require 'spec_helper' module Spec module Example describe 'ExampleGroupMethods' do with_sandboxed_options do attr_reader :example_group, :result, :reporter before(:each) do # See method_with_three_args = lambda { |arg1, arg2, arg3| } options.formatters << mock("formatter", :null_object => true, :example_pending => method_with_three_args) options.backtrace_tweaker = mock("backtrace_tweaker", :null_object => true) @reporter = options.reporter = reporter @example_group = do describe("ExampleGroup") it "does nothing" end end after(:each) do ExampleGroupDouble.reset end ["describe","context"].each do |method| describe "##{method}" do describe "when creating an ExampleGroup" do before(:each) do @parent_example_group = do example "first example" do; end end @child_example_group = @parent_example_group.__send__ method, "Child" do example "second example" do; end end end it "should create a subclass of the ExampleGroup when passed a block" do @child_example_group.superclass.should == @parent_example_group options.example_groups.should include(@child_example_group) end it "should not inherit examples" do @child_example_group.should have(1).examples end it "records the spec path" do @child_example_group.location.should =~ /#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 15}/ end end describe "when creating an example group with no description" do it "raises an ArgumentError" do lambda do end.should raise_error(Spec::Example::NoDescriptionError, /No description supplied for example group declared on #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 1}/) end end describe "when creating a SharedExampleGroup" do before(:each) do @shared_example_group = @example_group.__send__ method, "A Shared ExampleGroup", :shared => true do; end end after(:each) do SharedExampleGroup.instance_eval{@shared_example_groups}.delete @shared_example_group end it "should create a SharedExampleGroup" do @shared_example_group.should_not be_nil SharedExampleGroup.find("A Shared ExampleGroup").should == @shared_example_group end end end end [:example, :specify, :it].each do |method| describe "##{method.to_s}" do it "should add an example" do lambda { @example_group.__send__(method, "") }.should change { @example_group.examples.length }.by(1) end describe "with no location supplied" do describe "creates an ExampleProxy" do before(:all) do @example_group ="bar") @example_proxy = @example_group.__send__(method, "foo", {:this => :that}) {} @location = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__ - 1}" end specify "with a description" do @example_proxy.description.should == "foo" end specify "with options" do @example_proxy.options.should == {:this => :that} end specify "with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)" do Spec.stub!(:deprecate) @example_proxy.backtrace.should =~ /#{@location}/ end specify "with a default location" do @example_proxy.location.should =~ /#{@location}/ end end end describe "with a location supplied" do describe "creates an ExampleProxy" do before(:all) do @example_group ="bar") @example_proxy = @example_group.__send__(method, "foo", {:this => :that}, "the location") {} end specify "with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)" do Spec.stub!(:deprecate) @example_proxy.backtrace.should == "the location" end specify "with the supplied location as #location" do @example_proxy.location.should == "the location" end end end end end [:xexample, :xit, :xspecify].each do |method| describe "##{method.to_s}" do before(:each) do Kernel.stub!(:warn) end it "should NOT create an example" do lambda { @example_group.__send__(method,"") }.should_not change(@example_group.examples, :length) end it "should warn that the example is disabled" do Kernel.should_receive(:warn).with("Example disabled: foo") @example_group.__send__(method,"foo") end end end describe "#examples" do it "should have Examples" do example_group = do it "should exist" do; end end example_group.examples.length.should == 1 example_group.examples.first.description.should == "should exist" end it "should not include methods that begin with test (only when TU interop is loaded)" do example_group = do def test_any_args(*args) true.should be_true end def test_something 1.should == 1 end def test raise "This is not a real test" end def testify raise "This is not a real test" end def should_something # forces the run end end example_group.examples.length.should == 1 be_true end it "should include methods that begin with should and has an arity of 0 in suite" do example_group = do def shouldCamelCase true.should be_true end def should_any_args(*args) true.should be_true end def should_something 1.should == 1 end def should_not_something 1.should_not == 2 end def should raise "This is not a real example" end def should_not raise "This is not a real example" end end example_group.should have(4).examples descriptions = example_group.examples.collect {|e| e.description} descriptions.should include( "shouldCamelCase", "should_any_args", "should_something", "should_not_something") descriptions.should_not include( "should", "should_not" ) end it "should not include methods that begin with test_ and has an arity > 0 in suite" do example_group = do def test_invalid(foo) 1.should == 1 end def testInvalidCamelCase(foo) 1.should == 1 end end example_group.should have(:no).examples end it "should not include methods that begin with should_ and has an arity > 0 in suite" do example_group = do def should_invalid(foo) 1.should == 2 end def shouldInvalidCamelCase(foo) 1.should == 3 end def should_not_invalid(foo) 1.should == 4 end def should_valid 1.should == 1 end end example_group.should have(1).examples be_true end it "should run should_methods" do example_group = do def should_valid 1.should == 2 end end