h2. RESTful_ACL A Ruby on Rails plugin that provides fine grained access control through the MVC stack to RESTful resources in a Ruby on Rails 2.0+ application. Authorization is as simple as true or false. h3. What it does RESTful_ACL is a simple Access Control Layer for Ruby on Rails. It restricts access on a fine-grained level to any RESTful MVC stack. Every application is different and everyone likes to setup their User / Account / Role resources differently; this plugin will allow you to do your thing and keep that thing locked down. h3. Requirements RESTful_ACL requires the super amazing "RESTful_Authentication":https://github.com/technoweenie/restful-authentication plugin. h3. How to Install Install the RESTful_ACL gem:
sudo gem install restful_acl -s http://gemcutter.orgAdd the gem to your environment.rb file as thus:
config.gem "restful_acl"RESTful_ACL requires two named routes: "error" and "denied". Add the following to your routes.rb file:
map.error 'error', :controller => 'some_controller', :action => 'error_action' map.denied 'denied', :controller => 'some_controller', :action => 'denied_action'h3. How to Use h4. Controllers Add @before_filter :has_permission?@ into any controller that you'd like to restrict access to (or application_controller.rb for your entire app). h4. Models Define a parent resource (if one exists) by using the @logical_parent@ method, and define the following five methods in the model of every resource you'd like to restrict access to. The five methods can contain anything you'd like so long as they return a boolean true or false. This allows you to define your User's roles any way you wish.
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base logical_parent :some_model_name # This method checks permissions for the :index action def self.is_indexable_by(user, parent = nil) end # This method checks permissions for the :create and :new action def self.is_creatable_by(user, parent = nil) end # This method checks permissions for the :show action def is_readable_by(user, parent = nil) end # This method checks permissions for the :update and :edit action def is_updatable_by(user, parent = nil) end # This method checks permissions for the :destroy action def is_deletable_by(user, parent = nil) end endh4. Singleton Resources RESTful_ACL 2.1+ supports singleton resources. Just pass @:singleton@ to the @logical_parent@
class Car < ActiveRecord::Base logical_parent :owner, :singleton ... endh4. View Helpers There are five view helpers also included in RESTful_ACL: @#indexable@, @#creatable@, @#readable@, @#updatable@, and @#deletable@. These enable you to do nifty things like:
= link_to ‘Foo Index’, foos_path if indexable = link_to 'Edit Foo', edit_foo_path(@foo) if updatable(@foo) = link_to 'Create Foo', new_foo_path if creatable = link_to 'View Foo', foo_path(@foo) if readable(@foo) = link_to 'Delete Foo', foo_path(@foo) if deletable(@foo), :method => :destroyh3. Huh? Here's an example Let's say that you have two resources: Project and Issue. A Project has many Issues, an Issue belongs to a Project. I'd like to make sure that the current user is a member of the Project before they can create a new Issue in that Project:
class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base logical_parent :project belongs_to :author belongs_to :project def self.is_indexable_by(user, parent = nil) user.projects.include?(parent) end def self.is_creatable_by(user, parent = nil) user.projects.include?(parent) end def is_updatable_by(user, parent = nil) user == author && parent.is_active? end def is_deletable_by(user, parent = nil) user == author end def is_readable_by(user, parent = nil) user.projects.include?(parent) end endh3. Admins RULE! RESTful_ACL grants global access to all actions to site administrators. To enable this, make sure that your User model defines an @is_admin?@ method *and/or* an @is_admin@ attribute. If the @current_user.is_admin?@ returns true, access will be granted automatically. h3. How to Test I normally do something along these lines in RSpec:
describe "Issue" do before do @project = mock_model(Project) @author = mock_model(User, :projects => [@project]) @issue = Issue.factory_girl(:issue, :author => @author, :project => @project) end it "should be modifiable by the author when the Project is active" do @project.stub!(:is_active? => true) @issue.is_updatable_by(@author, @project).should be_true end it "should be deletable by the author" do @issue.is_deletable_by(@author, @project).should be_true end it "should be readable by those assigned to the Project" do Issue.is_readable_by(@author, @project).should be_true end it "should be creatable by those assigned to the Project" do Issue.is_creatable_by(@author, @project).should be_true end endh3. Help Add a ticket to "RESTful_ACL's Lighthouse Account":http://mdarby.lighthouseapp.com/projects/28698-restful_acl/overview h3. About the Author My name is "Matt Darby.":http://blog.matt-darby.com I’m an IT Manager and pro-web-dev at for "Dynamix Engineering":http://dynamix-ltd.com and hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from "Franklin University":http://www.franklin.edu in sunny "Columbus, OH.":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbus,_Ohio Feel free to check out my "site":http://matt-darby.com or "recommend me":http://www.workingwithrails.com/person/10908-matt-darby