module Globalize module Model class MigrationError < StandardError; end class UntranslatedMigrationField < MigrationError; end class MigrationMissingTranslatedField < MigrationError; end class BadMigrationFieldType < MigrationError; end module ActiveRecord module Translated def self.included(base) base.extend ActMethods end module ActMethods def translates(*attr_names) options = attr_names.extract_options! options[:translated_attributes] = attr_names # Only set up once per class unless included_modules.include? InstanceMethods class_inheritable_accessor :globalize_options, :globalize_proxy include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods metaclass.alias_method_chain :find_every, :globalize2 metaclass.alias_method_chain :construct_finder_sql, :globalize2 self.globalize_proxy = Globalize::Model::ActiveRecord.create_proxy_class(self) has_many( :globalize_translations, :class_name =>, :extend => Extensions, :dependent => :delete_all, :foreign_key =>, '').foreign_key ) after_save :update_globalize_record end self.globalize_options = options Globalize::Model::ActiveRecord.define_accessors(self, attr_names) # Import any callbacks that have been defined by extensions to Globalize2 # and run them. extend Callbacks Callbacks.instance_methods.each {|cb| send cb } end def locale=(locale) @@locale = locale end def locale (defined?(@@locale) && @@locale) || I18n.locale end end # Dummy Callbacks module. Extensions to Globalize2 can insert methods into here # and they'll be called at the end of the translates class method. module Callbacks end # Extension to the has_many :globalize_translations association module Extensions def by_locales(locales) find :all, :conditions => { :locale => } end end module ClassMethods def method_missing(method, *args) if method.to_s =~ /^find_by_(\w+)$/ && globalize_options[:translated_attributes].include?($1.to_sym) find(:first, :joins => :globalize_translations, :conditions => [ "#{i18n_attr($1)} = ? AND #{i18n_attr('locale')} IN (?)", args.first,I18n.fallbacks[I18n.locale].map{|tag| tag.to_s}]) else super end end def create_translation_table!(fields) translated_fields = self.globalize_options[:translated_attributes] translated_fields.each do |f| raise MigrationMissingTranslatedField, "Missing translated field #{f}" unless fields[f] end fields.each do |name, type| unless translated_fields.member? name raise UntranslatedMigrationField, "Can't migrate untranslated field: #{name}" end unless [ :string, :text ].member? type raise BadMigrationFieldType, "Bad field type for #{name}, should be :string or :text" end end translation_table_name ='/', '_') + '_translations' self.connection.create_table(translation_table_name) do |t| t.integer, '').foreign_key t.string :locale fields.each do |name, type| t.column name, type end t.timestamps end end def drop_translation_table! translation_table_name ='/', '_') + '_translations' self.connection.drop_table translation_table_name end def find_every_with_globalize2(options) locale = I18n.locale locales = I18n.fallbacks[locale].map{ |tag| tag.to_s } scope_options = { :joins => :globalize_translations, :conditions => [ "#{i18n_attr('locale')} IN (?)", locales ] } with_scope(:find => scope_options) do find_every_without_globalize2(options) end end def construct_finder_sql_with_globalize2(options) sql = construct_finder_sql_without_globalize2(options) sql.sub! /SELECT(\s+DISTINCT)?/, 'SELECT DISTINCT' sql end private def i18n_attr(attribute_name)'/', '_') + "_translations.#{attribute_name}" end end module InstanceMethods def reload(options = nil) globalize.clear # clear all globalized attributes # TODO what's the best way to handle this? self.class.globalize_options[:translated_attributes].each do |attr| @attributes.delete attr.to_s end super options end def globalize @globalize ||= self end def update_globalize_record globalize.update_translations! end def translated_locales globalize_translations.scoped(:select => 'DISTINCT locale').map {|gt| gt.locale.to_sym } end def set_translations options options.keys.each do |key| translation = globalize_translations.find_by_locale(key.to_s) || => key.to_s) translation.update_attributes!(options[key]) end end end end end end end