locales['foreman_leapp'] = locales['foreman_leapp'] || {}; locales['foreman_leapp']['en'] = { "domain": "foreman_leapp", "locale_data": { "foreman_leapp": { "": { "Project-Id-Version": "foreman_leapp 1.0.0", "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": "", "PO-Revision-Date": "2024-09-19 13:05+0200", "Last-Translator": "FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", "Language-Team": "LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", "Language": "", "MIME-Version": "1.0", "Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Content-Transfer-Encoding": "8bit", "Plural-Forms": "nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;", "lang": "en", "domain": "foreman_leapp", "plural_forms": "nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;" }, "A Foreman plugin to support inplace RHEL upgrades with Leapp utility.": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], "Command": [ "" ], "Could not retrieve data: %(status) - %(msg)": [ "" ], "Failed to fetch preupgrade reports from server.": [ "" ], "Fix Selected": [ "" ], "Fix Type": [ "" ], "Has Remediation": [ "" ], "Has Remediation?": [ "" ], "High": [ "" ], "High Risk Factor": [ "" ], "Hint": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Info": [ "" ], "Inhibitor": [ "" ], "Inhibitor?": [ "" ], "Leapp preupgrade report": [ "" ], "Links": [ "" ], "List Preupgrade reports": [ "" ], "List Preupgrade reports for Job invocation": [ "" ], "Low": [ "" ], "Low Risk Factor": [ "" ], "Medium": [ "" ], "Medium Risk Factor": [ "" ], "Missing one of the required permissions: view_hosts": [ "" ], "No": [ "" ], "No Preupgrade Report Available": [ "" ], "Preupgrade check with Leapp": [ "" ], "Remediation plan": [ "" ], "Risk Factor": [ "" ], "Run Leapp upgrade job for RHEL host": [ "" ], "Run Remediation plan with Leapp": [ "" ], "Run Upgrade": [ "" ], "Show Preupgrade report": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Tags": [ "" ], "The preupgrade report could not be generated, check the job details for the reason": [ "" ], "The preupgrade report will be available after the job finishes": [ "" ], "This issue inhibits the upgrade.": [ "" ], "Title": [ "" ], "Upgrade with Leapp": [ "" ], "Upgradeability check for RHEL host": [ "" ], "Yes": [ "" ] } } };