example_group.should have(1).examples be_false end end describe "#set_description" do attr_reader :example_group before do class << example_group public :set_description end end describe "given a String" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description("abc") end specify ".description should return the String passed into .set_description" do example_group.description.should == "abc" end specify ".described_type should provide nil as its type" do example_group.described_type.should be_nil end end describe "given a Class" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup) end specify ".description should return a String representation of that type (fully qualified) as its name" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup" end specify ".described_type should return the passed in type" do example_group.described_type.should == Spec::Example::ExampleGroup end end describe "given a String and a Class" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description("behaving", ExampleGroup) end specify ".description should return String then space then Type" do example_group.description.should == "behaving Spec::Example::ExampleGroup" end specify ".described_type should return the passed in type" do example_group.described_type.should == Spec::Example::ExampleGroup end end describe "given a Class and a String (starting with an alpha char)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup, "behaving") end specify ".description should return the Type then space then String" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup behaving" end end describe "given a Class and a String (starting with a '.')" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup, ".behaving") end specify ".description should return the Type then String" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup.behaving" end end describe "#set_description(Class, String starting with #)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup, "#behaving") end specify "should return the Class then String" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#behaving" end end describe "#set_description(Class, String containing .)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup, "calling a.b") end specify ".description should return the Type then space then String" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup calling a.b" end end describe "#set_description(Class, String containing #)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(ExampleGroup, "is #1") end specify ".description should return the Type then space then String" do example_group.description.should == "Spec::Example::ExampleGroup is #1" end end describe "#set_description(String, Type, String)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description("A", Hash, "with one entry") end specify ".description should return the first String then space then Type then second String" do example_group.description.should == "A Hash with one entry" end end describe "#set_description(Hash representing options)" do before(:each) do example_group.set_description(:a => "b", :location => "blah") end it ".location should expand the passed in :location option passed into the constructor" do example_group.location.should == File.expand_path("blah") end it ".options should return all the options passed in" do example_group.options.should == {:a => "b", :location => "blah"} end end end describe "#description" do it "should return the same description instance for each call" do example_group.description.should eql(example_group.description) end it "should not add a space when description begins with #" do child_example_group = do describe("#foobar", "Does something") end child_example_group.description.should == "ExampleGroup#foobar Does something" end it "should not add a space when description begins with ." do child_example_group = do describe(".foobar", "Does something") end child_example_group.description.should == "ExampleGroup.foobar Does something" end it "should return the class name if nil" do example_group.set_description(nil) example_group.description.should =~ /Class:/ end it "should return the class name if nil" do example_group.set_description("") example_group.description.should =~ /Class:/ end it "is cached" do example_group.set_description("describe me") example_group.description.should be(example_group.description) end end describe "#description_parts" do it "should return an Array of the current class description args" do example_group.description_parts.should == [example_group.description] end it "should return an Array of the description args from each class in the hierarchy" do parent_example_group = do describe("Parent") end child_example_group = child_example_group.describe("Child", ExampleGroup) child_example_group.description.should_not be_empty grand_child_example_group = grand_child_example_group.describe("GrandChild", ExampleGroup) grand_child_example_group.description.should_not be_empty grand_child_example_group.description_parts.should == [ "Parent", "Child", Spec::Example::ExampleGroup, "GrandChild", Spec::Example::ExampleGroup ] end it "caches the description parts" do example_group.description_parts.should equal(example_group.description_parts) end end describe "#described_type" do it "should return passed in type" do child_example_group = do describe Object end child_example_group.described_type.should == Object end it "should return #described_type of superclass when no passed in type" do parent_example_group = do describe Object, "#foobar" end child_example_group = do describe "not a type" end child_example_group.described_type.should == Object end it "is cached per example group" do klass = group = do describe(klass) end group.should_receive(:description_parts).once.and_return([klass]) group.described_type group.described_type end end describe "#include" do it "should have accessible class methods from included module" do mod_method_called = false mod = do class_methods = do define_method :mod_method do mod_method_called = true end end self.class.class_eval do define_method(:included) do |receiver| receiver.extend class_methods end end end @example_group.