require 'prawn-rails/document' require 'prawn/measurement_extensions' require 'prawn/font' module BarkestCore ## # This module defines the method that makes PDF generation just a bit easier. # module PdfHelper ## # Creates a PDF document with the specified options. # # The document will be setup with configured margins, a 100x100 grid, and one embedded font (ArhivoNarrow). # Once the document is configured, the +pdf+ will be yielded to the block provided to generate the content. # # Accepted options: # # page_layout:: # Specify the page layout. This can be either :portrait or :landscape. Defaults to :portrait. # # page_size:: # Specify the page size. This defaults to 'LETTER'. See {Prawn PDF Manual}[] for more information. # # margin:: # Specify the margin size. This can be either a single value or an array of values. Internally it always # gets converted to an array of values. If you only specify a single value, it will be filled out as the # margin for all four edges. Alternatively, you can set :top_margin, :right_margin, :left_margin, and # :bottom_margin individually. # # top_margin:: # Specify the top margin size. Defaults to 0.5 in. # # right_margin:: # Specify the right margin size. Defaults to 0.5 in. # # left_margin:: # Specify the left margin size. Defaults to 0.5 in. # # bottom_margin:: # Specify the bottom margin size. Defaults to 0.5 in. # # print_scaling:: # Allows you to specify the default print scaling in the print dialog. Defaults to :none. # See the {Prawn PDF Manual}[] for more information. # # font_name:: # Specify the default font for the document. Can be one of 'Helvetica', 'Times-Roman', 'Courier', or # 'ArchivoNarrow'. Defaults to 'Helvetica'. # # font_size:: # Specify the default font size for the document. Defaults to 10 pt. # # skip_footer:: # Set to true to skip footer generation. Otherwise, once you finish generating content, a footer will # be attached to every page automatically. # # footer_left:: # Set the left footer text. Defaults to the current user name and time. # # footer_center:: # Set the center footer text. Defaults to the request path. # # footer_right:: # Set the right footer text. Defaults to "Page # of #". # # footer_hr:: # Set to true to draw a horizontal rule above the footer, or false to omit the horizontal rule. # Defaults to true. # # footer_color:: # Set the color of the footer text. Defaults to '000000' (black). # def pdf_doc(options = {}) # our default values merged with the configured values and then the options provided. options = { page_layout: :portrait, page_size: 'LETTER', margin: [,,, ], print_scaling: :none, font_name: 'Helvetica', font_size: 10.0 }.merge(PrawnRails.config.to_h).merge(options || {}) # build the info options[:info] ||= {} options[:info].merge!({ Title: options.delete(:title) || "#{controller_name}##{action_name}", Creator: options.delete(:creator) || Rails.application.app_company, Producer: options.delete(:producer) || Rails.application.app_info, CreationDate: options.delete(:creation_date) || }) # build the margin array options[:margin] ||= [] options[:margin] = [ options[:margin] ] * 4 unless options[:margin].is_a?(Array) # top margin defaults to 0.5". options[:margin][0] = options[:top_margin] if options[:top_margin] options[:margin][0] = unless options[:margin][0] # right margin defaults to top margin. options[:margin][1] = options[:right_margin] if options[:right_margin] options[:margin][1] = options[:margin][0] unless options[:margin][1] # bottom margin defaults to top margin. options[:margin][2] = options[:bottom_margin] if options[:bottom_margin] options[:margin][2] = options[:margin][0] unless options[:margin][2] # left margin defaults to right margin. options[:margin][3] = options[:left_margin] if options[:left_margin] options[:margin][3] = options[:margin][1] unless options[:margin][3] font_name = options[:font_name] || 'Helvetica' font_size = options[:font_size] || 10.0 skip_footer = options[:skip_footer].nil? ? false : options[:skip_footer] footer_left = options[:footer_left].nil? ? "#{} - #{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}" : options[:footer_left].to_s footer_center = options[:footer_center].nil? ? request.fullpath : options[:footer_center].to_s footer_right = options[:footer_right].nil? ? nil : options[:footer_right].to_s footer_hr = options[:footer_hr].nil? ? true : options[:footer_hr] footer_color = options[:footer_color].nil? ? '000000' : options[:footer_color].to_s # remove some options that are custom. options.except!( :title, :creator, :producer, :creation_date, :top_margin, :bottom_margin, :left_margin, :right_margin, :font_name, :font_size, :skip_footer ) left_edge = options[:margin][3] right_edge = options[:margin][1] bottom_edge = options[:margin][2] pdf = # ArchivoNarrow gives us another sans font that has tighter letter spacing, and it is also a freely available font requiring no licensing. pdf.font_families['ArchivoNarrow'] = { bold: { file: pdf.asset_font_path('barkest_core/ArchivoNarrow-Bold.ttf') }, italic: { file: pdf.asset_font_path('barkest_core/ArchivoNarrow-Italic.ttf') }, bold_italic: { file: pdf.asset_font_path('barkest_core/ArchivoNarrow-BoldItalic.ttf') }, normal: { file: pdf.asset_font_path('barkest_core/ArchivoNarrow-Regular.ttf') }, } # set the default font and size pdf.font font_name, size: font_size # nice fine grid layout. pdf.define_grid columns: 100, rows: 100, gutter: 2.5 yield pdf if block_given? unless skip_footer pdf.font font_name, size: 8.0 do (1..pdf.page_count).each do |pg| pdf.go_to_page pg pdf.canvas do width = pdf.bounds.right - right_edge - left_edge if footer_hr pdf.stroke_color '000000' pdf.stroke { pdf.horizontal_line left_edge, pdf.bounds.right - right_edge, at: bottom_edge } end pos = [ left_edge, bottom_edge - 3 ] pdf.bounding_box(pos, width: width, height: 12) { pdf.text pdf.footer_values[0] || footer_left, align: :left, color: footer_color } pdf.bounding_box(pos, width: width, height: 12) { pdf.text pdf.footer_values[1] || footer_center, align: :center, color: footer_color } pdf.bounding_box(pos, width: width, height: 12) { pdf.text pdf.footer_values[2] || (footer_right || "Page #{pg} of #{pdf.page_count}"), align: :right, color: footer_color } end end end end pdf.render end end end