# ******************************************************************************* # Honeybee OpenStudio Gem, Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Sustainable # Energy, LLC, Ladybug Tools LLC and other contributors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'honeybee/load/service_hot_water' require 'to_openstudio/model_object' module Honeybee class ServiceHotWaterAbridged @@max_target_temp = 60 @@max_temp_schedule = nil @@shw_connections = {} @@shw_rates = {} @@hp_deadband = 4 @@sys_count = 1 def shw_connections @@shw_connections end def find_existing_openstudio_object(openstudio_model) model_shw = openstudio_model.getWaterUseEquipmentByName(@hash[:identifier]) return model_shw.get unless model_shw.empty? nil end def add_hot_water_plants(openstudio_model, shw_hashes) # add district hot water loops to supply all of the shw_connections shw_hashes.each do |shw_hash| # create the plant loop hot_water_plant = OpenStudio::Model::PlantLoop.new(openstudio_model) hot_water_plant.setName('SHW Loop ' + shw_hash[:identifier]) hot_water_plant.setMaximumLoopTemperature(@@max_target_temp) hot_water_plant.setMinimumLoopTemperature(10) # default value in C from OpenStudio Application # edit the sizing information to be for a hot water loop loop_sizing = hot_water_plant.sizingPlant() loop_sizing.setLoopType('Heating') loop_sizing.setDesignLoopExitTemperature(@@max_target_temp) loop_sizing.setLoopDesignTemperatureDifference(5) # default value in C from OpenStudio Application # add a setpoint manager for the loop hot_sch = @@max_temp_schedule if @@max_temp_schedule.nil? hot_sch_name = @@max_target_temp.to_s + 'C Hot Water' hot_sch = create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, hot_sch_name, @@max_target_temp) end sp_manager = OpenStudio::Model::SetpointManagerScheduled.new(openstudio_model, hot_sch) sp_manager.addToNode(hot_water_plant.supplyOutletNode()) # add a constant speed pump for the loop hot_water_pump = OpenStudio::Model::PumpConstantSpeed.new(openstudio_model) hot_water_pump.setName('SHW Pump' + @@sys_count.to_s) hot_water_pump.setRatedPumpHead(29891) # default value in Pa from OpenStudio Application hot_water_pump.setMotorEfficiency(0.9) # default value from OpenStudio Application hot_water_pump.addToNode(hot_water_plant.supplyInletNode()) eq_type = shw_hash[:equipment_type] if eq_type == 'Default_District_SHW' # add a district heating system to supply the heat for the loop district_hw = OpenStudio::Model::DistrictHeating.new(openstudio_model) district_hw.setName('Service Hot Water District Heat') district_hw.setNominalCapacity(1000000) hot_water_plant.addSupplyBranchForComponent(district_hw) elsif eq_type == 'Gas_WaterHeater' || eq_type == 'Electric_WaterHeater' || eq_type == 'HeatPump_WaterHeater' # add a water heater to supply the heat for the loop heater = OpenStudio::Model::WaterHeaterMixed.new(openstudio_model) if eq_type == 'Electric_WaterHeater' || eq_type == 'HeatPump_WaterHeater' heater.setHeaterFuelType('Electricity') heater.setOffCycleParasiticFuelType('Electricity') heater.setOnCycleParasiticFuelType('Electricity') end heater.setName('SHW WaterHeater' + @@sys_count.to_s) # set the water heater efficiency if eq_type == 'HeatPump_WaterHeater' heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(1.0) elsif shw_hash[:heater_efficiency].nil? if eq_type == 'Electric_WaterHeater' heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(1.0) else heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(0.8) end else heater.setHeaterThermalEfficiency(shw_hash[:heater_efficiency]) end # set the ambient condition of the water tank to_thermal_zone = false unless shw_hash[:ambient_condition].nil? if