# frozen_string_literal: true require "cable_ready/installer" # verify that Action Cable is installed if defined?(ActionCable::Engine) say "✅ ActionCable::Engine is loaded and in scope" else halt "ActionCable::Engine is not loaded, please add or uncomment `require \"action_cable/engine\"` to your `config/application.rb`" return end return if pack_path_missing? # verify that the Action Cable pubsub config is created cable_config = Rails.root.join("config/cable.yml") if cable_config.exist? say "✅ config/cable.yml is present" else inside "config" do template "cable.yml" end end # verify that the Action Cable pubsub is set to use redis in development yaml = YAML.safe_load(cable_config.read) app_name = Rails.application.class.module_parent.name.underscore if yaml["development"]["adapter"] == "redis" say "✅ config/cable.yml is configured to use the redis adapter in development" elsif yaml["development"]["adapter"] == "async" yaml["development"] = { "adapter" => "redis", "url" => "<%= ENV.fetch(\"REDIS_URL\") { \"redis://localhost:6379/1\" } %>", "channel_prefix" => "#{app_name}_development" } backup(cable_config) do cable_config.write(yaml.to_yaml) end say "✅ config/cable.yml was updated to use the redis adapter in development" else say "🤷 config/cable.yml should use the redis adapter - or something like it - in development. You have something else specified, and we trust that you know what you're doing." end if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 7 add_gem "redis@~> 5" else add_gem "redis@~> 4" end # install action-cable-redis-backport gem if using Action Cable < 7.1 unless ActionCable::VERSION::MAJOR >= 7 && ActionCable::VERSION::MINOR >= 1 if !gemfile.match?(/gem ['"]action-cable-redis-backport['"]/) add_gem "action-cable-redis-backport@~> 1" end end # verify that the Action Cable channels folder and consumer class is available step_path = "/app/javascript/channels/" channels_path = Rails.root.join(entrypoint, "channels") consumer_src = fetch(step_path, "consumer.js.tt") consumer_path = channels_path / "consumer.js" index_src = fetch(step_path, "index.js.#{bundler}.tt") index_path = channels_path / "index.js" friendly_index_path = index_path.relative_path_from(Rails.root).to_s empty_directory channels_path unless channels_path.exist? copy_file(consumer_src, consumer_path) unless consumer_path.exist? if index_path.exist? if index_path.read == index_src.read say "✅ #{friendly_index_path} is present" else backup(index_path) do copy_file(index_src, index_path, verbose: false) end say "✅ #{friendly_index_path} has been created" end else copy_file(index_src, index_path) end # import Action Cable channels into application pack channels_pattern = /import ['"](\.\.\/|\.\/)?channels['"]/ channels_commented_pattern = /\s*\/\/\s*#{channels_pattern}/ channel_import = "import \"#{prefix}channels\"\n" if pack.match?(channels_pattern) if pack.match?(channels_commented_pattern) proceed = if options.key? "uncomment" options["uncomment"] else !no?("✨ Action Cable seems to be commented out in your application.js. Do you want to uncomment it? (Y/n)") end if proceed # uncomment_lines only works with Ruby comments 🙄 lines = pack_path.readlines matches = lines.select { |line| line =~ channels_commented_pattern } lines[lines.index(matches.last).to_i] = channel_import pack_path.write lines.join say "✅ channels imported in #{friendly_pack_path}" else say "🤷 your Action Cable channels are not being imported in your application.js. We trust that you have a reason for this." end else say "✅ channels imported in #{friendly_pack_path}" end else lines = pack_path.readlines matches = lines.select { |line| line =~ /^import / } lines.insert lines.index(matches.last).to_i + 1, channel_import pack_path.write lines.join say "✅ channels imported in #{friendly_pack_path}" end # create working copy of Action Cable initializer in tmp if action_cable_initializer_path.exist? FileUtils.cp(action_cable_initializer_path, action_cable_initializer_working_path) else # create Action Cable initializer if it doesn't already exist create_file(action_cable_initializer_working_path, verbose: false) do <<~RUBY # frozen_string_literal: true RUBY end say "✅ Action Cable initializer created" end # silence notoriously chatty Action Cable logs if !action_cable_initializer_working_path.read.match?(/^[^#]*ActionCable.server.config.logger/) append_file(action_cable_initializer_working_path, verbose: false) do <<~RUBY ActionCable.server.config.logger = Logger.new(nil) RUBY end say "✅ Action Cable logger silenced for performance and legibility" end complete_step :action_cable