module ActsAsChattable module Model def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods mattr_accessor :messages_class_name # Method make ActiveRecord::Base object chattable # @param [Symbol] :table_name - table name for messages # @param [String] :class_name - message class name # @param [Array, Symbol] :required - required fields in message # @param [Symbol] :dependent - dependent option from ActiveRecord has_many method def acts_as_chattable(options = {}) default_options = { :table_name => "messages", :class_name => "ActsAsChattable::Message", :required => [:body], :dependent => :nullify } options = default_options.merge(options) has_many :received_messages_relation, :as => :received_messageable, :class_name => options[:class_name], :dependent => options[:dependent] has_many :sent_messages_relation, :as => :sent_messageable, :class_name => options[:class_name], :dependent => options[:dependent] self.messages_class_name = options[:class_name].constantize if self.messages_class_name.respond_to?(:table_name=) self.messages_class_name.table_name = options[:table_name] else self.messages_class_name.set_table_name(options[:table_name]) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Calling set_table_name is deprecated. Please use `self.table_name = 'the_name'` instead.") end self.messages_class_name.required = Array.wrap(options[:required]) self.messages_class_name.validates_presence_of self.messages_class_name.required include ActsAsChattable::Model::InstanceMethods end # Method recognize real object class # @return [ActiveRecord::Base] class or relation object def resolve_active_record_ancestor self.reflect_on_association(:received_messages_relation).active_record end end module InstanceMethods # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] all messages connected with user def messages(trash = false) result = self.class.messages_class_name.connected_with(self, trash) result.relation_context = self result end def messages_with(friend) ActsAsChattable::Message.where("(received_messageable_id = #{} AND sent_messageable_id = #{}) OR (sent_messageable_id = #{} AND received_messageable_id = #{})") .order('id DESC') end # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] returns all messages from inbox def received_messages result = result = result.scoped.where(:recipient_delete => false) result.relation_context = self result end # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] returns all messages from outbox def sent_messages result = result = result.scoped.where(:sender_delete => false) result.relation_context = self result end # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] returns all messages from trash def deleted_messages messages true end # Method sens message to another user # @param [ActiveRecord::Base] to # @param [String] topic # @param [String] body # # @return [ActsAsChattable::Message] the message object def send_message(to, *args) message_attributes = {} case args.first when String self.class.messages_class_name.required.each_with_index do |attribute, index| message_attributes[attribute] = args[index] end when Hash message_attributes = args.first end message = message_attributes message.received_messageable = to message.sent_messageable = self message end # Method send message to another user # and raise exception in case of validation errors # @param [ActiveRecord::Base] to # @param [String] topic # @param [String] body # # @return [ActsAsChattable::Message] the message object def send_message!(to, *args) send_message(to, *args).save! end # Mark message as deleted def delete_message(message) current_user = self case current_user when attribute = message.recipient_delete ? :recipient_permanent_delete : :recipient_delete when message.from attribute = message.sender_delete ? :sender_permanent_delete : :sender_delete else raise "#{current_user} can't delete this message" end message.update_attributes!(attribute => true) end # Mark message as restored def restore_message(message) current_user = self case current_user when attribute = :recipient_delete when message.from attribute = :sender_delete else raise "#{current_user} can't restore this message" end message.update_attributes!(attribute => false) end end end end