__send__ :include, mod @example_group.mod_method mod_method_called.should be_true end end describe "#number_of_examples" do it "should count number of examples" do proc do"one") {}"two") {}"three") {}"four") {} end.should change {@example_group.number_of_examples}.by(4) end end describe "#class_eval" do it "should allow constants to be defined" do example_group = do FOO = 1 it "should reference FOO" do FOO.should == 1 end end success = success.should be_true Object.const_defined?(:FOO).should == false end end describe '#register' do after(:each) do Spec::Runner.options.remove_example_group example_group end it "should add ExampleGroup to set of ExampleGroups to be run" do Spec::Runner.options.add_example_group example_group options.example_groups.should include(example_group) end end describe '#remove_example_group' do before(:each) do Spec::Runner.options.add_example_group example_group end it "should remove ExampleGroup from set of ExampleGroups to be run" do Spec::Runner.options.remove_example_group example_group options.example_groups.should_not include(example_group) end end describe "#run" do describe "given an example group with at least one example" do it "should call add_example_group" do example_group = do example("anything") {} end reporter.should_receive(:add_example_group) end end describe "given an example group with no examples" do it "should NOT call add_example_group" do example_group = do end reporter.should_not_receive(:add_example_group) end end end describe "#matcher_class=" do it "should call new and matches? on the class used for matching examples" do example_group = do it "should do something" do end def self.specified_examples ["something"] end def self.to_s "TestMatcher" end end matcher = mock("matcher") matcher.should_receive(:matches?).with(["something"]).any_number_of_times matcher_class = matcher_class.should_receive(:new).with("TestMatcher", "should do something").and_return(matcher) begin ExampleGroupMethods.matcher_class = matcher_class ensure ExampleGroupMethods.matcher_class = ExampleMatcher end end end describe "#options" do it "should expose the options hash" do group = describe("group", :this => 'hash') {} group.options[:this].should == 'hash' end end describe "#before" do it "stores before(:each) blocks" do example_group = {} block = lambda {} example_group.before(:each, &block) example_group.before_each_parts.should include(block) end it "stores before(:all) blocks" do example_group = {} block = lambda {} example_group.before(:all, &block) example_group.before_all_parts.should include(block) end it "stores before(:suite) blocks" do example_group = {} parts = [] ExampleGroupMethods.stub!(:before_suite_parts).and_return(parts) block = lambda {} example_group.before(:suite, &block) example_group.before_suite_parts.should include(block) end end describe "#after" do it "stores after(:each) blocks" do example_group = {} block = lambda {} example_group.after(:each, &block) example_group.after_each_parts.should include(block) end it "stores after(:all) blocks" do example_group = {} block = lambda {} example_group.after(:all, &block) example_group.after_all_parts.should include(block) end it "stores after(:suite) blocks" do example_group = {} parts = [] ExampleGroupMethods.stub!(:after_suite_parts).and_return(parts) block = lambda {} example_group.after(:suite, &block) example_group.after_suite_parts.should include(block) end end describe "#run_before_all" do it "does not create an instance if before_all_parts are empty" do example_group = { example("one example") {} } example_group.should_not_receive(:new) example_group.__send__ :run_before_all, nil end end describe "#run_after_all" do it "does not create an instance if after_all_parts are empty" do example_group = { example("one example") {} } example_group.should_not_receive(:new) example_group.__send__ :run_after_all, true, {}, nil end end describe "#examples_to_run" do it "runs only the example identified by a line number" do example_group ="this") do it { 3.should == 3 } it "has another example which raises" do raise "this shouldn't have run" end end options.examples << :ignore options.line_number = __LINE__ - 6 options.files << __FILE__ be_true end it "runs the example identified by a line number even if it's not the example line number" do example_group ="this") do it { raise "foo" } end options.examples << :ignore options.line_number = __LINE__ - 3 options.files << __FILE__ be_false end it "runs all the examples in the group " do first_example_ran = false second_example_ran = false example_group ="this") do it { first_example_ran = true } it { second_example_ran = true } end options.line_number = __LINE__ - 6 options.files << __FILE__ options.examples << :ignore first_example_ran.should be_true second_example_ran.should be_true end it "doesn't run any examples in another group" do example_ran = false example_group_1 ="this") do it "ignore" do example_ran = true end end example_group_2 ="that") do end options.examples << :ignore options.line_number = __LINE__ - 3 options.files << __FILE__ example_ran.should be_false end end describe "#define" do let(:counter) do do def initialize @count = 0 end def count @count += 1 end end it "generates an instance method" do counter.count.should == 1 end it "caches the value" do counter.count.should == 1 counter.count.should == 2 end end end end end end