require 'net/https' require 'json' require 'net/http/post/multipart' module Databasedotcom # Interface for operating the REST API class Client # The client id (aka "Consumer Key") to use for OAuth2 authentication attr_accessor :client_id # The client secret (aka "Consumer Secret" to use for OAuth2 authentication) attr_accessor :client_secret # The OAuth access token in use by the client attr_accessor :oauth_token # The base URL to the authenticated user's SalesForce instance attr_accessor :instance_url # If true, print API debugging information to stdout. Defaults to false. attr_accessor :debugging # The host to use for OAuth2 authentication. Defaults to attr_accessor :host # The API version the client is using. Defaults to 23.0 attr_accessor :version # A Module in which to materialize Sobject classes. Defaults to the global module (Object) attr_accessor :sobject_module # The SalesForce user id of the authenticated user attr_reader :user_id # The SalesForce username attr_accessor :username # The SalesForce password attr_accessor :password # Returns a new client object. _options_ can be one of the following # # * A String containing the name of a YAML file formatted like: # --- # client_id: # client_secret: # host: # debugging: true # version: 23.0 # sobject_module: My::Module # * A Hash containing the following keys: # client_id # client_secret # host # debugging # version # sobject_module # If the environment variables DATABASEDOTCOM_CLIENT_ID, DATABASEDOTCOM_CLIENT_SECRET, DATABASEDOTCOM_HOST, # DATABASEDOTCOM_DEBUGGING, DATABASEDOTCOM_VERSION, and/or DATABASEDOTCOM_SOBJECT_MODULE are present, they # override any other values provided def initialize(options = {}) if options.is_a?(String) @options = YAML.load_file(options) else @options = options end @options.symbolize_keys! if ENV['DATABASE_COM_URL'] url = URI.parse(ENV['DATABASE_COM_URL']) url_options = Hash[url.query.split("&").map{|q| q.split("=")}].symbolize_keys! = self.client_id = url_options[:oauth_key] self.client_secret = url_options[:oauth_secret] self.username = url_options[:user] self.password = url_options[:password] self.sobject_module = "Databasedotcom::Sobject" else self.client_id = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_CLIENT_ID'] || @options[:client_id] self.client_secret = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_CLIENT_SECRET'] || @options[:client_secret] = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_HOST'] || @options[:host] || "" self.debugging = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_DEBUGGING'] || @options[:debugging] self.version = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_VERSION'] || @options[:version] self.version = self.version.to_s if self.version self.sobject_module = ENV['DATABASEDOTCOM_SOBJECT_MODULE'] || (@options && @options[:sobject_module]) end end # Authenticate to the API. _options_ is a Hash, interpreted as follows: # # * If _options_ contains the keys :username and :password, those credentials are used to authenticate. In this case, the value of :password may need to include a concatenated security token, if required by your Salesforce org # * If _options_ contains the key :provider, it is assumed to be the hash returned by Omniauth from a successful web-based OAuth2 authentication # * If _options_ contains the keys :token and :instance_url, those are assumed to be a valid OAuth2 token and instance URL for a Salesforce account, obtained from an external source # # Raises SalesForceError if an error occurs def authenticate(options = nil) if user_and_pass?(options) req =, 443) req.use_ssl=true user = self.username || options[:username] pass = self.password || options[:password] path = "/services/oauth2/token?grant_type=password&client_id=#{self.client_id}&client_secret=#{client_secret}&username=#{user}&password=#{pass}" log_request("https://#{}/#{path}") result =, "") log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) json = JSON.parse(result.body) @user_id = json["id"].match(/\/([^\/]+)$/)[1] rescue nil self.instance_url = json["instance_url"] self.oauth_token = json["access_token"] elsif options.is_a?(Hash) if options.has_key?("provider") @user_id = options["extra"]["user_hash"]["user_id"] rescue nil self.instance_url = options["credentials"]["instance_url"] self.oauth_token = options["credentials"]["token"] else raise ArgumentError unless options.has_key?(:token) && options.has_key?(:instance_url) self.instance_url = options[:instance_url] self.oauth_token = options[:token] end end self.version = "23.0" unless self.version self.oauth_token end # Returns an Array of Strings listing the class names for every type of _Sobject_ in the database. Raises SalesForceError if an error occurs. def list_sobjects result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects") if result.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) JSON.parse(result.body)["sobjects"].collect { |sobject| sobject["name"] } elsif result.is_a?(Net::HTTPBadRequest) raise end end # Dynamically defines classes for class names. _classnames_ can be a single String or an Array of Strings. Returns the class or Array of classes defined. # # client.materialize("Contact") #=> Contact # client.materialize(%w(Contact Company)) #=> [Contact, Company] # # The classes defined by materialize derive from Sobject, and have getters and setters defined for all the attributes defined by the associated Sobject. def materialize(classnames) classes = (classnames.is_a?(Array) ? classnames : [classnames]).collect do |clazz| original_classname = clazz clazz = original_classname[0].capitalize + original_classname[1..-1] unless module_namespace.const_defined?