require 'sync' class Puppet::SSLCertificates::CA include Puppet::Util::Warnings Certificate = Puppet::SSLCertificates::Certificate attr_accessor :keyfile, :file, :config, :dir, :cert, :crl def certfile @config[:cacert] end # Remove all traces of a given host. This is kind of hackish, but, eh. def clean(host) host = host.downcase [:csrdir, :signeddir, :publickeydir, :privatekeydir, :certdir].each do |name| dir = Puppet[name] file = File.join(dir, host + ".pem") if FileTest.exists?(file) begin if Puppet[:name] == "puppetca" puts "Removing %s" % file else "Removing %s" % file end File.unlink(file) rescue => detail raise Puppet::Error, "Could not delete %s: %s" % [file, detail] end end end end def host2csrfile(hostname) File.join(Puppet[:csrdir], [hostname.downcase, "pem"].join(".")) end # this stores signed certs in a directory unrelated to # normal client certs def host2certfile(hostname) File.join(Puppet[:signeddir], [hostname.downcase, "pem"].join(".")) end # Turn our hostname into a Name object def thing2name(thing) thing.subject.to_a.find { |ary| ary[0] == "CN" }[1] end def initialize(hash = {}) Puppet.settings.use(:main, :ca, :ssl) self.setconfig(hash) if Puppet[:capass] if FileTest.exists?(Puppet[:capass]) #puts "Reading %s" % Puppet[:capass] #system "ls -al %s" % Puppet[:capass] Puppet[:capass] @config[:password] = self.getpass else # Don't create a password if the cert already exists unless FileTest.exists?(@config[:cacert]) @config[:password] = self.genpass end end end self.getcert init_crl unless FileTest.exists?(@config[:serial]) Puppet.settings.write(:serial) do |f| f << "%04X" % 1 end end end # Generate a new password for the CA. def genpass pass = "" 20.times { pass += (rand(74) + 48).chr } begin Puppet.settings.write(:capass) { |f| f.print pass } rescue Errno::EACCES => detail raise Puppet::Error, detail.to_s end return pass end # Get the CA password. def getpass if @config[:capass] and File.readable?(@config[:capass]) return[:capass]) else raise Puppet::Error, "Could not decrypt CA key with password: %s" % detail end end # Get the CA cert. def getcert if FileTest.exists?(@config[:cacert]) @cert =[:cacert]) ) else self.mkrootcert end end # Retrieve a client's CSR. def getclientcsr(host) csrfile = host2csrfile(host) unless File.exists?(csrfile) return nil end return end # Retrieve a client's certificate. def getclientcert(host) certfile = host2certfile(host) unless File.exists?(certfile) return [nil, nil] end return [, @cert] end # List certificates waiting to be signed. This returns a list of hostnames, not actual # files -- the names can be converted to full paths with host2csrfile. def list(dummy_argument=:work_arround_for_ruby_GC_bug) return Dir.entries(Puppet[:csrdir]).find_all { |file| file =~ /\.pem$/ }.collect { |file| file.sub(/\.pem$/, '') } end # List signed certificates. This returns a list of hostnames, not actual # files -- the names can be converted to full paths with host2csrfile. def list_signed(dummy_argument=:work_arround_for_ruby_GC_bug) return Dir.entries(Puppet[:signeddir]).find_all { |file| file =~ /\.pem$/ }.collect { |file| file.sub(/\.pem$/, '') } end # Create the root certificate. def mkrootcert # Make the root cert's name the FQDN of the host running the CA. name = Facter["hostname"].value if domain = Facter["domain"].value name += "." + domain end cert = :name => name, :cert => @config[:cacert], :encrypt => @config[:capass], :key => @config[:cakey], :selfsign => true, :ttl => ttl, :type => :ca ) # This creates the cakey file Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.asuser(Puppet[:user], Puppet[:group]) do @cert = cert.mkselfsigned end Puppet.settings.write(:cacert) do |f| f.puts @cert.to_pem end Puppet.settings.write(:capub) do |f| f.puts @cert.public_key end return cert end def removeclientcsr(host) csrfile = host2csrfile(host) unless File.exists?