module Riddle class VersionError < StandardError; end class ResponseError < StandardError; end # This class was heavily based on the existing Client API by Dmytro Shteflyuk # and Alexy Kovyrin. Their code worked fine, I just wanted something a bit # more Ruby-ish (ie. lowercase and underscored method names). I also have # used a few helper classes, just to neaten things up. # # I do plan to release this part of the plugin as a standalone library at # some point - if you're interested in using it, and are feeling impatient, # feel free to hassle me. # class Client Commands = { :search => 0, # SEARCHD_COMMAND_SEARCH :excerpt => 1, # SEARCHD_COMMAND_EXCERPT :update => 2 # SEARCHD_COMMAND_UPDATE } Versions = { :search => 0x10F, # VER_COMMAND_SEARCH :excerpt => 0x100, # VER_COMMAND_EXCERPT :update => 0x100 # VER_COMMAND_UPDATE } Statuses = { :ok => 0, # SEARCHD_OK :error => 1, # SEARCHD_ERROR :retry => 2, # SEARCHD_RETRY :warning => 3 # SEARCHD_WARNING } MatchModes = { :all => 0, # SPH_MATCH_ALL :any => 1, # SPH_MATCH_ANY :phrase => 2, # SPH_MATCH_PHRASE :boolean => 3, # SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN :extended => 4 # SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED } SortModes = { :relevance => 0, # SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE :attr_desc => 1, # SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC :attr_asc => 2, # SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC :time_segments => 3, # SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS :extended => 4 # SPH_SORT_EXTENDED } AttributeTypes = { :integer => 1, # SPH_ATTR_INTEGER :timestamp => 2, # SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP :ordinal => 3, # SPH_ATTR_ORDINAL :bool => 4, # SPH_ATTR_BOOL :float => 5, # SPH_ATTR_FLOAT :multi => 0x40000000 # SPH_ATTR_MULTI } GroupFunctions = { :day => 0, # SPH_GROUPBY_DAY :week => 1, # SPH_GROUPBY_WEEK :month => 2, # SPH_GROUPBY_MONTH :year => 3, # SPH_GROUPBY_YEAR :attr => 4, # SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR :attrpair => 5 # SPH_GROUPBY_ATTRPAIR } FilterTypes = { :values => 0, # SPH_FILTER_VALUES :range => 1, # SPH_FILTER_RANGE :float_range => 2 # SPH_FILTER_FLOATRANGE } attr_accessor :server, :port, :offset, :limit, :max_matches, :match_mode, :sort_mode, :sort_by, :weights, :id_range, :filters, :group_by, :group_function, :group_clause, :group_distinct, :cut_off, :retry_count, :retry_delay, :anchor attr_reader :queue # Can instantiate with a specific server and port - otherwise it assumes # defaults of localhost and 3312 respectively. All other settings can be # accessed and changed via the attribute accessors. def initialize(server=nil, port=nil) @server = server || "localhost" @port = port || 3312 # defaults @offset = 0 @limit = 20 @max_matches = 1000 @match_mode = :all @sort_mode = :relevance @sort_by = '' @weights = [] @id_range = 0..0 @filters = [] @group_by = '' @group_function = :day @group_clause = '@group desc' @group_distinct = '' @cut_off = 0 @retry_count = 0 @retry_delay = 0 @anchor = {} # string keys are index names, integer values are weightings @index_weights = {} @queue = [] end def set_anchor(lat_attr, lat, long_attr, long) @anchor = { :latitude_attribute => lat_attr, :latitude => lat, :longtitude_attribute => long_attr, :longtitude => long } end def append_query(search, index = '*') @queue << query_message(search, index) end def run response = request(:search, @queue) results = @queue.collect do result = { :matches => [], :fields => [], :attributes => {}, :attribute_names => [], :words => {} } result[:status] = response.next_int case result[:status] when Statuses[:warning] result[:warning] = when Statuses[:error] result[:error] = next result end result[:fields] = response.next_array attributes = response.next_int for i in 0...attributes attribute_name = type = response.next_int result[:attributes][attribute_name] = type result[:attribute_names] << attribute_name end matches = response.next_int is_64_bit = response.next_int for i in 0...matches doc = is_64_bit > 0 ? (response.next_int() << 32) + response.next_int : response.next_int weight = response.next_int result[:matches] << {:doc => doc, :weight => weight, :index => i, :attributes => {}} result[:attribute_names].each do |attr| case result[:attributes][attr] when AttributeTypes[:float] result[:matches].last[:attributes][attr] = response.next_float when AttributeTypes[:multi] result[:matches].last[:attributes][attr] = response.next_int_array else result[:matches].last[:attributes][attr] = response.next_int end end end result[:total] = response.next_int.to_i || 0 result[:total_found] = response.next_int.to_i || 0 result[:time] = ('%.3f' % (response.next_int / 1000.0)).to_f || 0.0 words = response.next_int for i in 0...words word = docs = response.next_int hits = response.next_int result[:words][word] = {:docs => docs, :hits => hits} end result end @queue.clear results end # Query the Sphinx daemon - defaulting to all indexes, but you can specify # a specific one if you wish. The search parameter should be a string # following