class Ufo::CLI::Ps class Task < Ufo::CLI::Base def initialize(options={}) super @task = options[:task] # task response from ecs.list_tasks end def to_a row = [id, name, release, started, status, notes] row end def id @task['task_arn'].split('/').last.split('-').first end def name container_overrides = @task.dig("overrides", "container_overrides") overrides = container_overrides.first # assume first is one we want overrides["name"] if overrides # PENDING wont yet have info rescue NoMethodError container = @task["containers"].first container["name"] if container # PENDING wont yet have info end def container_instance_arn @task['container_instance_arn'].split('/').last end def release @task["task_definition_arn"].split('/').last end def started started = time(@task["started_at"]) return "PENDING" unless started relative_time(started) end def time(value) Time.parse(value.to_s) rescue ArgumentError nil end # hide stopped tasks have been stopped for more than 5 minutes # created_at=2018-07-05 21:52:13 -0700, # started_at=2018-07-05 21:52:15 -0700, # stopping_at=2018-07-05 22:03:44 -0700, # stopped_at=2018-07-05 22:03:45 -0700, def hide? return false if @options[:status] == "stopped" started_at = time(@task["started_at"]) return false unless started_at # edge case when started_at not yet set time = - 60 * status == "STOPPED" && started_at < time end def status @task["last_status"] end # Grab all the reasons and surface to user. # Even though will make the table output ugly, debugging info merits it. # # ufo ps --format json # def notes return unless @task["stopped_reason"] notes = [] notes << "Task Stopped Reason: #{@task["stopped_reason"]}." @task.containers.each do |container| notes << "Container #{} reason: #{container.reason}" unless container.reason.blank? end notes.join(" ") end # def relative_time(start_time) diff_seconds = - start_time case diff_seconds when 0 .. 59 "#{diff_seconds.to_i} seconds ago" when 60 .. (3600-1) "#{(diff_seconds/60).to_i} minutes ago" when 3600 .. (3600*24-1) "#{(diff_seconds/3600).to_i} hours ago" when (3600*24) .. (3600*24*30) "#{(diff_seconds/(3600*24)).to_i} days ago" else start_time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end end class << self def header %w[Task Name Release Started Status Notes] end end end end