require 'set' java_import java.awt.Polygon java_import java.awt.geom.Area module Tabula # subclasses must define cells, vertical_ruling_lines, horizontal_ruling_lines accessors; ruling_lines reader module HasCells ARBITRARY_MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER = 0.65 def is_tabular? ratio = heuristic_ratio return ratio > ARBITRARY_MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER && ratio < (1 / ARBITRARY_MAGIC_HEURISTIC_NUMBER) end def heuristic_ratio #spreadsheet extraction spreadsheet = spreadsheets.first return Float::NAN if spreadsheet.nil? rows_defined_by_lines = spreadsheet.rows.size #rows filled in automatically columns_defined_by_lines = spreadsheet.cols.size table = self.get_table columns_defined_without_lines = table.cols.size rows_defined_without_lines = table.rows.size ((columns_defined_by_lines.to_f / columns_defined_without_lines) + (rows_defined_by_lines.to_f / rows_defined_without_lines)) / 2 end # finds cells from the ruling lines on the page. # implements Nurminen thesis algorithm cf. # subclasses must define cells, vertical_ruling_lines, horizontal_ruling_lines accessors def find_cells!(horizontal_ruling_lines, vertical_ruling_lines, options={}) # All lines need to been sorted from up to down, # and left to right in ascending order cellsFound = [] intersection_points = Ruling.find_intersections(horizontal_ruling_lines, vertical_ruling_lines) # All crossing-points have been sorted from up to down, # and left to right in ascending order # depending on the Point2D default sort here. intersection_points_array = intersection_points.keys.sort intersection_points_array.each_with_index do |topLeft, i| # Fetch all points on the same vertical and horizontal # line with current crossing point horizontal, vertical = intersection_points[topLeft] # this lets us go to the next intersection_point in intersection_points_array # it is bad and I feel bad. catch :cellCreated do # CrossingPointsDirectlyBelow( topLeft ); x_points = intersection_points_array[i..-1].select{|pt| pt.x == topLeft.x && pt.y > topLeft.y } # CrossingPointsDirectlyToTheRight( topLeft ); y_points = intersection_points_array[i..-1].select{|pt| pt.y == topLeft.y && pt.x > topLeft.x } x_points.each do |x_point| # Skip to next crossing-point # if( NOT EdgeExistsBetween( topLeft, x_point)) next crossing- # point; next unless vertical.colinear?(x_point) y_points.each do |y_point| # if( NOT EdgeExistsBetween( topLeft, y_point)) next crossing- # point; next unless horizontal.colinear?(y_point) #Hypothetical bottom right point of rectangle btmRight =, x_point.y) if intersection_points.include?(btmRight) btmRightHorizontal, btmRightVertical = intersection_points[btmRight] if btmRightHorizontal.colinear?( x_point ) && btmRightVertical.colinear?( y_point ) # Rectangle is confirmed to have 4 sides cellsFound << Cell.new_from_points( topLeft, btmRight, options) # Each crossing point can be the top left corner # of only a single rectangle #next crossing-point; we need to "next" out of the outer loop here # to avoid creating non-minimal cells, I htink. throw :cellCreated end end end end end #cellCreated end self.cells = cellsFound cellsFound end #TODO: #returns array of Spreadsheet objects constructed (or spreadsheet_areas => cells) #maybe placeholders should be added after cells is split into spreadsheets def find_spreadsheets_from_cells cells.sort! # via points = cells.each do |cell| #TODO: keep track of cells for each point here for more efficiently keeping track of cells inside a polygon cell.points.each do |pt| if points.include?(pt) # Shared vertex, remove it. points.delete(pt) else points << pt end end end points = points.to_a #x first sort points_sort_x = points.sort{ |s, other| s.x_first_cmp(other) } points_sort_y = points.sort edges_h = {} edges_v = {} i = 0 while i < points.size do curr_y = points_sort_y[i].y while i < points.size && points_sort_y[i].y == curr_y do edges_h[points_sort_y[i]] = points_sort_y[i + 1] edges_h[points_sort_y[i + 1]] = points_sort_y[i] i += 2 end end i = 0 while i < points.size do curr_x = points_sort_x[i].x while i < points.size && points_sort_x[i].x == curr_x do edges_v[points_sort_x[i]] = points_sort_x[i + 1] edges_v[points_sort_x[i + 1]] = points_sort_x[i] i += 2 end end # Get all the polygons. polygons = [] while !edges_h.empty? # We can start with any point. #TODO: should the polygon be represented just by an ordered array of points? polygon = [[edges_h.shift[0], :horiz]] #popitem removes and returns a random key-value pair loop do curr, e = polygon.last if e == :horiz next_vertex = edges_v.delete(curr) polygon << [next_vertex, :vert] else next_vertex = edges_h.delete(curr) #pop removes and returns the value at key `curr` polygon << [next_vertex, :horiz] end if polygon[-1] == polygon[0] # Closed polygon polygon.pop() break end end # Remove implementation-markers (:horiz and :vert) from the polygon.!{|point, _| point} polygon.each do |vertex| edges_h.delete(vertex) if edges_h.include?(vertex) edges_v.delete(vertex) if edges_v.include?(vertex) end polygons << polygon end # for efficiency's sake, we maybe ought to use java Polygon objects internally # for flexibility, we don't. do |polygon| xpoints = [] ypoints = [] polygon.each do |pt| xpoints << pt.x ypoints << pt.y end, ypoints.to_java(Java::int), xpoints.size)) #lol jruby end end end end