shw_hash[:ambient_condition].is_a? Numeric target_sch_name = shw_hash[:ambient_condition].to_s + 'C Ambient Condition' target_sch = create_constant_schedule( openstudio_model, target_sch_name, shw_hash[:ambient_condition]) heater.setAmbientTemperatureSchedule(target_sch) else source_zone_ref = openstudio_model.getThermalZoneByName(shw_hash[:ambient_condition]) unless source_zone_ref.empty? source_zone = source_zone_ref.get heater.setAmbientTemperatureThermalZone(source_zone) end heater.setAmbientTemperatureIndicator('ThermalZone') to_thermal_zone = true end else target_sch_name = '22C Ambient Condition' target_sch = create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, target_sch_name, 22) heater.setAmbientTemperatureSchedule(target_sch) end # set the ambient loss coefficient if to_thermal_zone unless shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient].nil? heater.setOffCycleLossFractiontoThermalZone( shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient]) heater.setOnCycleLossFractiontoThermalZone( shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient]) else heater.setOffCycleLossFractiontoThermalZone(6) heater.setOnCycleLossFractiontoThermalZone(6) end else unless shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient].nil? heater.setOffCycleLossCoefficienttoAmbientTemperature( shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient]) heater.setOnCycleLossCoefficienttoAmbientTemperature( shw_hash[:ambient_loss_coefficient]) else heater.setOffCycleLossCoefficienttoAmbientTemperature(6) heater.setOnCycleLossCoefficienttoAmbientTemperature(6) end end # ensure that the tank is sized appropriately and add it to the loop heater.setHeaterMaximumCapacity(1000000) heater.setTankVolume(@@shw_rates[shw_hash[:identifier]]) hot_water_plant.addSupplyBranchForComponent(heater) # if it's a heat pump system, then add the pump if eq_type == 'HeatPump_WaterHeater' # create a coil for the heat pump heat_pump = OpenStudio::Model::CoilWaterHeatingAirToWaterHeatPump.new(openstudio_model) heat_pump.setName('HPWH DX Coil' + @@sys_count.to_s) if shw_hash[:heater_efficiency].nil? heat_pump.setRatedCOP(3.5) else heat_pump.setRatedCOP(shw_hash[:heater_efficiency]) end # add a fan for the heat pump system fan = OpenStudio::Model::FanOnOff.new(openstudio_model) fan.setName('HPWH Fan' + @@sys_count.to_s) fan.setEndUseSubcategory('Water Systems') setpt_sch = create_constant_schedule( openstudio_model, 'HPWH Setpoint' + @@sys_count.to_s, @@max_target_temp + (@@hp_deadband * 2)) inlet_sch = create_constant_schedule( openstudio_model, 'Inlet Air Mixer Fraction' + @@sys_count.to_s, 0.2) # add a water heater to supply the heat for the loop heat_sys = OpenStudio::Model::WaterHeaterHeatPump.new( openstudio_model, heat_pump, heater, fan, setpt_sch, inlet_sch) heat_sys.setDeadBandTemperatureDifference(@@hp_deadband) source_zone_ref = openstudio_model.getThermalZoneByName(shw_hash[:ambient_condition]) unless source_zone_ref.empty? source_zone = source_zone_ref.get heat_sys.addToThermalZone(source_zone) end heat_sys.setName('SHW WaterHeater HeatPump' + @@sys_count.to_s) end elsif eq_type == 'Gas_TanklessHeater' || eq_type == 'Electric_TanklessHeater' # add a boiler to supply the heat for the loop heater = OpenStudio::Model::BoilerHotWater.new(openstudio_model) if eq_type == 'Electric_TanklessHeater' heater.setFuelType('Electricity') end heater.setName('SHW Tankless WaterHeater' + @@sys_count.to_s) heater.setEndUseSubcategory('Water Systems') # set the water heater efficiency unless shw_hash[:heater_efficiency].nil? heater.setNominalThermalEfficiency(shw_hash[:heater_efficiency]) else if eq_type == 