/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Distributed under the BSD license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, Ajax.org B.V. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Ajax.org B.V. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AJAX.ORG B.V. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ if (typeof process !== "undefined") { require("amd-loader"); } define(function(require, exports, module) { "use strict"; var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession; var assert = require("./test/assertions"); module.exports = { createSession : function(rows, cols) { var line = new Array(cols + 1).join("a"); var text = new Array(rows).join(line + "\n") + line; return new EditSession(text); }, "test: move cursor to end of file should place the cursor on last row and column" : function() { var session = this.createSession(200, 10); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorFileEnd(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 199, 10); }, "test: moveCursor to start of file should place the cursor on the first row and column" : function() { var session = this.createSession(200, 10); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorFileStart(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); }, "test: move selection lead to end of file" : function() { var session = this.createSession(200, 10); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(100, 5); selection.selectFileEnd(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 100, 5); assert.position(range.end, 199, 10); }, "test: move selection lead to start of file" : function() { var session = this.createSession(200, 10); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(100, 5); selection.selectFileStart(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 0); assert.position(range.end, 100, 5); }, "test: move cursor word right" : function() { var session = new EditSession([ "ab", " Juhu Kinners (abc, 12)", " cde" ].join("\n")); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorDown(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 0); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 5); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 13); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 18); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 22); // wrap line selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 2, 4); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 2, 4); }, "test: select word right if cursor in word" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 2); selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 4); }, "test: moveCursor word left" : function() { var session = new EditSession([ "ab", " Juhu Kinners (abc, 12)", " cde" ].join("\n")); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorDown(); selection.moveCursorLineEnd(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 23); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 20); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 15); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 6); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 1); // wrap line selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); }, "test: moveCursor word left with umlauts" : function() { var session = new EditSession(" Fuß Füße"); session.$selectLongWords = true; var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 9) selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 5); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 1); }, "test: select word left if cursor in word" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 8); selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 5); }, "test: select word right and select" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 0); selection.selectWordRight(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 0); assert.position(range.end, 0, 4); }, "test: select word left and select" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 3); selection.selectWordLeft(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 0); assert.position(range.end, 0, 3); }, "test: select word with cursor in word should select the word" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners 123"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 8); selection.selectWord(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 5); assert.position(range.end, 0, 12); }, "test: select word with cursor in word including right whitespace should select the word" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners 123"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 8); selection.selectAWord(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 5); assert.position(range.end, 0, 18); }, "test: select word with cursor betwen white space and word should select the word" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 4); selection.selectWord(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 0); assert.position(range.end, 0, 4); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 5); selection.selectWord(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 5); assert.position(range.end, 0, 12); }, "test: select word with cursor in white space should select white space" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 5); selection.selectWord(); var range = selection.getRange(); assert.position(range.start, 0, 4); assert.position(range.end, 0, 6); }, "test: moving cursor should fire a 'changeCursor' event" : function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 5); var called = false; selection.addEventListener("changeCursor", function() { called = true; }); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 6); assert.ok(called); }, "test: calling setCursor with the same position should not fire an event": function() { var session = new EditSession("Juhu Kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 5); var called = false; selection.addEventListener("changeCursor", function() { called = true; }); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 5); assert.notOk(called); }, "test: moveWordright should move past || and [": function() { var session = new EditSession("||foo["); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; // Move behind ||foo selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 5); // Move behind [ selection.moveCursorWordRight(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 6); }, "test: moveWordLeft should move past || and [": function() { var session = new EditSession("||foo["); var selection = session.getSelection(); session.$selectLongWords = true; selection.moveCursorTo(0, 6); // Move behind [foo selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 2); // Move behind || selection.moveCursorWordLeft(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); }, "test: move cursor to line start should move cursor to end of the indentation first": function() { var session = new EditSession("12\n Juhu\n12"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(1, 6); selection.moveCursorLineStart(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 4); }, "test: move cursor to line start when the cursor is at the end of the indentation should move cursor to column 0": function() { var session = new EditSession("12\n Juhu\n12"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(1, 4); selection.moveCursorLineStart(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 0); }, "test: move cursor to line start when the cursor is at column 0 should move cursor to the end of the indentation": function() { var session = new EditSession("12\n Juhu\n12"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(1, 0); selection.moveCursorLineStart(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 4); }, // Eclipse style "test: move cursor to line start when the cursor is before the initial indentation should move cursor to the end of the indentation": function() { var session = new EditSession("12\n Juhu\n12"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(1, 2); selection.moveCursorLineStart(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 4); }, "test go line up when in the middle of the first line should go to document start": function() { var session = new EditSession("juhu kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 4); selection.moveCursorUp(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); }, "test: (wrap) go line up when in the middle of the first line should go to document start": function() { var session = new EditSession("juhu kinners"); session.setWrapLimitRange(5, 5); session.adjustWrapLimit(80); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 4); selection.moveCursorUp(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 0); }, "test go line down when in the middle of the last line should go to document end": function() { var session = new EditSession("juhu kinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 4); selection.moveCursorDown(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 12); }, "test (wrap) go line down when in the middle of the last line should go to document end": function() { var session = new EditSession("juhu kinners"); session.setWrapLimitRange(8, 8); session.adjustWrapLimit(80); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 10); selection.moveCursorDown(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 0, 12); }, "test go line up twice and then once down when in the second should go back to the previous column": function() { var session = new EditSession("juhu\nkinners"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(1, 4); selection.moveCursorUp(); selection.moveCursorUp(); selection.moveCursorDown(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 4); }, "test (keyboard navigation) when curLine is not EOL and targetLine is all whitespace new column should be current column": function() { var session = new EditSession("function (a) {\n\ \n\ }"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(2, 0); selection.moveCursorUp(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 0); }, "test (keyboard navigation) when curLine is EOL and targetLine is shorter dan current column, new column should be targetLine's EOL": function() { var session = new EditSession("function (a) {\n\ \n\ }"); var selection = session.getSelection(); selection.moveCursorTo(0, 14); selection.moveCursorDown(); assert.position(selection.getCursor(), 1, 4); } }; }); if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module === require.main) { require("asyncjs").test.testcase(module.exports).exec() }