module Octopress module Deploy class Commands < Octopress::Command def self.init_with_program(p) p.command(:deploy) do |c| c.syntax "deploy [options]" c.version Deploy::VERSION c.description "Deploy your Octopress site." c.option "config_file", "--config FILE", "The path to your config file (default: _deploy.yml)" c.action do |args, options| Octopress::Deploy.push(options) end c.command(:pull) do |c| c.syntax "pull " c.description "Pull down the published copy of your site into DIR" c.option 'force', '--force', 'Overwrite existing files on pull' c.option "config_file", "--config FILE", "The path to your config file (default: _deploy.yml)" c.action do |args, options| options['dir'] = args.first Octopress::Deploy.pull(options) end end c.command(:init) do |c| c.syntax 'init [options]' c.description "Create a configuration file for a deployment method (#{Deploy::METHODS.keys.join(', ')})." c.command(:rsync) do |c| c.syntax 'rsync [options]' c.description "Create an rsync deployment configuration file." c.option 'user', '-u', '--user USER', 'SSH user (e.g.' c.option 'port', '-p', '--port PORT', 'SSH port (default: 22)' c.option 'flags', '-f', '--flags FLAGS', 'Flags to pass to Rsync command (default: -avz)' c.option 'remote_path', '--dir DIR', 'Path to site directory on host (e.g. ~/webroot/)' c.option 'delete', '--delete', 'Sync file deletion' add_common_init_options(c) c.action do |args, options| options['method'] = 'rsync' Octopress::Deploy.init_config(options) end end c.command(:git) do |c| c.syntax 'git [options]' c.description "Create a git deployment configuration file." c.option 'git_url', '-u', '--url URL', 'Git url (e.g.' c.option 'git_branch', '-b', '--branch NAME', 'Branch to deploy to (default: master)' c.option 'remote_path', '-d', '--dir DIR', 'Deploy site into a subdirectory.' c.option 'delete', '--delete', 'Sync file deletion' add_common_init_options(c) c.action do |args, options| options['method'] = 'git' if options['git_url'] options['git_url'].sub!(/^\./, Dir.pwd) else $stderr.puts "git url missing" puts c # print the help abort end Octopress::Deploy.init_config(options) end end c.command(:s3) do |c| c.syntax 's3 [options]' c.description "Create an S3 deployment configuration file." c.option 'bucket_name', '-b', '--bucket NAME', 'S3 Bucket name' c.option 'access_key_id', '-a', '--access KEY', 'Access key id' c.option 'secret_access_key', '-s', '--secret KEY', 'Secret access key' c.option 'region', '-r', '--region REGION', 'AWS region (default: us-east-1)' c.option 'remote_path', '-d', '--dir DIR', 'Deploy site into a subdirectory.' c.option 'verbose', '-v', '--verbose', 'Log verbose output when deploying' c.option 'delete', '--delete', 'Sync file deletion' add_common_init_options(c) c.action do |args, options| options['method'] = 's3' Octopress::Deploy.init_config(options) end end end c.command(:'add-bucket') do |c| c.syntax 'add-bucket [options]' c.description "Add a new S3 bucket and configure it for static websites. Name defaults to bucket_name in config file" c.option 'region','--region REGION','Choose a region. (Defaults: to region in config file)' c.option 'index_page','--index PAGE','Specify an index page. (Default: index.html)' c.option 'error_page','--error PAGE','Specify an error page. (Default: 404.html)' c.option "config_file", "--config FILE", "The path to your config file (default: _deploy.yml)" c.action do |args, options| options['bucket_name'] = args.first Octopress::Deploy.add_bucket(options) end end end end def self.add_common_init_options(c) c.option 'site_dir', '--site', 'Path to generated site (default: _site).' c.option 'force', '--force', 'Overwrite any exiting config file.' c.option 'config_file', '--config FILE', 'Choose a config file name. (default. _deploy.yml)' end end end end