(clazz) new_class = module_namespace.const_set(clazz, new_class.client = self new_class.materialize(original_classname) new_class else module_namespace.const_get(clazz) end end classes.length == 1 ? classes.first : classes end # Returns a description of the Sobject specified by _class_name_. The description includes all fields and their properties for the Sobject. def describe_sobject(class_name) result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{class_name}/describe") JSON.parse(result.body) end # Returns an instance of the Sobject specified by _class_or_classname_ (which can be either a String or a Class) populated with the values of the record specified by _record_id_. # If given a Class that is not defined, it will attempt to materialize the class on demand. # # client.find(Account, "recordid") #=> # def find(class_or_classname, record_id) class_or_classname = find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{class_or_classname.sobject_name}/#{record_id}") response = JSON.parse(result.body) new_record = class_or_classname.description["fields"].each do |field| set_value(new_record, field["name"], response[key_from_label(field["label"])] || response[field["name"]], field["type"]) end new_record end # Returns a Collection of Sobjects of the class specified in the _soql_expr_, which is a valid SOQL[] expression. The objects will only be populated with the values of attributes specified in the query. # # client.query("SELECT Name FROM Account") #=> [#, # ...] def query(soql_expr) result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/query?q=#{soql_expr}") collection_from(result.body) end # Returns a Collection of Sobject instances form the results of the SOSL[] search. # #"FIND {bar}") #=> [#, # ...] def search(sosl_expr) result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/search?q=#{sosl_expr}") collection_from(result.body) end # Used by Collection objects. Returns a Collection of Sobjects from the specified URL path that represents the next page of paginated results. def next_page(path) result = http_get(path) collection_from(result.body) end # Used by Collection objects. Returns a Collection of Sobjects from the specified URL path that represents the previous page of paginated results. def previous_page(path) result = http_get(path) collection_from(result.body) end # Returns a new instance of _class_or_classname_ (which can be passed in as either a String or a Class) with the specified attributes. # # client.create("Car", {"Color" => "Blue", "Year" => "2011"}) #=> # def create(class_or_classname, object_attrs) class_or_classname = find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) json_for_assignment = coerced_json(object_attrs, class_or_classname) result = http_post("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{class_or_classname.sobject_name}", json_for_assignment) new_object = JSON.parse(json_for_assignment).each do |property, value| set_value(new_object, property, value, class_or_classname.type_map[property][:type]) end id = JSON.parse(result.body)["id"] set_value(new_object, "Id", id, "id") new_object end # Updates the attributes of the record of type _class_or_classname_ and specified by _record_id_ with the values of _new_attrs_ in the database. _new_attrs_ is a hash of attribute => value # # client.update("Car", "rid", {"Color" => "Red"}) def update(class_or_classname, record_id, new_attrs) class_or_classname = find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) json_for_update = coerced_json(new_attrs, class_or_classname) http_patch("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{class_or_classname.sobject_name}/#{record_id}", json_for_update) end # Attempts to find the record on of type _class_or_classname_ with attribute _field_ set as _value_. If found, it will update the record with the _attrs_ hash. # If not found, it will create a new record with _attrs_. # # client.upsert(Car, "Color", "Blue", {"Year" => "2012"}) def upsert(class_or_classname, field, value, attrs) clazz = find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) json_for_update = coerced_json(attrs, clazz) http_patch("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{clazz.sobject_name}/#{field}/#{value}", json_for_update) end # Deletes the record of type _class_or_classname_ with id of _record_id_. _class_or_classname_ can be a String or a Class. # # client.delete(Car, "rid") def delete(class_or_classname, record_id) clazz = find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) http_delete("/services/data/v#{self.version}/sobjects/#{clazz.sobject_name}/#{record_id}") end # Returns a Collection of recently touched items. The Collection contains Sobject instances that are fully populated with their correct values. def recent result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/recent") collection_from(result.body) end # Returns an array of trending topic names. def trending_topics result = http_get("/services/data/v#{self.version}/chatter/topics/trending") result = JSON.parse(result.body) result["topics"].collect { |topic| topic["name"] } end # Performs an HTTP GET request to the specified path (relative to self.instance_url). Query parameters are included from _parameters_. The required # +Authorization+ header is automatically included, as are any additional headers specified in _headers_. Returns the HTTPResult if it is of type # HTTPSuccess- raises SalesForceError otherwise. def http_get(path, parameters={}, headers={}) req =, 443) req.use_ssl = true path_parameters = (parameters || {}).collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') encoded_path = [URI.escape(path), path_parameters.empty? ? nil : path_parameters].compact.join('?') log_request(encoded_path) result = req.get(encoded_path, {"Authorization" => "OAuth #{self.oauth_token}"}.merge(headers)) log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) result end # Performs an HTTP DELETE request to the specified path (relative to self.instance_url). Query parameters are included from _parameters_. The required # +Authorization+ header is