v0.2.0 Implementation of updated look-and-feel [Jason Rudolph] v0.1.8 Add timeouts for crawls to help really long builds [Rob Sanheim] v0.1.7 Minor clean up [Rob Sanheim] v0.1.6 * add testing for all Rails versions 2.0.2 and up * various clean up and housekeeping tasks; * start Ruby 1.9 work (but we need Hpricot) * show 50 chars of URL, not 30 * ensure that ActiveRecord gets loaded correctly for the crawler, so that it can rescue RecordNotFound exceptions [Rob Sanheim] v0.1.5 Initial implementation of updated look-and-feel [Erik Yowell] [Jason Rudolph] v0.1.4 Bugfix: Include look-and-feel files when building the gem #16 [Jason Rudolph] v0.1.3 Update list of known static file types (e.g., PDFs) to prevent false reports of 404s for links to files that exist in RAILS_ROOT/public [Aaron Bedra] v0.1.2 Remove dependency on Facets gem [Aaron Bedra] v0.1.1 Bugfix: Add ability to handle anchor tags that lack an href attribute #13 [Kevin Gisi] v0.1.0 * Improve the generated test template to include inline documentation and make the simple case simple [Jason Rudolph] * Update README to better serve first-time users [Jason Rudolph] * Update development dependencies declarations [Jason Rudolph] * Internal refactorings [Aaron Bedra] ** Convert test suite to micronaut ** Replace Echoe with Jeweler for gem management ** Remove unused code v0.0.8.1 * Fix numerous installation and initial setup issues * Enhance rake tasks to support use of Tarantula in a continuous integration environment ** Use "rake tarantula:test" to run headless with build-friendly exit codes ** Use "rake tarantula:report" to open the Tarantula report in your browser * Update README ** Provide better installation and setup documentation ** Include example of adding a custom attack handler * Simplify design to address concerns about hard-to-read fonts v0.0.5 * Make sure we don't include Relevance::Tarantula into Object - will cause issues with Rails dependencies and is a bad idea in general * Update Rakefile for development dependencies * Other small clean up tasks v0.0.1 Tarantula becomes a gem. [Aaron Bedra]