require 'test/helper.rb' class IntegrationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "Many models at once" do setup do rebuild_model @file =, "5k.png")) 300.times do |i| Dummy.create! :avatar => @file end end should "not exceed the open file limit" do assert_nothing_raised do dummies = Dummy.all dummies.each { |dummy| dummy.avatar } end end end context "An attachment" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "50x50#" } @dummy = = 1 @file =, "fixtures", "5k.png")) @dummy.avatar = @file assert end should "create its thumbnails properly" do assert_match /\b50x50\b/, `identify '#{@dummy.avatar.path(:thumb)}'` end context "redefining its attachment styles" do setup do Dummy.class_eval do has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :thumb => "150x25#" } end @d2 = Dummy.get( @d2.avatar.reprocess! end should "create its thumbnails properly" do assert_match /\b150x25\b/, `identify '#{@dummy.avatar.path(:thumb)}'` end end end context "A model with no attachment validation" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :default_style => :medium, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension", :path => ":merb_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" @dummy = end should "have its definition return false when asked about whiny_thumbnails" do assert ! Dummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:whiny_thumbnails] end context "when validates_attachment_thumbnails is called" do setup do Dummy.validates_attachment_thumbnails :avatar end should "have its definition return true when asked about whiny_thumbnails" do assert_equal true, Dummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:whiny_thumbnails] end end context "redefined to have attachment validations" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :whiny_thumbnails => true, :default_style => :medium, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension", :path => ":merb_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" end should "have its definition return true when asked about whiny_thumbnails" do assert_equal true, Dummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:whiny_thumbnails] end end end context "A model with no thumbnail_convert_options setting" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :default_style => :medium, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension", :path => ":merb_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" @dummy = end should "have its definition return nil when asked about convert_options" do assert ! Dummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:thumbnail_convert_options] end context "redefined to have convert_options setting" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :thumbnail_convert_options => "-strip -depth 8", :default_style => :medium, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension", :path => ":merb_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" end should "have its definition return convert_options value when asked about convert_options" do assert_equal "-strip -depth 8", Dummy.attachment_definitions[:avatar][:thumbnail_convert_options] end end end context "A model with a filesystem attachment" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :whiny_thumbnails => true, :default_style => :medium, :url => "/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension", :path => ":merb_root/tmp/:attachment/:class/:style/:id/:basename.:extension" @dummy = @file =, "5k.png")) @bad_file =, "bad.png")) = 1 assert @dummy.avatar = @file assert @dummy.valid? assert end should "write and delete its files" do [["434x66", :original], ["300x46", :large], ["100x15", :medium], ["32x32", :thumb]].each do |geo, style| cmd = %Q[identify -format "%wx%h" #{@dummy.avatar.to_file(style).path}] assert_equal geo, `#{cmd}`.chomp, cmd end saved_paths = [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].collect{|s| @dummy.avatar.to_file(s).path } @d2 = Dummy.get( assert_equal "100x15", `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2.avatar.to_file.path}`.chomp assert_equal "434x66", `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2.avatar.to_file(:original).path}`.chomp assert_equal "300x46", `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2.avatar.to_file(:large).path}`.chomp assert_equal "100x15", `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2.avatar.to_file(:medium).path}`.chomp assert_equal "32x32", `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2.avatar.to_file(:thumb).path}`.chomp @dummy.avatar = "not a valid file but not nil" assert_equal File.basename(@file.path), @dummy.avatar_file_name assert @dummy.valid? @dummy.other = 'dirty' # must have a change in order to save assert saved_paths.each do |p| assert File.exists?(p) end @dummy.avatar = nil assert_nil @dummy.avatar_file_name assert @dummy.valid? assert saved_paths.each do |p| assert ! File.exists?