module Mittsu class OpenGLMaterial # TODO: init_shader for these material-types # MeshDepthMaterial => :depth, # TODO... # MeshNormalMaterial => :normal, # TODO... # LineDashedMaterial => :dashed, # TODO... # PointCloudMaterial => :particle_basic # TODO... attr_accessor :shadow_pass attr_reader :shader, :uniforms_list def initialize(material, renderer) @material = material @renderer = renderer end def init(lights, fog, object) @material.add_event_listener(:dispose, @renderer.method(:on_material_dispose)) init_shader @material.program = find_or_create_program(lights, fog, object) count_supported_morph_attributes(@material.program.attributes) @uniforms_list = get_uniforms_list end def set if @material.transparent @renderer.state.set_blending(@material.blending, @material.blend_equation, @material.blend_src, @material.blend_dst, @material.blend_equation_alpha, @material.blend_src_alpha, @material.blend_dst_alpha) else @renderer.state.set_blending(NoBlending) end @renderer.state.set_depth_test(@material.depth_test) @renderer.state.set_depth_write(@material.depth_write) @renderer.state.set_color_write(@material.color_write) @renderer.state.set_polygon_offset(@material.polygon_offset, @material.polygon_offset_factor, @material.polygon_offset_units) end def needs_face_normals? @material.shading == FlatShading end def clear_custom_attributes @material.attributes.each do |attribute| attribute.needs_update = false end end def custom_attributes_dirty? @material.attributes.each do |attribute| return true if attribute.needs_update end false end def refresh_uniforms(_) # NOOP end def needs_camera_position_uniform? @material.env_map end def needs_view_matrix_uniform? @material.skinning end def needs_lights? @material.lights end protected def init_shader @shader = { uniforms: @material.uniforms, vertex_shader: @material.vertex_shader, fragment_shader: @material.fragment_shader } end def shader_id nil end private def allocate_lights(lights) lights.reject { |light| light.only_shadow || !light.visible }.each_with_object({ directional: 0, point: 0, spot: 0, hemi: 0, other: 0 }) { |light, counts| counts[light.implementation(@renderer).to_sym] += 1 } end def allocate_shadows(lights) max_shadows = 0 lights.each do |light| next unless light.cast_shadow max_shadows += 1 if light.is_a?(SpotLight) max_shadows += 1 if light.is_a?(DirectionalLight) && !light.shadow_cascade end max_shadows end def allocate_bones(object = nil) if @renderer.supports_bone_textures? && object && object.skeleton && object.skeleton.use_vertex_texture return 1024 end # default for when object is not specified # ( for example when prebuilding shader # to be used with multiple objects ) # # - leave some extra space for other uniforms # - limit here is ANGLE's 254 max uniform vectors # (up to 54 should be safe) n_vertex_uniforms = (glGetParameter(GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS) / 4.0).floor n_vertex_matrices = ((n_vertex_uniforms - 20) / 4.0).floor max_bones = n_vertex_matrices # TODO: when SkinnedMesh exists # if !object.nil? && object.is_a?(SkinnedMesh) # max_bones = [object.skeleton.bones.length, max_bones].min # # if max_bones < object.skeleton.bones.length # puts "WARNING: OpenGLRenderer: too many bones - #{object.skeleton.bones.length}, this GPU supports just #{max_bones}" # end # end max_bones end def count_supported_morph_attributes(attributes) if @material.morph_targets @material.num_supported_morph_normals = count_supported_morph_attribute(attributes, 'morphTarget', @renderer.max_morph_normals) end if @material.morph_normals @material.num_supported_morph_normals = count_supported_morph_attribute(attributes, 'morphNormal', @renderer.max_morph_normals) end end def count_supported_morph_attribute(attributes, base, max) max.times.reduce do |num, i| attribute = attributes["#{base}#{i}"] attribute && attribute >= 0 ? num + 1 : num end end def get_uniforms_list @shader[:uniforms].map { |(key, uniform)| location = @material.program.uniforms[key] if location [uniform, location] end }.compact end def program_parameters(lights, fog, object) # heuristics to create shader paramaters according to lights in the scene # (not to blow over max_lights budget) max_light_count = allocate_lights(lights) max_shadows = allocate_shadows(lights) max_bones = allocate_bones(object) { supports_vertex_textures: @renderer.supports_vertex_textures?, map: !!, env_map: !!@material.env_map, env_map_mode: @material.env_map && @material.env_map.mapping, light_map: !!@material.light_map, bump_map: !!@material.light_map, normal_map: !!@material.normal_map, specular_map: !!@material.specular_map, alpha_map: !!@material.alpha_map, combine: @material.combine, vertex_colors: @material.vertex_colors, fog: fog, use_fog: @material.fog, # fog_exp: fog.is_a?(FogExp2), # TODO: when FogExp2 exists flat_shading: @material.shading == FlatShading, size_attenuation: @material.size_attenuation, logarithmic_depth_buffer: @renderer.logarithmic_depth_buffer, skinning: @material.skinning, max_bones: max_bones, use_vertex_texture: @renderer.supports_bone_textures?, morph_targets: @material.morph_targets, morph_normals: @material.morph_normals, max_morph_targets: @renderer.max_morph_targets, max_morph_normals: @renderer.max_morph_normals, max_dir_lights: max_light_count[:directional], max_point_lights: max_light_count[:point], max_spot_lights: max_light_count[:spot], max_hemi_lights: max_light_count[:hemi], max_shadows: max_shadows, shadow_map_enabled: @renderer.shadow_map_enabled? && object.receive_shadow && max_shadows > 0, shadow_map_type: @renderer.shadow_map_type, shadow_map_debug: @renderer.shadow_map_debug, shadow_map_cascade: @renderer.shadow_map_cascade, alpha_test: @material.alpha_test, metal: @material.metal, wrap_around: @material.wrap_around, double_sided: @material.side == DoubleSide, flip_sided: @material.side == BackSide } end def program_slug(parameters) chunks = [] if shader_id chunks << shader_id else chunks << @material.fragment_shader chunks << @material.vertex_shader end if !@material.defines.nil? @material.defines.each do |(name, define)| chunks << name chunks << define end end parameters.each do |(name, parameter)| chunks << name chunks << parameter end chunks.join end def find_or_create_program(lights, fog, object) parameters = program_parameters(lights, fog, object) code = program_slug(parameters) program = @renderer.programs.find do |program_info| program_info.code == code end if program.nil? program =, code, @material, parameters) @renderer.programs.push(program)[:memory][:programs] = @renderer.programs.length else program.used_times += 1 end program end end end