require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper.rb') class DesignTestDoc include Exegesis::Document end class DesignTestDatabase include Exegesis::Database designs_directory "test/fixtures/designs" design :things do view :by_name docs :by_tag hash :count, :view => :by_tag end design :stuff, :name => 'things', :directory => 'app/designs/stuff' do end end class ExegesisDesignTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup_db(with_doc=true) reset_db @db ='exegesis-test') if with_doc{ '_id' => '_design/things', 'views' => { 'by_tag' => { 'map' => 'function(doc) { for (var tag in doc.tags) { emit(doc.tags[tag], 1); } }', 'reduce' => 'function(keys, values, rereduce) { return sum(values); }' }} }) end end context "design instances" do before { setup_db } expect { @db.things.database.will == @db } end context "design declarations" do before { setup_db } expect { @db.things.class.will == DesignTestDatabase::ThingsDesign } expect { @db.things.is_a?(Exegesis::Design).will == true } expect { @db.things.design_name.will == 'things' } end context "view declarations" do before do setup_db @docs = [ {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'path' => 'a', 'date' => '2009/04/10', 'tags' => %w(foo bar bee)}, {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'path' => 'b', 'date' => '2009/04/11', 'tags' => %w(foo bar baz)}, {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'path' => 'c', 'date' => '2009/04/12', 'tags' => %w(foo bee ruby)} ] end context "declared docs" do describe "with default key" do before { @response = @db.things.by_tag('foo') } expect { @response.kind_of?(Exegesis::DocumentCollection).will == true } expect { @response.size.will =={|d| d['tags'].include?('foo')}.size } expect { @response.documents.all? {|id,d| d.kind_of?(DesignTestDoc) }.will == true } expect { @response.documents.all? {|id,d| d['tags'].include?('foo') }.will == true } end describe "with multiple keys" do before { @response = @db.things.by_tag :keys => %w(bar bee) } expect { @response.kind_of?(Exegesis::DocumentCollection).will == true } expect { @response.size.will == @docs.inject(0){|sum,d| sum+=(d['tags'] & %w(bar bee)).size } } expect { @response.documents.size.will =={|d| (d['tags'] & %w(bar bee)).size > 0}.size } expect { @response.documents.all? {|id,d| d.kind_of?(DesignTestDoc) }.will == true } end end context "declared hashes" do before do @counts = @docs.each do |doc| tags = doc['tags'].sort tags.each_with_index do |tag, index| @counts[tag] += 1 (tags.length - index).times do |second| next if @counts[tags.slice(index, second+1)] += 1 end end end end expect { @db.things.count.should == @counts } expect { @db.things.count('foo').should == @counts['foo'] } context "invalid options" do expect { lambda{@db.things.count(:group=>false)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } expect { lambda{@db.things.count(:include_docs=>true)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } end context "for views without reduce" do before { @klass = DesignTestDatabase::StuffDesign } expect { lambda{@klass.class_eval{hash(:name_count, :view=>:by_name)}}.will raise_error } end end end context "parsing query options" do before { setup_db } context "with a key as an initial arguemnt" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo').will == {:key => 'foo'} } expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo', :include_docs => true).will == {:key => 'foo', :include_docs => true} } expect { @db.things.parse_opts('foo', {:stale => 'ok'}, {:include_docs => true}).will == {:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok', :include_docs => true }} end context "without an implied key" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts(:key => 'foo').will == {:key => 'foo'} } expect { @db.things.parse_opts({:key => 'foo'}, nil, {:stale => 'ok'}).will == {:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok'} } end context "when a keys option is empty" do expect { @db.things.parse_opts(:keys => []).will == {} } end context "for ranges" do context "when the key _is_ a range" do before { @opts = @db.things.parse_opts(:key => 'bar'..'baz') } expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).will == false } expect { @opts[:startkey].will == 'bar' } expect { @opts[:endkey].will == 'baz'} end context "when the key is an array that includes a range" do before { @opts = @db.things.parse_opts(:key => ['published', '2009'..'2009/04']) } expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).will == false } expect { @opts[:startkey].will == ['published', '2009'] } expect { @opts[:endkey].will == ['published', '2009/04'] } end context "for non inclusive ranges" do end context "when descending:true is an option" do context "and first value is greater than the end value" do end end context "when the first value is greater than the end value" do end context "invalid option configurations" do expect { lambda {@db.things.parse_opts(:startkey => 'foo')}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } end end context "reducing" do before { @parsing = lambda{|opts| @db.things.parse_opts(opts) } } expect { => 3).will == {:group_level => 3}} expect { lambda{ => true, :reduce => false)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } expect { lambda{ => true, :include_docs => true)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } expect { lambda{ => 1, :reduce => false)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } expect { lambda{ => 1, :include_docs => true)}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) } end end context "design doc meta declarations" do expect { DesignTestDatabase::StuffDesign.design_name.will == "things" } expect { DesignTestDatabase::StuffDesign.design_directory.will =="app/designs/stuff") } end context "the design document" do before do @canonical = DesignTestDatabase::ThingsDesign.canonical_design end context "composing the canonical version" do context "from files" do expect { @canonical['views']['by_tag']['map'].will =='designs/things/views/by_tag/map.js')) } expect { @canonical['views']['by_tag']['reduce'].will =='designs/things/views/by_tag/reduce.js')) } end context "from class declarations" do # tk end end context "syncronizing" do context "when the design_doc doesn't exist in the db yet" do before do setup_db(false) @db.things end expect { lambda{@db.get('_design/things')}.wont raise_error } expect { @db.things['views'].will == @canonical['views'] } expect { @db.things.rev.will =~ /\d-\d{6,12}/ } end context "when the design_doc exists but is not canonical" do before do # there are no line breaks in the version that setup_db posts setup_db @old = @db.get('_design/things') @db.things end expect { @db.things.rev.wont == @old['_rev'] } end context "when the design_doc exists and is canonical" do before do setup_db(false) @db.put('_design/things', DesignTestDatabase::ThingsDesign.canonical_design) @old = @db.get('_design/things') @db.things end expect { @db.things.rev.will == @old['_rev'] } end end context "knowing the views" do before do @klass = DesignTestDatabase::ThingsDesign end expect { @klass.views.will == @canonical['views'].keys } expect { @klass.reduceable?('by_tag').will be(true) } expect { @klass.reduceable?('by_name').will be(false) } end end end