require 'net/telnet' require 'ruboto/sdk_versions' module Ruboto module Util module Emulator ON_WINDOWS = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/i) ON_MAC_OS_X = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /^darwin(.*)/ def sdk_level_name(sdk_level) Ruboto::SdkVersions::API_LEVEL_TO_VERSION[sdk_level] || "api_#{sdk_level}" end def start_emulator(sdk_level, no_snapshot) sdk_level = sdk_level.gsub(/^android-/, '').to_i STDOUT.sync = true if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_cpu'] == 'x86_64' if ON_MAC_OS_X emulator_cmd = '-m "emulator64-(arm|x86)"' else emulator_cmd = 'emulator64-arm' end else emulator_cmd = 'emulator-arm' end avd_name = "Android_#{sdk_level_name(sdk_level)}" new_snapshot = false if `adb devices` =~ /emulator-5554/ t ='Host' => 'localhost', 'Port' => 5554, 'Prompt' => /^OK\n/) t.waitfor(/^OK\n/) output = '' t.cmd('avd name') { |c| output << c } t.close if output =~ /(.*)\nOK\n/ running_avd_name = $1 if running_avd_name == avd_name puts "Emulator #{avd_name} is already running." return else puts "Emulator #{running_avd_name} is running." end else raise "Unexpected response from emulator: #{output.inspect}" end else puts 'No emulator is running.' end # FIXME(uwe): Change use of "killall" to use the Ruby Process API loop do emulator_opts = '-partition-size 256' emulator_opts << ' -no-snapshot-load' if no_snapshot if !ON_MAC_OS_X && !ON_WINDOWS && ENV['DISPLAY'].nil? emulator_opts << ' -no-window -no-audio' end `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? == 0 `killall #{emulator_cmd}` 10.times do |i| `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? != 0 break end if i == 3 print 'Waiting for emulator to die: ...' elsif i > 3 print '.' end sleep 1 end puts `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? == 0 puts 'Emulator still running.' `killall -9 #{emulator_cmd}` sleep 1 end end avd_home = "#{ENV['HOME'].gsub('\\', '/')}/.android/avd/#{avd_name}.avd" unless File.exists? avd_home puts "Creating AVD #{avd_name}" target = `android list target`.split(/----------\n/). find { |l| l =~ /android-#{sdk_level}/ } if target.nil? puts "Target android-#{sdk_level} not found. You should run" puts "\n ruboto setup -y -t #{sdk_level}\n\nto install it." exit 3 end if ON_MAC_OS_X || ON_WINDOWS abis = target.slice(/(?<=ABIs : ).*/).split(', ') has_haxm = abis.find { |a| a =~ /x86/ } end # FIXME(uwe): The x86 emulator does not respect the heap setting and # restricts to a 16MB heap on Android 2.3 which will crash any # Ruboto app. Remove the first "if" below when heap setting works # on x86 emulator. # # if sdk_level == 10 abi_opt = '--abi armeabi' else if has_haxm abi_opt = '--abi x86' else if [17, 16, 15, 13, 11].include? sdk_level abi_opt = '--abi armeabi-v7a' elsif sdk_level == 10 abi_opt = '--abi armeabi' end end end # EMXIF puts `echo n | android create avd -a -n #{avd_name} -t android-#{sdk_level} #{abi_opt} -c 64M -s HVGA` if $? != 0 puts 'Failed to create AVD.' exit 3 end avd_config_file_name = "#{avd_home}/config.ini" old_avd_config = manifest_file = 'AndroidManifest.xml' heap_size = (File.exists?(manifest_file) && =~ /largeHeap/) ? 256 : 48 new_avd_config = old_avd_config.gsub(/vm.heapSize=([0-9]*)/) { |m| $1.to_i < heap_size ? "vm.heapSize=#{heap_size}" : m } add_property(new_avd_config, 'hw.device.manufacturer', 'Generic') add_property(new_avd_config, '', '3.2" HVGA slider (ADP1)') add_property(new_avd_config, 'hw.mainKeys', 'yes') add_property(new_avd_config, 'hw.sdCard', 'yes') File.write(avd_config_file_name, new_avd_config) if new_avd_config != old_avd_config new_snapshot = true end puts "Start emulator#{' without snapshot' if no_snapshot}" system "emulator -avd #{avd_name} #{emulator_opts} #{'&' unless ON_WINDOWS}" return if ON_WINDOWS 3.times do |i| sleep 1 `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? == 0 break end if i == 3 print 'Waiting for emulator: ...' elsif i > 3 print '.' end end puts `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? != 0 puts 'Unable to start the emulator. Retrying without loading snapshot.' system "emulator -no-snapshot-load -avd #{avd_name} #{emulator_opts} #{'&' unless ON_WINDOWS}" 10.times do |i| `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? == 0 new_snapshot = true break end if i == 3 print 'Waiting for emulator: ...' elsif i > 3 print '.' end sleep 1 end end `killall -0 #{emulator_cmd} 2> /dev/null` if $? == 0 print 'Emulator started: ' 50.times do break if device_ready? print '.' sleep 1 end puts break if device_ready? puts 'Emulator started, but failed to respond.' unless no_snapshot puts 'Retrying without loading snapshot.' no_snapshot = true end else puts 'Unable to start the emulator.' end end if new_snapshot puts 'Allow the emulator to calm down a bit.' sleep 15 end system </dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then set -e adb shell input keyevent 82 >/dev/null 2>&1 adb shell input keyevent 4 >/dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 fi done echo "Failed to unlock screen" set -e exit 1 ) & EOF system 'adb logcat > adb_logcat.log &' puts "Emulator #{avd_name} started OK." end def device_ready? `adb get-state`.gsub(/^WARNING:.*$/, '').chomp == 'device' end def add_property(new_avd_config, property_name, value) pattern = /^#{property_name}=.*$/ property = "#{property_name}=#{value}" if new_avd_config =~ pattern new_avd_config.gsub! pattern, property puts "Changed property: #{property}" else new_avd_config << "#{property}\n" puts "Added property: #{property}" end end end end end