoritative' do @response.should_receive(:authoritative=).with(false) @imcm.lookup(@request) end end describe 'saving' do it 'should make a new cache entry' do Resourceful::CacheEntry.should_receive(:new).with( @request, @response ), @response) end it 'should store the response entity by request' do, @response) col = @imcm.instance_variable_get("@collection") col['uri'][@request].should == @response end it 'should check if the response is cachable' do @response.should_receive(:cachable?).and_return(true), @response) end it 'should not store an entry if the response is not cachable' do @response.should_receive(:cachable?).and_return(false), @response) col = @imcm.instance_variable_get("@collection") col['uri'][@request].should be_nil end end describe 'invalidating' do it 'should remove an entry from the cache by uri' do, @response) @imcm.invalidate('uri') col = @imcm.instance_variable_get("@collection") col.should_not have_key('uri') end end end describe Resourceful::CacheEntryCollection do before do @request = mock('request', :uri => 'this', :request_time =>, :header => {}) @valid_resp = stub('valid_resp', :authoritative= => nil, :header => {}) @entry_valid = mock('entry', :valid_for? => true, :response => @valid_resp) @entry_invalid = mock('entry', :valid_for? => false, :response => stub('invalid_resp')) @collection = end it 'should find the right entry for a request' do @collection.instance_variable_set('@entries', [@entry_valid, @entry_invalid]) @entry_valid.should_receive(:valid_for?).with(@request).and_return(true) @collection[@request].should == @valid_resp end it 'should be nil if no matching entry was found' do @collection.instance_variable_set('@entries', [@entry_invalid]) @entry_invalid.should_receive(:valid_for?).with(@request).and_return(false) @collection[@request].should == nil end it 'should store an entry' do @collection[@request] = @valid_resp @collection.instance_variable_get("@entries").should have(1).items end it 'should replace an existing entry if the existing entry matches the request' do new_resp = stub('new_resp', :authoritative= => nil, :header => {}) @collection[@request] = @valid_resp @collection[@request] = new_resp @collection.instance_variable_get("@entries").map{|it| it.response}.should include(new_resp) @collection.instance_variable_get("@entries").map{|it| it.response}.should_not include(@valid_resp) end end describe Resourceful::CacheEntry do before do @entry = mock('original_request', :header => {'Accept' => 'text/plain'} , :request_time => Time.utc(2008,5,16,0,0,0), :uri => 'http://foo.invalid'), mock('response', :header => {'Vary' => 'Accept'}) ) @request = mock('request', :uri => 'http://foo.invalid') end describe "#valid_for?(a_request)" do it "should true for request to URI w/ matching header " do @entry.valid_for?(mock("new_request", :uri => 'http://foo.invalid', :header => {'Accept' => 'text/plain'})).should be_true end it "should false for requests against different URIs even if headers match" do @entry.valid_for?(mock("new_request", :uri => 'http://bar.invalid', :header => {'Accept' => 'text/plain'})).should be_false end it "should false for requests where headers don't match" do @entry.valid_for?(mock("new_request", :uri => 'http://foo.invalid', :header => {'Accept' => 'application/octet-stream'})).should be_false end it "should be false if request has a varying header and the original request was missing that header" do entry = mock('original_request', :header => {}, :request_time => Time.utc(2008,5,16,0,0,0), :uri => 'http://foo.invalid'), mock('response', :header => {'Vary' => 'Accept'})) entry.valid_for?(mock("new_request", :uri => 'http://foo.invalid', :header => {'Accept' => 'text/plain'})).should be_false end end describe '#select_request_headers' do before do @req_header = mock('header', :[] => nil) @request = mock('request', :header => @req_header) @resp_header = mock('header', :[] => nil) @response = mock('response', :header => @resp_header) end it 'should select the request headers from the Vary header' do @resp_header.should_receive(:[]).with('Vary') @entry.select_request_headers(@request, @response) end it 'should pull the values from the request that match keys in the vary header' do @resp_header.should_receive(:[]).with('Vary').twice.and_return(['foo', 'bar']) @req_header.should_receive(:[]).with('foo').and_return('oof') @req_header.should_receive(:[]).with('bar').and_return('rab') header = @entry.select_request_headers(@request, @response) header['foo'].should == 'oof' header['bar'].should == 'rab' end it 'should return a new Header object' do @entry.select_request_headers(@request, @response).should be_kind_of(Resourceful::Header) end end end