automatically included, as are any additional headers specified in _headers_. Returns the HTTPResult if it is of type # HTTPSuccess- raises SalesForceError otherwise. def http_delete(path, parameters={}, headers={}) req =, 443) req.use_ssl = true path_parameters = (parameters || {}).collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') encoded_path = [URI.escape(path), path_parameters.empty? ? nil : path_parameters].compact.join('?') log_request(encoded_path) result = req.delete(encoded_path, {"Authorization" => "OAuth #{self.oauth_token}"}.merge(headers)) log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPNoContent) result end # Performs an HTTP POST request to the specified path (relative to self.instance_url). The body of the request is taken from _data_. # Query parameters are included from _parameters_. The required +Authorization+ header is automatically included, as are any additional # headers specified in _headers_. Returns the HTTPResult if it is of type HTTPSuccess- raises SalesForceError otherwise. def http_post(path, data=nil, parameters={}, headers={}) req =, 443) req.use_ssl = true path_parameters = (parameters || {}).collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') encoded_path = [URI.escape(path), path_parameters.empty? ? nil : path_parameters].compact.join('?') log_request(encoded_path, data) result =, data, {"Content-Type" => data ? "application/json" : "text/plain", "Authorization" => "OAuth #{self.oauth_token}"}.merge(headers)) log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) result end # Performs an HTTP PATCH request to the specified path (relative to self.instance_url). The body of the request is taken from _data_. # Query parameters are included from _parameters_. The required +Authorization+ header is automatically included, as are any additional # headers specified in _headers_. Returns the HTTPResult if it is of type HTTPSuccess- raises SalesForceError otherwise. def http_patch(path, data=nil, parameters={}, headers={}) req =, 443) req.use_ssl = true path_parameters = (parameters || {}).collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') encoded_path = [URI.escape(path), path_parameters.empty? ? nil : path_parameters].compact.join('?') log_request(encoded_path, data) result = req.send_request("PATCH", encoded_path, data, {"Content-Type" => data ? "application/json" : "text/plain", "Authorization" => "OAuth #{self.oauth_token}"}.merge(headers)) log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) result end # Performs an HTTP POST request to the specified path (relative to self.instance_url), using Content-Type multiplart/form-data. # The parts of the body of the request are taken from parts_. Query parameters are included from _parameters_. The required # +Authorization+ header is automatically included, as are any additional headers specified in _headers_. # Returns the HTTPResult if it is of type HTTPSuccess- raises SalesForceError otherwise. def http_multipart_post(path, parts, parameters={}, headers={}) req =, 443) req.use_ssl = true path_parameters = (parameters || {}).collect { |k, v| "#{URI.escape(k.to_s)}=#{URI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') encoded_path = [URI.escape(path), path_parameters.empty? ? nil : path_parameters].compact.join('?') log_request(encoded_path) result = req.request(, parts, {"Authorization" => "OAuth #{self.oauth_token}"}.merge(headers))) log_response(result) raise unless result.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess) result end private def log_request(path, data=nil) puts "***** REQUEST: #{path.include?(':') ? path : URI.join(self.instance_url, path)}#{data ? " => #{data}" : ''}" if self.debugging end def log_response(result) puts "***** RESPONSE: #{} -> #{result.body}" if self.debugging end def find_or_materialize(class_or_classname) if class_or_classname.is_a?(Class) clazz = class_or_classname else match = class_or_classname.match(/(?:(.+)::)?(\w+)$/) preceding_namespace = match[1] classname = match[2] raise ArgumentError if preceding_namespace && preceding_namespace != clazz = module_namespace.const_get(classname.to_sym) rescue nil clazz ||= self.materialize(classname) end clazz end def module_namespace self.sobject_module || Object end def collection_from(response) response = JSON.parse(response) array_response = response.is_a?(Array) if array_response records = response.collect { |rec| self.find(rec["attributes"]["type"], rec["Id"]) } else records = response["records"].collect do |record| attributes = record.delete('attributes') new_record = find_or_materialize(attributes["type"]).new record.each do |name, value| field = new_record.description['fields'].find do |field| key_from_label(field["label"]) == name || field["name"] == name end set_value(new_record, field["name"], value, field["type"]) if field end new_record end end, array_response ? records.length : response["totalSize"], array_response ? nil : response["nextRecordsUrl"]).concat(records) end def set_value(record, attr, value, attr_type) value_to_set = value case attr_type when "datetime" value_to_set = DateTime.parse(value) rescue nil when "date" value_to_set = Date.parse(value) rescue nil when "multipicklist" value_to_set = value.split(";") rescue [] end record.send("#{attr}=", value_to_set) end def coerced_json(attrs, clazz) if attrs.is_a?(Hash) coerced_attrs = {} attrs.keys.each do |key| case clazz.field_type(key) when "multipicklist" coerced_attrs[key] = (attrs[key] || []).join(';') when "datetime" coerced_attrs[key] = attrs[key] ? attrs[key].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z") : nil else coerced_attrs[key] = attrs[key] end end coerced_attrs.to_json else attrs end end def key_from_label(label) label.gsub(' ', '_') end def user_and_pass?(options) (self.username && self.password) || (options && options[:username] && options[:password]) end end end