module RealDataTests module RSpecHelper class SqlBlock attr_reader :type, :content, :table_name def initialize(content) @content = content.strip @type = determine_block_type @table_name = extract_table_name if @type == :insert end private def determine_block_type case @content when /\AINSERT INTO/i :insert when /\ACOPY.*FROM stdin/i :copy when /\AALTER TABLE/i :alter when /\ASET/i :set else :other end end def extract_table_name if @content =~ /INSERT INTO\s+"?([^\s"(]+)"?\s/i $1 end end end def load_real_test_data(name) dump_path = File.join(RealDataTests.configuration.dump_path, "#{name}.sql") raise Error, "Test data file not found: #{dump_path}" unless File.exist?(dump_path) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do # Disable foreign key checks ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET session_replication_role = replica;') begin # Load the SQL dump quietly result = system("psql #{connection_options} -q < #{dump_path}") raise Error, "Failed to load test data: #{dump_path}" unless result ensure # Re-enable foreign key checks ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET session_replication_role = DEFAULT;') end end end def load_real_test_data_native(name) dump_path = File.join(RealDataTests.configuration.dump_path, "#{name}.sql") raise Error, "Test data file not found: #{dump_path}" unless File.exist?(dump_path) sql_content = blocks = parse_sql_blocks(sql_content) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection # Disable foreign key checks connection.execute('SET session_replication_role = replica;') begin blocks.each_with_index do |block, index| execute_block(block, index + 1, blocks.length) end ensure connection.execute('SET session_replication_role = DEFAULT;') end end end private def connection_options config = if ActiveRecord::Base.respond_to?(:connection_db_config) ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config.configuration_hash else ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config end options = [] options << "-h #{config[:host]}" if config[:host] options << "-p #{config[:port]}" if config[:port] options << "-U #{config[:username]}" if config[:username] options << "-d #{config[:database]}" options << "-q" options.join(" ") end class SqlBlock attr_reader :type, :content, :table_name def initialize(content) @content = content.strip @type = determine_block_type @table_name = extract_table_name if @type == :insert end private def determine_block_type if @content.match?(/\AINSERT INTO/i) :insert elsif @content.match?(/\ACOPY.*FROM stdin/i) :copy elsif @content.match?(/\AALTER TABLE/i) :alter elsif @content.match?(/\ASET/i) :set else :other end end def extract_table_name if @content =~ /INSERT INTO\s+"?([^\s"(]+)"?\s/i $1 end end end def parse_sql_blocks(content) blocks = [] current_block = [] in_copy_block = false content.each_line do |line| line = line.chomp # Skip empty lines and comments unless in COPY block next if !in_copy_block && (line.empty? || line.start_with?('--')) # Handle start of COPY block if !in_copy_block && line.upcase.match?(/\ACOPY.*FROM stdin/i) current_block = [line] in_copy_block = true next end # Handle end of COPY block if in_copy_block && line == '\\.' current_block << line blocks <<"\n")) current_block = [] in_copy_block = false next end # Accumulate lines in COPY block if in_copy_block current_block << line next end # Handle regular SQL statements current_block << line if line.end_with?(';') blocks <<"\n")) current_block = [] end end # Handle any remaining block blocks <<"\n")) unless current_block.empty? blocks end def execute_block(block, index, total) case block.type when :insert execute_insert_block(block, index, total) when :copy execute_copy_block(block, index, total) else execute_regular_block(block, index, total) end end def execute_insert_block(block, index, total) puts "Executing INSERT block #{index}/#{total} for table: #{block.table_name}" # Don't modify statements that already end with semicolon statement = if block.content.strip.end_with?(';') block.content else "#{block.content};" end begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(statement) rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => e if e.message.include?