describe "table screens" do describe "basic functionality" do before do @screen = @screen.on_load end it "should add an image right nav bar button" do image = UIImage.imageNamed("list.png") # @screen.set_nav_bar_button :right, image: image, action: :return_to_some_other_screen, type: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain @screen.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.image.class.should == UIImage @screen.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.image.should == image end it "should display some sections" do end it "should have proper cell numbers" do @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:0).should == 7 @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:1).should == 2 @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:2).should == 4 @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:3).should == 3 end it "should return a UITableViewCell" do index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(1, inSection: 1) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: index_path) UITableViewCell end it "should have a placeholder image in the last cell" do index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(1, inSection: 1) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: index_path) UIImageView end it "should display all images properly no matter how they were initialized" do @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:2).times do |i| index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(i, inSection:2) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: index_path) UIImageView # Test the corner radius on the first cell. if i == 0 @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath: index_path).imageView.layer.cornerRadius.to_f.should == 10.0 end end end it "sets the auto row height and estimated row height properly" do @screen.view.rowHeight.should == UITableViewAutomaticDimension if TestHelper.gte_ios8 @screen.view.rowHeight.should == 97 unless TestHelper.gte_ios8 @screen.view.estimatedRowHeight.should == 97 end it "sets the fixed row height properly" do screen = screen.view.rowHeight.should == 77 screen.view.estimatedRowHeight.should == 77 end it "sets up proper accessibility methods" do class NoneditableTableScreen < PM::TableScreen def on_load end def table_data [{ title: "test", cells: [{ title: "Non-editable test" }] }] end end noneditable = noneditable.on_load noneditable.editable?.should==false index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection: 0) lambda { noneditable.tableView(noneditable, commitEditingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete, forRowAtIndexPath: index_path) }.should.raise NoMethodError @screen.editable?.should == true @screen.should.respond_to(:"tableView:commitEditingStyle:forRowAtIndexPath") end end describe "search functionality" do before do @screen = @screen.on_load end it "should be searchable" do @screen.class.get_searchable.should == true end it "should create a search header" do UISearchBar end it "should not hide the search bar initally by default" do @screen.tableView.contentOffset.should == CGPointMake(0,0) end it "should allow hiding the search bar initally" do class HiddenSearchScreen < TableScreenSearchable searchable hide_initially: true end screen = screen.on_load screen.tableView.contentOffset.should == CGPointMake(0,screen.searchDisplayController.searchBar.frame.size.height) end end describe "refresh functionality" do # Note this test only works if on iOS 6+ or when using CKRefreshControl. before do @screen = @screen.on_load end it "should be refreshable" do @screen.class.get_refreshable.should == true end it "should create a refresh object" do @screen.instance_variable_get("@refresh_control") UIRefreshControl end it "should respond to start_refreshing and end_refreshing" do @screen.respond_to?(:start_refreshing).should == true @screen.respond_to?(:end_refreshing).should == true end # Animations cause the refresh object to fail when tested. Test manually. end describe 'test PM::TableScreen\'s method call order' do before do class MethodCallOrderTestTableScreen < PM::TableScreen def table_data; @table_data ||= []; end def on_load @table_data = [{cells: [ title: 'cell 1' ]}] update_table_data end end end it 'should not raise error at load view' do proc { @screen = }.should.not.raise(NoMethodError) end end describe "test PM::TableScreen's updating functionality" do it 'should update the table data when update_table_data is called' do @screen = @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:0).should == 0 @screen.make_more_cells # We made them, but they shouldn't be in the table yet. @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:0).should == 0 @screen.update_table_data @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, numberOfRowsInSection:0).should == 2 end end describe "test PM::TableScreen's moving cells functionality" do before do UIView.animationsEnabled = false @screen = @screen.on_load end it "should allow the table screen to enter editing mode" do @screen.isEditing.should == false @screen.edit_mode(enabled:true, animated:false) @screen.isEditing.should == true end it "should use a convenience method to see if the table is editing" do @screen.isEditing.should == @screen.edit_mode? @screen.edit_mode(enabled:true, animated:false) @screen.isEditing.should == @screen.edit_mode? end it "should toggle editing mode" do @screen.edit_mode?.should == false @screen.toggle_edit_mode(false) @screen.edit_mode?.should == true @screen.toggle_edit_mode(false) @screen.edit_mode?.should == false end it "should return true for cells that are moveable" do # Index path with :moveable = true index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:4) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, canMoveRowAtIndexPath: index_path).should == true # Index path with no :moveable set index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(2, inSection:4) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, canMoveRowAtIndexPath: index_path).should == false # Index path with :moveable = false index_path = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(4, inSection:4) @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, canMoveRowAtIndexPath: index_path).should == false end it "should rearrange the data object when a cell is moved" do move_from = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:4) move_to = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(2, inSection:4) @screen.promotion_table_data.section(4)[:cells].map{|c| c[:title]}.should == [ 'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3', 'Cell 4', 'Cell 5' ] @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, moveRowAtIndexPath:move_from, toIndexPath:move_to) @screen.promotion_table_data.section(4)[:cells].map{|c| c[:title]}.should == [ 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3', 'Cell 1', 'Cell 4', 'Cell 5' ] end it "should call :cell_moved when moving a cell" do move_from = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:4) move_to = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(2, inSection:4) @screen.cell_was_moved.nil?.should == true @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, moveRowAtIndexPath:move_from, toIndexPath:move_to) @screen.cell_was_moved.is_a?(Hash).should == true cell = @screen.cell_was_moved cell[:paths][:from].should == move_from cell[:paths][:to].should == move_to cell[:cell][:title].should == "Cell 1" end it "should allow cells to move to other sections" do move_from = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(1, inSection:4) move_to = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:3) moving_to = @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:move_from, toProposedIndexPath:move_to) moving_to.should == move_to end it "should not allow cells to move to other sections" do move_from = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:4) move_to = NSIndexPath.indexPathForRow(0, inSection:3) moving_to = @screen.tableView(@screen.tableView, targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath:move_from, toProposedIndexPath:move_to) moving_to.should == move_from end end end