'Electric_TanklessHeater' heater.setNominalThermalEfficiency(1.0) else heater.setNominalThermalEfficiency(0.8) end end # ensure that the boiler is sized appropriately and add it to the loop heater.setNominalCapacity(1000000) hot_water_plant.addSupplyBranchForComponent(heater) end # add all of the water use connections to the loop and total the capacity @@shw_connections[shw_hash[:identifier]].each do |shw_conn| hot_water_plant.addDemandBranchForComponent(shw_conn) end @@sys_count = @@sys_count + 1 end end def to_openstudio(openstudio_model, os_space, shw_name) # create water use equipment + connection and set identifier os_shw_def = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseEquipmentDefinition.new(openstudio_model) os_shw = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseEquipment.new(os_shw_def) unique_id = @hash[:identifier] + '..' + os_space.nameString os_shw_def.setName(unique_id) os_shw.setName(unique_id) # assign the flow of water total_flow = (@hash[:flow_per_area].to_f * os_space.floorArea) / 3600000 os_shw_def.setPeakFlowRate(total_flow) os_shw_def.setEndUseSubcategory('General') if @@shw_rates[shw_name].nil? @@shw_rates[shw_name] = 0 end @@shw_rates[shw_name] = @@shw_rates[shw_name] + (total_flow * 3600) # assign schedule shw_schedule = openstudio_model.getScheduleByName(@hash[:schedule]) unless shw_schedule.empty? shw_schedule_object = shw_schedule.get os_shw.setFlowRateFractionSchedule(shw_schedule_object) end # assign the hot water temperature target_temp = defaults[:target_temperature][:default] if @hash[:target_temperature] target_temp = @hash[:target_temperature] end target_sch_name = target_temp.to_s + 'C Hot Water' target_water_sch = create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, target_sch_name, target_temp) os_shw_def.setTargetTemperatureSchedule(target_water_sch) # create the hot water connection with same temperature as target temperature os_shw_conn = OpenStudio::Model::WaterUseConnections.new(openstudio_model) os_shw_conn.addWaterUseEquipment(os_shw) os_shw_conn.setHotWaterSupplyTemperatureSchedule(target_water_sch) if target_temp > @@max_target_temp @@max_target_temp = target_temp @@max_temp_schedule = target_water_sch end if shw_name.nil? shw_name = 'default_district_shw' end if @@shw_connections[shw_name].nil? @@shw_connections[shw_name] = [] end @@shw_connections[shw_name] << os_shw_conn # assign sensible fraction if it exists sens_fract = defaults[:sensible_fraction][:default] if @hash[:sensible_fraction] sens_fract = @hash[:sensible_fraction] end sens_sch_name = sens_fract.to_s + ' Hot Water Sensible Fraction' sens_fract_sch = create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, sens_sch_name, sens_fract) os_shw_def.setSensibleFractionSchedule(sens_fract_sch) # assign latent fraction if it exists lat_fract = defaults[:latent_fraction][:default] if @hash[:latent_fraction] lat_fract = @hash[:latent_fraction] end lat_sch_name = lat_fract.to_s + ' Hot Water Latent Fraction' lat_fract_sch = create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, lat_sch_name, lat_fract) os_shw_def.setLatentFractionSchedule(lat_fract_sch) # assign the service hot water to the space os_shw.setSpace(os_space) os_shw end private def create_constant_schedule(openstudio_model, schedule_name, value) # check if a constant schedule already exists and, if not, create it exist_schedule = openstudio_model.getScheduleByName(schedule_name) if exist_schedule.empty? # create the schedule os_sch_ruleset = OpenStudio::Model::ScheduleRuleset.new(openstudio_model, value) os_sch_ruleset.setName(schedule_name) else os_sch_ruleset = exist_schedule.get end os_sch_ruleset end end #ServiceHotWaterAbridged end #Honeybee