# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 207 def self.start(ips, queues) if Rails.env =~ /development|test/ Thread.new(queues) { |queue| system("rake RAILS_ENV=#{Rails.env} QUEUE=#{queue} resque:work") } else Thread.new(queues, ips) { |queue, ip_list| system("cd #{Rails.root}; #{ResqueUi::Cap.path} #{Rails.env} resque:work host=#{ip_list} queue=#{queue}") } end end
logic for mappged_mget changed where it returns keys with nil values in latest redis gem.
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 181 def self.working names = all return [] unless names.any? names.map! { |name| "worker:#{name}" } redis.mapped_mget(*names).map do |key, value| find key.sub("worker:", '') unless value.nil? end.compact end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 99 def all_workers_in_pid_working workers_in_pid.select { |w| (hash = w.processing) && !hash.empty? } end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 41 def ip to_s.split(':').first[/\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\b/] end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 6 def local_ip orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily UDPSocket.open do |s| s.connect '', 1 s.addr.last end ensure Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 25 def pid to_s.split(':').second end
Looks for any workers which should be running on this server and, if they’re not, removes them from Redis.
This is a form of garbage collection. If a server is killed by a hard shutdown, power failure, or something else beyond our control, the Resque workers will not die gracefully and therefor will leave stale state information in Redis.
By checking the current Redis state against the actual environment, we can determine if Redis is old and clean it up a bit.
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 89 def prune_dead_workers Worker.all.each do |worker| host, pid, thread, queues = worker.id.split(':') next unless host.include?(hostname) next if worker_pids.include?(pid) log! "Pruning dead worker: #{worker}" worker.unregister_worker end end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 33 def queue to_s.split(':').last end
OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 50 def queues Thread.current[:queues] == "*" ? Resque.queues.sort : Thread.current[:queues].split(',') end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 45 def queues_in_pid workers_in_pid.collect { |w| w.queue } end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 215 def quit if Rails.env =~ /development|test/ system("kill -INT #{self.pid}") else system("cd #{Rails.root}; #{ResqueUi::Cap.path} #{Rails.env} resque:quit_worker pid=#{self.pid} host=#{self.ip}") end end
Jruby won’t allow you to trap the QUIT signal, so we’re changing the INT signal to replace it for Jruby.
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 104 def register_signal_handlers trap('TERM') { shutdown! } trap('INT') { shutdown } begin s = trap('QUIT') { shutdown } warn "Signal QUIT not supported." unless s s = trap('USR1') { kill_child } warn "Signal USR1 not supported." unless s s = trap('USR2') { pause_processing } warn "Signal USR2 not supported." unless s s = trap('CONT') { unpause_processing } warn "Signal CONT not supported." unless s rescue ArgumentError warn "Signals QUIT, USR1, USR2, and/or CONT not supported." end end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 223 def restart queues = self.queues_in_pid.join('#') quit self.class.start(self.ip, queues) end
Schedule this worker for shutdown. Will finish processing the current job.
OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 73 def shutdown log 'Exiting...' Thread.list.each { |t| t[:shutdown] = true } @shutdown = true end
Runs all the methods needed when a worker begins its lifecycle.
OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 56 def startup enable_gc_optimizations if Thread.current == Thread.main register_signal_handlers prune_dead_workers end run_hook :before_first_fork register_worker # Fix buffering so we can `rake resque:work > resque.log` and # get output from the child in there. $stdout.sync = true end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 203 def status job['status'] end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 198 def status=(status) data = encode(job.merge('status' => status)) redis.set("worker:#{self}", data) end
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 29 def thread to_s.split(':').third end
The string representation is the same as the id for this worker instance. Can be used with `Worker.find`.
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 19 def to_s @to_s || "#{hostname}(#{local_ip}):#{Process.pid}:#{Thread.current.object_id}:#{Thread.current[:queues]}" end
This is the main workhorse method. Called on a Worker instance, it begins the worker life cycle. The following events occur during a worker's life cycle: 1. Startup: Signals are registered, dead workers are pruned, and this worker is registered. 2. Work loop: Jobs are pulled from a queue and processed. 3. Teardown: This worker is unregistered. Can be passed an integer representing the polling frequency. The default is 5 seconds, but for a semi-active site you may want to use a smaller value. Also accepts a block which will be passed the job as soon as it has completed processing. Useful for testing.
OVERRIDE for multithreaded workers
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 139 def work(interval = 5, &block) $0 = "resque: Starting" startup loop do break if @shutdown || Thread.current[:shutdown] if not @paused and job = reserve log "got: #{job.inspect}" run_hook :before_fork working_on job if @child = fork rand # Reseeding procline "Forked #{@child} at #{Time.now.to_i}" Process.wait else procline "Processing #{job.queue} since #{Time.now.to_i}" perform(job, &block) exit! unless @cant_fork end done_working @child = nil else break if interval.to_i == 0 log! "Sleeping for #{interval.to_i}" procline @paused ? "Paused" : "Waiting for #{@queues.join(',')}" sleep interval.to_i end end unregister_worker rescue nil loop do #hang onto the process until all threads are done break if all_workers_in_pid_working.blank? sleep interval.to_i end ensure unregister_worker end
Returns an array of string pids of all the other workers on this machine. Useful when pruning dead workers on startup.
# File lib/resque_ui/overrides/resque/worker.rb, line 192 def worker_pids `ps -A -o pid,command | grep [r]esque`.split("\n").map do |line| line.split(' ')[0] end end
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