# == Schema Information # # Table name: easy_ml_models # # id :bigint not null, primary key # name :string not null # model_type :string # status :string # dataset_id :bigint # model_file_id :bigint # configuration :json # version :string not null # root_dir :string # file :json # sha :string # last_trained_at :datetime # is_training :boolean # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # require_relative "models/hyperparameters" module EasyML class Model < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "easy_ml_models" include Historiographer::Silent historiographer_mode :snapshot_only include EasyML::Concerns::Configurable include EasyML::Concerns::Versionable self.filter_attributes += [:configuration] MODEL_OPTIONS = { "xgboost" => "EasyML::Models::XGBoost", } MODEL_TYPES = [ { value: "xgboost", label: "XGBoost", description: "Extreme Gradient Boosting, a scalable and accurate implementation of gradient boosting machines", }, ].freeze MODEL_NAMES = MODEL_OPTIONS.keys.freeze MODEL_CONSTANTS = MODEL_OPTIONS.values.map(&:constantize) add_configuration_attributes :task, :objective, :hyperparameters, :evaluator, :callbacks, :metrics MODEL_CONSTANTS.flat_map(&:configuration_attributes).each do |attribute| add_configuration_attributes attribute end belongs_to :dataset belongs_to :model_file, class_name: "EasyML::ModelFile", foreign_key: "model_file_id", optional: true has_one :retraining_job, class_name: "EasyML::RetrainingJob" accepts_nested_attributes_for :retraining_job has_many :retraining_runs, class_name: "EasyML::RetrainingRun" has_many :deploys, class_name: "EasyML::Deploy" scope :deployed, -> { EasyML::ModelHistory.deployed } def latest_deploy deploys.order(id: :desc).limit(1).last end after_initialize :bump_version, if: -> { new_record? } after_initialize :set_defaults, if: -> { new_record? } before_save :save_model_file, if: -> { is_fit? && !is_history_class? && model_changed? && !@skip_save_model_file } VALID_TASKS = %i[regression classification].freeze TASK_TYPES = [ { value: "classification", label: "Classification", description: "Predict categorical outcomes or class labels", }, { value: "regression", label: "Regression", description: "Predict continuous numerical values", }, ].freeze validates :name, presence: true validates :name, uniqueness: { case_sensitive: false } validates :task, presence: true validates :task, inclusion: { in: VALID_TASKS.map { |t| [t, t.to_s] }.flatten, message: "must be one of: #{VALID_TASKS.join(", ")}", } validates :model_type, inclusion: { in: MODEL_NAMES } validates :dataset_id, presence: true validate :validate_metrics_allowed before_save :set_root_dir delegate :prepare_data, :preprocess, to: :adapter STATUSES = %w[development inference retired] STATUSES.each do |status| define_method "#{status}?" do self.status.to_sym == status.to_sym end end def training? is_training == true end def train(async: true) pending_run # Ensure we update the pending job before enqueuing in background so UI updates properly update(is_training: true) if async EasyML::TrainingJob.perform_later(id) else actually_train end end def get_retraining_job if retraining_job self.evaluator = retraining_job.evaluator evaluator = self.evaluator.symbolize_keys else default_eval = Core::ModelEvaluator.default_evaluator(task) self.evaluator = default_eval evaluator = default_eval end retraining_job || create_retraining_job( model: self, active: false, evaluator: evaluator, metric: evaluator[:metric], direction: evaluator[:direction], threshold: evaluator[:threshold], frequency: "month", at: { hour: 0, day_of_month: 1 }, ) end def pending_run job = get_retraining_job job.retraining_runs.find_or_create_by(status: "pending", model: self) end def actually_train(&progress_block) lock_model do run = pending_run run.wrap_training do best_params = nil if run.should_tune? best_params = hyperparameter_search(&progress_block) end fit(&progress_block) save [self, best_params] end update(is_training: false) run.reload ensure unlock! end end def unlock! Support::Lockable.unlock!(lock_key) end def lock_model with_lock do |client| yield end end def with_lock EasyML::Support::Lockable.with_lock(lock_key, stale_timeout: 60, resources: 1) do |client| yield client end end def lock_key "training:#{self.name}:#{self.id}" end def hyperparameter_search(&progress_block) tuner = retraining_job.tuner_config.symbolize_keys extra_params = { evaluator: evaluator, model: self, dataset: dataset, }.compact tuner.merge!