(p) end @d2 = Dummy.get( assert_nil @d2.avatar_file_name end should "work exactly the same when new as when reloaded" do @d2 = Dummy.get( assert_equal @dummy.avatar_file_name, @d2.avatar_file_name [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].each do |style| assert_equal @dummy.avatar.to_file(style).path, @d2.avatar.to_file(style).path end saved_paths = [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].collect{|s| @dummy.avatar.to_file(s).path } @d2.avatar = nil assert saved_paths.each do |p| assert ! File.exists?(p) end end should "know the difference between good files, bad files, not files, and nil" do expected = @dummy.avatar.to_file @dummy.avatar = "not a file" assert @dummy.valid? assert_equal expected.path, @dummy.avatar.to_file.path @dummy.avatar = @bad_file assert ! @dummy.valid? @dummy.avatar = nil assert @dummy.valid? end should "know the difference between good files, bad files, not files, and nil when validating" do Dummy.validates_attachment_presence :avatar @d2 = Dummy.get( @d2.avatar = @file assert @d2.valid? @d2.avatar = @bad_file assert ! @d2.valid? @d2.avatar = nil assert ! @d2.valid? end should "be able to reload without saving an not have the file disappear" do @dummy.avatar = @file @dummy.avatar = nil assert_nil @dummy.avatar_file_name @dummy.reload assert_equal "5k.png", @dummy.avatar_file_name end context "that is assigned its file from another Paperclip attachment" do setup do @dummy2 = @file2 =, "12k.png")) assert @dummy2.avatar = @file2 end should "work when assigned a file" do assert_not_equal `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@dummy.avatar.to_file(:original).path}`, `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@dummy2.avatar.to_file(:original).path}` assert @dummy.avatar = @dummy2.avatar assert_equal `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@dummy.avatar.to_file(:original).path}`, `identify -format "%wx%h" #{@dummy2.avatar.to_file(:original).path}` end should "work when assigned a nil file" do @dummy2.avatar = nil @dummy.avatar = @dummy2.avatar assert !@dummy.avatar? end end end if ENV['S3_TEST_BUCKET'] def s3_files_for attachment [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].inject({}) do |files, style| data = `curl '#{attachment.url(style)}' 2>/dev/null`.chomp t ="paperclip-test") t.write(data) t.rewind files[style] = t files end end context "A model with an S3 attachment" do setup do rebuild_model :styles => { :large => "300x300>", :medium => "100x100", :thumb => ["32x32#", :gif] }, :storage => :s3, :whiny_thumbnails => true, # :s3_options => {:logger =>}, :s3_credentials =>, "s3.yml")), :default_style => :medium, :bucket => ENV['S3_TEST_BUCKET'], :path => ":class/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension" @dummy = @file =, "5k.png")) @bad_file =, "bad.png")) assert @dummy.avatar = @file assert @dummy.valid? assert @files_on_s3 = s3_files_for @dummy.avatar end should "write and delete its files" do [["434x66", :original], ["300x46", :large], ["100x15", :medium], ["32x32", :thumb]].each do |geo, style| cmd = %Q[identify -format "%wx%h" #{@files_on_s3[style].path}] assert_equal geo, `#{cmd}`.chomp, cmd end @d2 = Dummy.get( @d2_files = s3_files_for @d2.avatar [["434x66", :original], ["300x46", :large], ["100x15", :medium], ["32x32", :thumb]].each do |geo, style| cmd = %Q[identify -format "%wx%h" #{@d2_files[style].path}] assert_equal geo, `#{cmd}`.chomp, cmd end @dummy.avatar = "not a valid file but not nil" assert_equal File.basename(@file.path), @dummy.avatar_file_name assert @dummy.valid? assert saved_keys = [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].collect{|s| @dummy.avatar.to_file(s) } saved_keys.each do |key| assert key.exists? end @dummy.avatar = nil assert_nil @dummy.avatar_file_name assert @dummy.valid? assert saved_keys.each do |key| assert ! key.exists? end @d2 = Dummy.get( assert_nil @d2.avatar_file_name end should "work exactly the same when new as when reloaded" do @d2 = Dummy.get( assert_equal @dummy.avatar_file_name, @d2.avatar_file_name [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].each do |style| assert_equal @dummy.avatar.to_file(style).to_s, @d2.avatar.to_file(style).to_s end saved_keys = [:thumb, :medium, :large, :original].collect{|s| @dummy.avatar.to_file(s) } @d2.avatar = nil assert saved_keys.each do |key| assert ! key.exists? end end should "know the difference between good files, bad files, not files, and nil" do expected = @dummy.avatar.to_file @dummy.avatar = "not a file" assert @dummy.valid? assert_equal expected.full_name, @dummy.avatar.to_file.full_name @dummy.avatar = @bad_file assert ! @dummy.valid? @dummy.avatar = nil assert @dummy.valid? Dummy.validates_attachment_presence :avatar @d2 = Dummy.get( @d2.avatar = @file assert @d2.valid? @d2.avatar = @bad_file assert ! @d2.valid? @d2.avatar = nil assert ! @d2.valid? end should "be able to reload without saving and not have the file disappear" do @dummy.avatar = @file assert @dummy.avatar = nil assert_nil @dummy.avatar_file_name @dummy.reload assert_equal "5k.png", @dummy.avatar_file_name end end end end