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jQuery gMap - Google Maps API V3

gMap is a jQuery plugin that helps you embed Google Maps into your website. With less than 2 KB (minified and gzipped) in size it is very flexible and highly customizable

Original version by Cedric Kasner, modified by Mario Estrada to use the Google Maps API V3.


Default View

This will be replaced with the Google Map.



Custom Controls and Map Type

This will be replaced with the Google Map.


     latitude: -2.206,
     longitude: -79.897,
     maptype: 'TERRAIN',
     zoom: 8,
     controls: {
         panControl: true,
         zoomControl: false,
         mapTypeControl: true,
         scaleControl: false,
         streetViewControl: false,
         overviewMapControl: false


This will be replaced with the Google Map.


	address: "Quito, Ecuador",
	zoom: 5,
			latitude: -2.2014,
			longitude: -80.9763,
			html: "_latlng"
			address: "Guayaquil, Ecuador",
			html: "My Hometown",
			popup: true
			address: "Galapagos, Ecuador",
			html: "_address"

Kitchen Sink - Extended Usage

This will be replaced with the Google Map.


	controls: false,
	scrollwheel: true,
	maptype: 'TERRAIN',
	markers: [
			latitude: 47.670553,
			longitude: 9.588479,
			icon: {
				image: "images/gmap_pin_orange.png",
				iconsize: [26, 46],
				iconanchor: [12,46]
			latitude: 47.65197522925437,
			longitude: 9.47845458984375
			latitude: 47.594996,
			longitude: 9.600708,
			icon: {
				image: "images/gmap_pin_grey.png",
				iconsize: [26, 46],
				iconanchor: [12,46]
	icon: {
		image: "images/gmap_pin.png", 
		iconsize: [26, 46],
		iconanchor: [12, 46]
	latitude: 47.58969,
	longitude: 9.473413,
	zoom: 10