(extra_params) tuner_instance = EasyML::Core::Tuner.new(tuner) tuner_instance.tune(&progress_block).tap do |best_params| best_params.each do |key, value| self.hyperparameters.send("#{key}=", value) end end end def deployment_status status end def formatted_model_type adapter.class.name.split("::").last end def formatted_version return nil unless version Time.strptime(version, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").strftime("%B %-d, %Y at %-l:%M %p") end def last_run_at last_run&.created_at end def last_run retraining_runs.order(id: :desc).limit(1).last end def inference_version latest_deploy&.model_version end alias_method :current_version, :inference_version alias_method :latest_version, :inference_version alias_method :deployed, :inference_version def hyperparameters @hypers ||= adapter.build_hyperparameters(@hyperparameters) end def callbacks @cbs ||= adapter.build_callbacks(@callbacks) end def predict(xs) load_model! adapter.predict(xs) end def save_model_file raise "No trained model! Need to train model before saving (call model.fit)" unless is_fit? return unless adapter.loaded? model_file = get_model_file bump_version(force: true) path = model_file.full_path(version) full_path = adapter.save_model_file(path) model_file.upload(full_path) model_file.save self.model_file = model_file cleanup end def feature_names adapter.feature_names end def cleanup! get_model_file&.cleanup! end def cleanup get_model_file&.cleanup(files_to_keep) end def loaded? model_file = get_model_file return false if model_file.persisted? && !File.exist?(model_file.full_path.to_s) file_exists = true if model_file.present? && model_file.persisted? && model_file.full_path.present? file_exists = File.exist?(model_file.full_path) end loaded = adapter.loaded? load_model_file unless loaded file_exists && adapter.loaded? end def model_changed? return false unless is_fit? return true if inference_version.nil? return true if model_file.present? && !model_file.persisted? return true if model_file.present? && model_file.fit? && inference_version.nil? adapter.model_changed?(inference_version.sha) end def feature_importances adapter.feature_importances end def fit_in_batches? retraining_job.present? && retraining_job.batch_mode == true end def fit(tuning: false, x_train: nil, y_train: nil, x_valid: nil, y_valid: nil, &progress_block) return fit_in_batches(**batch_args.merge!(tuning: tuning), &progress_block) if fit_in_batches? dataset.refresh adapter.fit(tuning: tuning, x_train: x_train, y_train: y_train, x_valid: x_valid, y_valid: y_valid, &progress_block) @is_fit = true end def batch_args defaults = { batch_size: 1024, batch_overlap: 3, batch_key: nil, } overrides = { batch_size: retraining_job&.batch_size, batch_overlap: retraining_job&.batch_overlap, batch_key: retraining_job&.batch_key }.compact defaults.merge!(overrides) end def batch_mode retraining_job&.batch_mode || false end def prepare_callbacks(tune_started_at) adapter.prepare_callbacks(tune_started_at) end def after_tuning adapter.after_tuning end def fit_in_batches(tuning: false, batch_size: nil, batch_overlap: nil, batch_key: nil, checkpoint_dir: Rails.root.join("tmp", "xgboost_checkpoints"), &progress_block) adapter.fit_in_batches(tuning: tuning, batch_size: batch_size, batch_overlap: batch_overlap, batch_key: batch_key, checkpoint_dir: checkpoint_dir, &progress_block) @is_fit = true end attr_accessor :is_fit def is_fit? model_file = get_model_file return true if model_file.present? && model_file.fit? adapter.is_fit? end def deployable? cannot_deploy_reasons.none? end def decode_labels(ys, col: nil) dataset.decode_labels(ys, col: col) end def evaluate(y_pred: nil, y_true: nil, x_true: nil, evaluator: nil) evaluator ||= self.evaluator if y_pred.nil? inputs = default_evaluation_inputs y_pred = inputs[:y_pred] y_true = inputs[:y_true] x_true = inputs[:x_true] end EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.evaluate(model: self, y_pred: y_pred, y_true: y_true, x_true: x_true, evaluator: evaluator) end def evaluator instance_variable_get(:@evaluator) || default_evaluator end def default_evaluator return nil unless task.present? EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.default_evaluator(task) end def get_params @hyperparameters.to_h end def evals last_run&.metrics || {} end def metric_accessor(metric) metrics = last_run.metrics.symbolize_keys metrics.dig(metric.to_sym) end EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.metrics.each do |metric_name| define_method metric_name do metric_accessor(metric_name) end end EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.callbacks = lambda do |metric_name| EasyML::Model.define_method metric_name do metric_accessor(metric_name) end end def allowed_metrics EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.metrics(task).map(&:to_s) end def default_metrics return [] unless task.present? case task.to_sym when :regression %w[mean_absolute_error mean_squared_error root_mean_squared_error r2_score] when :classification %w[accuracy_score precision_score recall_score f1_score] else [] end end def self.constants { objectives: objectives_by_model_type, metrics: metrics_by_task, tasks: TASK_TYPES, timezone: EasyML::Configuration.timezone_label, retraining_job_constants: EasyML::RetrainingJob.constants, tuner_job_constants: EasyML::TunerJob.constants, } end def self.metrics_by_task EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.metrics_by_task end def self.objectives_by_model_type MODEL_OPTIONS.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)| h.tap do h[k] = v.constantize.const_get(:OBJECTIVES_FRONTEND) end end.deep_symbolize_keys end def attributes super.merge!( hyperparameters: hyperparameters.to_h, ) end class CannotdeployError < StandardError end def deploy(async: true) last_run.deploy(async: async) end def actually_deploy raise CannotdeployError, cannot_deploy_reasons.first if cannot_deploy_reasons.any? # Prepare the inference model by freezing + saving the model, dataset, and datasource # (This creates ModelHistory, DatasetHistory, etc) save_model_file self.sha = model_file.sha save dataset.upload_remote_files snapshot.tap do # Prepare the model to be retrained (reset values so they don't conflict with our snapshotted version) bump_version(force: true) dataset.bump_versions(version) self.model_file = new_model_file! save end end def cannot_deploy_reasons [ is_fit? ? nil : "Model has not been trained", dataset.target.present? ? nil : "Dataset has no target", !dataset.datasource.in_memory? ? nil : "Cannot perform inference using an in-memory datasource", ].compact end def root_dir=(value) raise "Cannot override value of root_dir!" unless value.to_s == root_dir.to_s write_attribute(:root_dir, value) end def set_root_dir write_attribute(:root_dir, root_dir) end def root_dir EasyML::Engine.root_dir.join("models").join(underscored_name).to_s end def load_model(force: false) download_model_file(force: force) load_model_file end def metrics=(value) value = [value] unless value.is_a?(Array) value = value.map(&:to_s) value = value.uniq @metrics = value end def adapter @adapter ||= begin adapter_class = MODEL_OPTIONS[model_type] raise "Don't know how to use model adapter #{model_type}!" unless adapter_class.present? adapter_class.constantize.new(self) end end private def default_evaluation_inputs x_true, y_true = dataset.test(split_ys: true) y_pred = predict(x_true) { x_true: x_true, y_true: y_true, y_pred: y_pred, } end def underscored_name name.gsub(/\s{2,}/, " ").gsub(/\s/, "_").downcase end def get_model_file model_file || new_model_file! end def new_model_file! build_model_file( root_dir: root_dir, model: self, s3_bucket: EasyML::Configuration.s3_bucket, s3_region: EasyML::Configuration.s3_region, s3_access_key_id: EasyML::Configuration.s3_access_key_id, s3_secret_access_key: EasyML::Configuration.s3_secret_access_key, s3_prefix: prefix, ) end def prefix s3_prefix = EasyML::Configuration.s3_prefix s3_prefix.present? ? File.join(s3_prefix, name) : name end def load_model! load_model(force: true) load_dataset end def load_dataset dataset.load_dataset end def load_model_file return unless model_file&.full_path && File.exist?(model_file.full_path) adapter.load_model_file(model_file.full_path) end def download_model_file(force: false) return unless persisted? return if loaded? && !force get_model_file.download end def files_to_keep inference_models = EasyML::ModelHistory.deployed training_models = EasyML::Model.all ([self] + training_models + inference_models).compact.map(&:model_file).compact.map(&:full_path).uniq end def underscored_name name = self.name || self.class.name.split("::").last name.gsub(/\s{2,}/, " ").gsub(/\s/, "_").downcase end def set_defaults self.model_type ||= "xgboost" self.status ||= :training self.metrics ||= default_metrics end def validate_metrics_allowed unknown_metrics = metrics.select { |metric| allowed_metrics.exclude?(metric) } return unless unknown_metrics.any? errors.add(:metrics, "don't know how to handle #{"metrics".pluralize(unknown_metrics)} #{unknown_metrics.join(", ")}, use EasyML::Core::ModelEvaluator.register(:name, Evaluator, :regression|:classification)") end end end require_relative "models/xgboost"