Sphinx's expectations. def query(search, index = '*') @queue << query_message(search, index) end # Grab excerpts from the indexes. As part of the options, you will need to # define: # * :docs # * :words # * :index # # Optional settings include: # * :before_match (defaults to ) # * :after_match (defaults to ) # * :chunk_separator (defaults to ' … ' - which is an HTML ellipsis) # * :limit (defaults to 256) # * :around (defaults to 5) # # The defaults differ from the official PHP client, as I've opted for # semantic HTML markup. def excerpts(options = {}) options[:index] ||= '*' options[:before_match] ||= '' options[:after_match] ||= '' options[:chunk_separator] ||= ' … ' # ellipsis options[:limit] ||= 256 options[:around] ||= 5 response = request(:excerpt, excerpts_message(options)) options[:docs].collect { } end # Update attributes def update(index, attributes, values_by_doc) response = request( :update, update_message(index, attributes, values_by_doc) ) response.next_int end private # Connects to the Sphinx daemon, and yields a socket to use. The socket is # closed at the end of the block. def connect(&block) socket = @server, @port # Checking version version = socket.recv(4).unpack('N*').first if version < 1 socket.close raise VersionError, "Can only connect to searchd version 1.0 or better, not version #{version}" end # Send version socket.send [1].pack('N'), 0 begin yield socket ensure socket.close end end # Send a collection of messages, for a command type (eg, search, excerpts, # update), to the Sphinx daemon. def request(command, messages) response = "" status = -1 version = 0 length = 0 message = Array(messages).join("") connect do |socket| case command when :search # Message length is +4 to account for the following count value for # the number of messages (well, that's what I'm assuming). socket.send [ Commands[command], Versions[command], 4+message.length, messages.length ].pack("nnNN") + message, 0 else socket.send [ Commands[command], Versions[command], message.length ].pack("nnN") + message, 0 end header = socket.recv(8) status, version, length = header.unpack('n2N') while response.length < length part = socket.recv(length - response.length) response << part if part end end if response.empty? || response.length != length raise ResponseError, "No response from searchd (status: #{status}, version: #{version})" end case status when Statuses[:ok] if version < Versions[command] puts format("searchd command v.%d.%d older than client (v.%d.%d)", version >> 8, version & 0xff, Versions[command] >> 8, Versions[command] & 0xff) end response when Statuses[:warning] length = response[0, 4].unpack('N*').first puts response[4, length] response[4 + length, response.length - 4 - length] when Statuses[:error], Statuses[:retry] raise ResponseError, "searchd error (status: #{status}): #{response[4, response.length - 4]}" else raise ResponseError, "Unknown searchd error (status: #{status})" end end # Generation of the message to send to Sphinx for a search. def query_message(search, index) message = # Mode, Limits, Sort Mode message.append_ints @offset, @limit, MatchModes[@match_mode], SortModes[@sort_mode] message.append_string @sort_by # Query message.append_string search # Weights message.append_int @weights.length message.append_ints *@weights # Index message.append_string index # ID Range message.append_ints 0, @id_range.first, @id_range.last # Filters message.append_int @filters.length @filters.each { |filter| message.append filter.query_message } # Grouping message.append_int GroupFunctions[@group_function] message.append_string @group_by message.append_int @max_matches message.append_string @group_clause message.append_ints @cut_off, @retry_count, @retry_delay message.append_string @group_distinct # Anchor Point if @anchor.empty? message.append_int 0 else message.append_int 1 message.append_string @anchor[:latitude_attribute] message.append_string @anchor[:longtitude_attribute] message.append_floats @anchor[:latitude], @anchor[:longtitude] end # Per Index Weights message.append_int @index_weights.length @index_weights.each do |key,val| message.append_string key message.append_int val end message.to_s end # Generation of the message to send to Sphinx for an excerpts request. def excerpts_message(options) message = message.append [0, 1].pack('N2') # mode = 0, flags = 1 message.append_string options[:index] message.append_string options[:words] # options message.append_string options[:before_match] message.append_string options[:after_match] message.append_string options[:chunk_separator] message.append_ints options[:limit], options[:around] message.append_array options[:docs] message.to_s end # Generation of the message to send to Sphinx to update attributes of a # document. def update_message(index, attributes, values_by_doc) message = message.append_string index message.append_array attributes message.append_int values_by_doc.length values_by_doc.each do |key,values| message.append_int key # document ID message.append_ints *values # array of new values (integers) end message.to_s end end end