require 'helper' describe "Pry::DefaultCommands::Introspection" do describe "edit" do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor @file = nil; @line = nil; @contents = nil Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| @file = file; @line = line; @contents = nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end describe "with FILE" do it "should invoke Pry.config.editor with absolutified filenames" do mock_pry("edit foo.rb") @file.should == File.expand_path("foo.rb") mock_pry("edit /tmp/bar.rb") @file.should == "/tmp/bar.rb" end it "should guess the line number from a colon" do mock_pry("edit /tmp/foo.rb:10") @line.should == 10 end it "should use the line number from -l" do mock_pry("edit -l 10 /tmp/foo.rb") @line.should == 10 end it "should not delete the file!" do mock_pry("edit Rakefile") File.exist?(@file).should == true end describe do before do @rand = rand Pry.config.editor = lambda { |file, line|, 'w') { |f| f << "$rand = #{@rand.inspect}" } nil } end it "should reload the file if it is a ruby file" do tf =["pry", ".rb"]) path = tf.path mock_pry("edit #{path}", "$rand").should =~ /#{@rand}/ tf.close(true) end it "should not reload the file if it is not a ruby file" do tf =["pry", ".py"]) path = tf.path mock_pry("edit #{path}", "$rand").should.not =~ /#{@rand}/ tf.close(true) end it "should not reload a ruby file if -n is given" do tf =["pry", ".rb"]) path = tf.path mock_pry("edit -n #{path}", "$rand").should.not =~ /#{@rand}/ tf.close(true) end it "should reload a non-ruby file if -r is given" do tf =["pry", ".pryrc"]) path = tf.path mock_pry("edit -r #{path}", "$rand").should =~ /#{@rand}/ tf.close(true) end end describe do before do @reloading = nil Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line, reloading| @file = file; @line = line; @reloading = reloading nil end end it "should pass the editor a reloading arg" do mock_pry("edit foo.rb") @reloading.should == true mock_pry("edit -n foo.rb") @reloading.should == false end end end describe "with --ex" do before do @tf =["pry", ".rb"]) @path = @tf.path @tf << "1\n2\nraise RuntimeError" @tf.flush end after do @tf.close(true) File.unlink("#{@path}c") if File.exists?("#{@path}c") #rbx end it "should open the correct file" do mock_pry("require #{@path.inspect}", "edit --ex") @file.should == @path @line.should == 3 end it "should reload the file" do Pry.config.editor = lambda {|file, line|, 'w'){|f| f << "FOO = 'BAR'" } nil } mock_pry("require #{@path.inspect}", "edit --ex", "FOO").should =~ /BAR/ end it "should not reload the file if -n is passed" do Pry.config.editor = lambda {|file, line|, 'w'){|f| f << "FOO2 = 'BAZ'" } nil } mock_pry("require #{@path.inspect}", "edit -n --ex", "FOO2").should.not =~ /BAZ/ end end describe "with --ex NUM" do before do Pry.config.editor = proc do |file, line| @__ex_file__ = file @__ex_line__ = line nil end end it 'should start editor on first level of backtrace when --ex used with no argument ' do pry_instance = =>"edit -n --ex"), :output => pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("a:1", "b:2", "c:3") pry_instance.rep(self) @__ex_file__.should == "a" @__ex_line__.should == 1 end it 'should start editor on first level of backtrace when --ex 0 used ' do pry_instance = =>"edit -n --ex 0"), :output => pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("a:1", "b:2", "c:3") pry_instance.rep(self) @__ex_file__.should == "a" @__ex_line__.should == 1 end it 'should start editor on second level of backtrace when --ex 1 used' do pry_instance = =>"edit -n --ex 1"), :output => pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("a:1", "b:2", "c:3") pry_instance.rep(self) @__ex_file__.should == "b" @__ex_line__.should == 2 end it 'should start editor on third level of backtrace when --ex 2 used' do pry_instance = =>"edit -n --ex 2"), :output => pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("a:1", "b:2", "c:3") pry_instance.rep(self) @__ex_file__.should == "c" @__ex_line__.should == 3 end it 'should display error message when backtrace level is out of bounds (using --ex 4)' do pry_instance = =>"edit -n --ex 4"), :output => str_output = pry_instance.last_exception = mock_exception("a:1", "b:2", "c:3") pry_instance.rep(self) str_output.string.should =~ /Exception has no associated file/ end end describe "without FILE" do it "should edit the current expression if it's incomplete" do mock_pry("def a", "edit") @contents.should == "def a\n" end it "should edit the previous expression if the current is empty" do mock_pry("def a; 2; end", "edit") @contents.should == "def a; 2; end\n" end it "should use a blank file if -t is specified" do mock_pry("def a; 5; end", "edit -t") @contents.should == "\n" end it "should use a blank file if -t is specified even half-way through an expression" do mock_pry("def a;", "edit -t") @contents.should == "\n" end it "should position the cursor at the end of the expression" do mock_pry("def a; 2;"," end", "edit") @line.should == 2 end it "should evaluate the expression" do Pry.config.editor = lambda {|file, line|, 'w'){|f| f << "'FOO'\n" } nil } mock_pry("edit").should =~ /FOO/ end it "should not evaluate the expression with -n" do Pry.config.editor = lambda {|file, line|, 'w'){|f| f << "'FOO'\n" } nil } mock_pry("edit -n").should.not =~ /FOO/ end end describe "with --in" do it "should edit the nth line of _in_" do mock_pry("10", "11", "edit --in -2") @contents.should == "10\n" end it "should edit the last line if no argument is given" do mock_pry("10", "11", "edit --in") @contents.should == "11\n" end it "should edit a range of lines if a range is given" do mock_pry("10", "11", "edit -i 1,2") @contents.should == "10\n11\n" end it "should edit a multi-line expression as it occupies one line of _in_" do mock_pry("class Fixnum", " def invert; -self; end", "end", "edit -i 1") @contents.should == "class Fixnum\n def invert; -self; end\nend\n" end it "should not work with a filename" do mock_pry("edit ruby.rb -i").should =~ /Only one of --ex, --temp, --in and FILE may be specified/ end it "should not work with nonsense" do mock_pry("edit --in three").should =~ /Not a valid range: three/ end end end describe "edit-method" do describe "on a method defined in a file" do before do @tempfile =['pry', '*.rb']) @tempfile.puts <<-EOS module A def a :yup end def b :kinda end end class X include A def self.x :double_yup end def x :nope end def b super end alias c b def y? :because end end EOS @tempfile.flush load @tempfile.path end after do @tempfile.close(true) end describe 'without -p' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor @file, @line, @contents = nil, nil, nil Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| @file = file; @line = line nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should correctly find a class method" do mock_pry("edit-method X.x") @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 14 end it "should correctly find an instance method" do mock_pry("edit-method X#x") @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 18 end it "should correctly find a method on an instance" do mock_pry("x =", "edit-method x.x") @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 18 end it "should correctly find a method from a module" do mock_pry("edit-method X#a") @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 2 end it "should correctly find an aliased method" do mock_pry("edit-method X#c") @file.should == @tempfile.path @line.should == 22 end end describe 'with -p' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| lines = lines[1] = ":maybe\n", 'w') do |f| f.write(lines.join) end nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should successfully replace a class method" do mock_pry("edit-method -p X.x") class << X X.method(:x).owner.should == self end X.method(:x).receiver.should == X X.x.should == :maybe end it "should successfully replace an instance method" do mock_pry("edit-method -p X#x") X.instance_method(:x).owner.should == X == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method on an instance" do mock_pry("instance =", "edit-method -p instance.x") instance = instance.method(:x).owner.should == X instance.x.should == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method from a module" do mock_pry("edit-method -p X#a") X.instance_method(:a).owner.should == A == :maybe end it "should successfully replace a method with a question mark" do mock_pry("edit-method -p X#y?") X.instance_method(:y?).owner.should == X == :maybe end end describe 'on an aliased method' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line| lines = lines[1] = '"#{super}aa".to_sym' + "\n", 'w') do |f| f.write(lines.join) end nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should change the alias, but not the original, without breaking super" do mock_pry("edit-method -p X#c") Pry::Method.from_str("X#c").alias?.should == true == :kinda == :kindaaa end end describe 'with three-arg editor' do before do @old_editor = Pry.config.editor @file, @line, @reloading = nil, nil, nil Pry.config.editor = lambda do |file, line, reloading| @file = file; @line = line; @reloading = reloading nil end end after do Pry.config.editor = @old_editor end it "should pass the editor a reloading arg" do mock_pry('edit-method X.x') @reloading.should == true mock_pry('edit-method -n X.x') @reloading.should == false end end end end # show-command only works in implementations that support Proc#source_location if Proc.method_defined?(:source_location) describe "show-command" do before do @str_output = end it 'should show source for an ordinary command' do set = do import_from Pry::Commands, "show-command" command "foo" do :body_of_foo end end redirect_pry_io("show-command foo"), @str_output) do => set).rep end @str_output.string.should =~ /:body_of_foo/ end it 'should show source for a command with spaces in its name' do set = do import_from Pry::Commands, "show-command" command "foo bar" do :body_of_foo_bar end end redirect_pry_io("show-command \"foo bar\""), @str_output) do => set).rep end @str_output.string.should =~ /:body_of_foo_bar/ end it 'should show source for a command by listing name' do set = do import_from Pry::Commands, "show-command" command /foo(.*)/, "", :listing => "bar" do :body_of_foo_regex end end redirect_pry_io("show-command bar"), @str_output) do => set).rep end @str_output.string.should =~ /:body_of_foo_regex/ end end end end