('syntax error at or near "ON"') # Try alternative formatting for ON CONFLICT modified_statement = statement.gsub(/\)\s+ON\s+CONFLICT/, ') ON CONFLICT') ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(modified_statement) else raise end end end def execute_copy_block(block, index, total) puts "Executing COPY block #{index}/#{total}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(block.content) end def execute_regular_block(block, index, total) puts "Executing block #{index}/#{total} of type: #{block.type}" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(block.content) end def normalize_insert_statement(statement) # First clean up any excess whitespace around parentheses statement = statement.gsub(/\(\s+/, '(') .gsub(/\s+\)/, ')') .gsub(/\)\s+ON\s+CONFLICT/, ') ON CONFLICT') # Ensure proper spacing around ON CONFLICT if statement =~ /(.*?)\s*ON\s+CONFLICT\s+(.*?)\s*(?:DO\s+.*?)?\s*;\s*\z/i base = $1.strip conflict_part = $2.strip action_part = $3&.strip || 'DO NOTHING' # Rebuild the statement with consistent formatting "#{base} ON CONFLICT #{conflict_part} #{action_part};" else # If no ON CONFLICT clause, just clean up the spacing statement.strip.sub(/;?\s*$/, ';') end end def split_sql_statements(sql) statements = [] current_statement = '' in_string = false escaped = false sql.each_char do |char| if char == '\\' escaped = !escaped elsif char == "'" && !escaped in_string = !in_string elsif char == ';' && !in_string # Add the completed statement statements << current_statement.strip unless current_statement.strip.empty? current_statement = '' next end escaped = false current_statement << char end # Add the last statement if it exists statements << current_statement.strip unless current_statement.strip.empty? # Normalize `ON CONFLICT` clauses statements = statements.each_with_object([]) do |stmt, result| if stmt.strip.upcase.start_with?('ON CONFLICT') result[-1] = "#{result.last.strip} #{stmt.strip}" else result << stmt.strip end end # Ensure semicolons and spacing! do |stmt| stmt = stmt.gsub(/\)\s*ON CONFLICT/, ') ON CONFLICT') # Normalize spacing stmt.strip.end_with?(';') ? stmt.strip : "#{stmt.strip};" end statements end def extract_conflict_clause(statement) # Use a more precise regex that handles multiple closing parentheses if statement =~ /(.+?\))\s*(ON\s+CONFLICT\s+.*?)(?:;?\s*$)/i [$1, $2.strip] else [statement.sub(/;?\s*$/, ''), nil] end end def clean_sql_statement(statement) # Match either INSERT INTO...VALUES or just VALUES if statement =~ /(?:INSERT INTO.*)?VALUES\s*\(/i # Split the statement into parts, being careful with the ending if statement =~ /(.*?VALUES\s*\()(.*)(\)\s*(?:ON CONFLICT.*)?;?\s*$)/i pre_values = $1 values_content = $2 post_values = $3 # Clean the values content while preserving complex JSON cleaned_values = clean_complex_values(values_content) # Reassemble the statement, ensuring exactly one semicolon at the end statement = "#{pre_values}#{cleaned_values}#{post_values}" statement = statement.gsub(/;*\s*$/, '') # Remove any trailing semicolons and whitespace statement += ";" end end statement end def clean_complex_values(values_str) current_value = '' values = [] in_quotes = false in_json = false json_brace_count = 0 escaped = false chars = values_str.chars i = 0 while i < chars.length char = chars[i] case char when '\\' current_value << char escaped = !escaped when "'" if !escaped in_quotes = !in_quotes end escaped = false current_value << char when '{' if !in_quotes in_json = true json_brace_count += 1 end current_value << char when '}' if !in_quotes json_brace_count -= 1 in_json = json_brace_count > 0 end current_value << char when ',' if !in_quotes && !in_json values << clean_value(current_value.strip) current_value = '' else current_value << char end else escaped = false current_value << char end i += 1 end # Add the last value values << clean_value(current_value.strip) unless current_value.strip.empty? values.join(', ') end def clean_value(value) return value if value.start_with?("'") # Already quoted return value if value.start_with?("'{") # JSON object return 'NULL' if value.upcase == 'NULL' return value.downcase if ['true', 'false'].include?(value.downcase) return value if value.match?(/^\d+$/) # Numbers if value.match?(/^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i) "'#{value}'" # UUID else # Handle any other string value, including those with commas "'#{value}'" # Other strings end end end end