(csrfile) raise Puppet::Error, "No certificate request for %s" % host end File.unlink(csrfile) end # Revoke the certificate with serial number SERIAL issued by this # CA. The REASON must be one of the OpenSSL::OCSP::REVOKED_* reasons def revoke(serial, reason = OpenSSL::OCSP::REVOKED_STATUS_KEYCOMPROMISE) time = revoked = revoked.serial = serial revoked.time = time enum = OpenSSL::ASN1::Enumerated(reason) ext ="CRLReason", enum) revoked.add_extension(ext) @crl.add_revoked(revoked) store_crl end # Take the Puppet config and store it locally. def setconfig(hash) @config = {} Puppet.settings.params("ca").each { |param| param = param.intern if param.is_a? String if hash.include?(param) @config[param] = hash[param] Puppet[param] = hash[param] hash.delete(param) else @config[param] = Puppet[param] end } if hash.include?(:password) @config[:password] = hash[:password] hash.delete(:password) end if hash.length > 0 raise ArgumentError, "Unknown parameters %s" % hash.keys.join(",") end [:cadir, :csrdir, :signeddir].each { |dir| unless @config[dir] raise Puppet::DevError, "%s is undefined" % dir end } end # Sign a given certificate request. def sign(csr) unless csr.is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Request) raise Puppet::Error, "CA#sign only accepts OpenSSL::X509::Request objects, not %s" % csr.class end unless csr.verify(csr.public_key) raise Puppet::Error, "CSR sign verification failed" end serial = nil Puppet.settings.readwritelock(:serial) { |f| serial =[:serial]).chomp.hex # increment the serial f << "%04X" % (serial + 1) } newcert = Puppet::SSLCertificates.mkcert( :type => :server, :name => csr.subject, :ttl => ttl, :issuer => @cert, :serial => serial, :publickey => csr.public_key ) sign_with_key(newcert) self.storeclientcert(newcert) return [newcert, @cert] end # Store the client's CSR for later signing. This is called from # server/ca.rb, and the CSRs are deleted once the certificate is actually # signed. def storeclientcsr(csr) host = thing2name(csr) csrfile = host2csrfile(host) if File.exists?(csrfile) raise Puppet::Error, "Certificate request for %s already exists" % host end Puppet.settings.writesub(:csrdir, csrfile) do |f| f.print csr.to_pem end end # Store the certificate that we generate. def storeclientcert(cert) host = thing2name(cert) certfile = host2certfile(host) if File.exists?(certfile) Puppet.notice "Overwriting signed certificate %s for %s" % [certfile, host] end Puppet::SSLCertificates::Inventory::add(cert) Puppet.settings.writesub(:signeddir, certfile) do |f| f.print cert.to_pem end end # TTL for new certificates in seconds. If config param :ca_ttl is set, # use that, otherwise use :ca_days for backwards compatibility def ttl days = @config[:ca_days] if days && days.size > 0 warnonce "Parameter ca_ttl is not set. Using depecated ca_days instead." return @config[:ca_days] * 24 * 60 * 60 else ttl = @config[:ca_ttl] if ttl.is_a?(String) unless ttl =~ /^(\d+)(y|d|h|s)$/ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid ca_ttl #{ttl}" end case $2 when 'y' unit = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 when 'd' unit = 24 * 60 * 60 when 'h' unit = 60 * 60 when 's' unit = 1 else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid unit for ca_ttl #{ttl}" end return $1.to_i * unit else return ttl end end end private def init_crl if FileTest.exists?(@config[:cacrl]) @crl =[:cacrl]) ) else # Create new CRL @crl = @crl.issuer = @cert.subject @crl.version = 1 store_crl @crl end end def store_crl # Increment the crlNumber e = @crl.extensions.find { |e| e.oid == 'crlNumber' } ext = @crl.extensions.reject { |e| e.oid == 'crlNumber' } crlNum = OpenSSL::ASN1::Integer(e ? e.value.to_i + 1 : 0) ext <<"crlNumber", crlNum) @crl.extensions = ext # Set last/next update now = @crl.last_update = now # Keep CRL valid for 5 years @crl.next_update = now + 5 * 365*24*60*60 sign_with_key(@crl) Puppet.settings.write(:cacrl) do |f| f.puts @crl.to_pem end end def sign_with_key(signable, digest = cakey = nil if @config[:password] begin cakey =[:cakey]), @config[:password] ) rescue raise Puppet::Error, "Decrypt of CA private key with password stored in @config[:capass] not possible" end else cakey =[:cakey]) ) end unless @cert.check_private_key(cakey) raise Puppet::Error, "CA Certificate is invalid" end signable.sign(cakey, digest) end end